has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:06:04
has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句
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has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句
has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句

has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句
A sperm whale has much more teeth than a killer whale
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It has 10 more teeth than a killer whale.可以换成 It has 10 teeth more than a killer whale. A sperm whale has 50 teeth,but a killer whale has 40 teeth.(改为同义句)A sperm whale has()teeth()a killer whale. has teeth a killer whale more than much A sperm whale连词成句 A sperm whale has50teeth;killer whale teeth:40 .lt has____more teeth than a killer whale. A sperm whale has50teeth.lt has____more teeth than a killer whale.数据:sperm whale teeth:50,killer whale teeth:40 A sperm whale has t-----more teeth t------ a killer whale.注意,他已经给了你一个首字母T,我不记得这是填什么了. A sperm whale has 50 teeth.It has__more teeth than a killer whale这个问题是小学英语课本上的,所以回答的时候能不能看看书再说一个准确答案 A sperm whale has50teeth.lt has____more teeth than a killer whale. 一些关于小学英语的题目每一个学生【英文】---------------- 每一条鱼【同上】-----------------------A killer whale has 【40】 teeth.(括号提问)Sperm whale eat 【squid,lobsters and small sharks】.(同上)A fish c HOW L() ARE YOUR LEGS1MY HANDS ARE B() THAN YOURS 2 LINE UP FROM Y() TO O() 3A SPERM WHALE HAS T() MORE TEETH T() a killer whale 谁会谁来 快 一头抹香鲸比一头虎鲸多10个牙齿的英语 A sperm whale has( ) ( )teeth than a killer whale.2.虎鲸在体积上比抹香鲸小.A killer whale is smaller than a sperm whale( ) ( ) ( ) a sperm whale has 50 teeth.提问 ----提问50 he brushes his teeth and has a 3Q Scott (b---)his teeth and has a shower what has a lot of teeth but no mouth what has a lot of teeth but no mouth? “Maria has a sweet teeth.”的意思是什么? It has sharp teeth