
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:48:25
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Elephants are very big.There are two different kinds of elephants-the African(非洲的) elephant and the Asian(亚洲的) elephant.Their sizes are different.An African elehant is about tjree or four meters(米)tall.An Asian elephant is about three meters tall THE ears of an Asian elephant.AnAfrican elephant is also bigger than an Asian elephant.The tiger is a big cats,currently live tiger has 5 subspecies respectively,India's Bengal tiger,the Indonesian island of Sumatra sumatran tiger,southeast mainland China print branch tiger,the east-northern tiger and the Yangtze river in heilongjiang province of south China tiger The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia,and the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae.The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia,from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula.Populations also extend for considerable distances inland in regions with enough moisture to support suitable woodlands.The koalas of South Australia were largely exterminated during the early part of the 20th century,but the state has since been repopulated with Victorian stock.The koala is not found in Tasmania or Western Australia If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you"pandas are my favourite." I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute.Pandas are very fat and hairy.They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white,their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.The pandas like eating bamboo.Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.The Giraffe is very tall and there are two color on there body.such as yellow,white and a little gray.It's attractive and look very cute.I like it,because,the giraffe is not afraid difficulty...and so on...

写一篇英文介绍大象、老虎、考拉、熊猫、长颈鹿. 考拉,老虎,大象,海豚,和熊猫的来自和特点 鳄鱼大象老虎熊猫造句用这几种词语写故事 写一篇60字英语作文,图片上的动物是熊猫,老虎,树袋熊,狮子,大象,猴子. 假如你家附近开了个动物园,里面有熊猫,老虎,猴子,树袋熊以及其他的动物,请你写一篇短文,介绍动物特征英文 考拉的英文介绍 求一篇介绍熊猫的英文作文 写一篇英语对话小短文对话对象在狮子、熊猫、企鹅、考拉之间任选一个 请根据下列提示写一篇60词左右的短文(英文),介绍广州动物园(Guangzhou Zoo)的情况位置:广州市中心动物:1、大约5000只; 2、有熊猫、袋鼠、猴子、狼、蛇、斑马、狮子、大象等; 用“老虎、大象、小白兔”写一篇童话 求用英语介绍动物:猴子,老虎,熊猫,蛇,大象,骆驼,狮子,狼,羊等,50字左右,任选一个! 谁的鼻子更长,大象的还是熊猫的、大象的鼻子比熊猫的长,用英文怎么说 英文!猫() 狗() 熊猫() 袋鼠() 老虎() 狮子() 猴子() 大象() 英语翻译把下列中文翻译成英文:老虎________,熊猫_________,长颈鹿___________,狮子___________,大象__________ 用熊猫 和大象写一篇 比较级的英语 句中要有 “大象比熊猫大 和高 大象吃的比熊猫多”用熊猫 和大象写一篇 比较级的英语 句中要有 “大象比熊猫大 和高 大象吃的比熊猫多” 明天要交 将下列中文翻译为英文1 四肢恐怖的老虎2 五头友好的大象3 七只逗人喜爱的考拉 动物的国家(来自)以及国家的英语有以下动物1老虎2大象3考拉4企鹅5熊猫6狮子7海豚8长颈鹿!别忘了国家的英语……来自于什么什么 有关动物的介绍(英语)例如:考拉 大象.