■学英语学到想哭The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.还有,那个of不是介词吗?它前面应该是个名词,怎么会是一个形容词thoughtful呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 14:20:09
■学英语学到想哭The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.还有,那个of不是介词吗?它前面应该是个名词,怎么会是一个形容词thoughtful呢?
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■学英语学到想哭The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.还有,那个of不是介词吗?它前面应该是个名词,怎么会是一个形容词thoughtful呢?
The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.

■学英语学到想哭The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.还有,那个of不是介词吗?它前面应该是个名词,怎么会是一个形容词thoughtful呢?
别哭了!pls don't cry ^-^
thoughtful 近于 paying attention to,这里是entertaining guests的意思招待客人

的确。。如果是我的话我会用 to……

■学英语学到想哭The Browns were a great deal more thoughtful of their guests than the Smiths.还有,那个of不是介词吗?它前面应该是个名词,怎么会是一个形容词thoughtful呢? 问一个关于英语的问题The Brown,Brown's,The Browns,The Browns'各是什么意思 成人如何学英语,想在短期内学一些实用性的英语,哪里可以学到? 英语翻译veneno我学英语怎么学到西班牙语了?Can sb.tell me the question why? 英语文章The Browns are the Smiths' neigubors.Mr Brown's name is John.But 学英语怎样才能学到外国人的语调? 布朗一家人正在澳大利亚观光旅行 英语The Browns _____ _____ _____ in Australia. 学护理必须学英语吗 要学到什么程度 ■学英语学到笑请问reach和reach in有什么区别?请不要答非所问. 学英语口语学到哭了,还是没长进,想报韦博英语,试试, 想学英语,用在交流和翻译上,要学到什么程度,要多久? 想学英语可是基础的知识都忘记了.那里可以学到.(包括口语) The Browns are on holiday in sanya. Look!The browns are over there改错 拜见布朗一家 MEET THE BROWNS怎么样 学英语杭州零基础英语在哪能学到? ■学英语学到很想学I'll be unable to join you.Please_______________my name from the list.A.removeB.get rid ofC.take awayD.turned out请问选那个,其他错误的理由是什么? ■学英语学到老外竖起大拇指By the time we got to the cinema,the film________for half an hour.A.had begunB.had been on正确答案是B,请问为什么不选A