
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 06:09:02
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Recently,there were plenty of traffic accidents.Some were the results of not wearing seatbelts.We should pay attention to these.
Wearing seatbelts is a very small matter,should not be treated as "can do with or without".
Why do we have to wear seatbelts?Because during a collision if you are wearing a seatbelt,then the seatbelt can tight you to your seat and you will not hit your head on the dashboard or windscreen.It could ensure your safety.
To do this is not just for you but also for your family.Not just being responsible for yourslef but also responsible for your family.
Please be a qualified driver!

Recently years, traffic accidents haappends from time to time. Some of them are the consequences of having not fastend seat belt, which we should pay more attention to.
Although fastening se...


Recently years, traffic accidents haappends from time to time. Some of them are the consequences of having not fastend seat belt, which we should pay more attention to.
Although fastening sea belt is a small case,it is frankly important for our safty of lives because while being confronted with danger, seat belt is the last sheld that protect us. When crash happens, seat belt can fix the passengers in the seats, preventing them collide onto the automobile glass and steering wheel, and in this way, it can protect us.
Fastening seat belt is not only take responsibility for yourselves, but also your families.So, please t be a qualified driver for you and others.


In recent years, traffic accidents occurs often, some of which are the result of not wearing a seatbelt. This should arouse our attention.
wearing the seatbelt is a small thing, but we should ...


In recent years, traffic accidents occurs often, some of which are the result of not wearing a seatbelt. This should arouse our attention.
wearing the seatbelt is a small thing, but we should never take it lightly.
Why should we wear the seatbelt? Beacuse a seatbelt can fix a man on the seat in case of the car accident. So the driver or the passenger won't hit the steering wheel or the front glass, thus ensuring your safety.
To do so not only benefits yourself, but also your families. you should be responsible for you family as well as yourself.
so, be a qualified driver!


英语翻译近年来,交通事故时有发生,有些是不系安全带而造成的后果,这应该引起我们的注意.系安全带是一件很小的事情,绝对不能认为这是一件可有可无的事情.为什么要系安全带呢?因为安全 近年来小学交通事故 近年来交通事故死亡人数一般每年是多少? 请你根据你所了解到的交通事故,诉大家应该如何注意交通安全,写一篇英语短文80个单词左右据报道,近年来交通事故已经成为危害青少年生命安全的主要因素,不遵守交通规则是引发交通事故 英语翻译 她没有告诉我交通事故是如何发生的 近年来,因假酒而造成中毒的事件在我国时有发生.这是因为假酒中含有过量的(  )A、水 B、乙醇 C、甲醇 D、碳酸 交通事故 珊瑚虫是一种腔肠动物,生活在热带和亚热带海洋底部,我省沿海大量分布.珊瑚虫的骨骼是形成珊瑚礁和珊瑚岛的主要成分.近年来,滥挖珊瑚礁出售和烧制石灰的现象时有发生,你说说这样的做 希望是近年来的, 斑马线是马路上人行横道的标志.近年来,斑马线上交通事故频发,教训惨痛.某地发起“我爱斑马线”活动请你以斑马线的口吻写一句温馨提示,提醒司机和行人在穿越斑马线时注意安全现在立 ‘必须采取措施阻止交通事故发生’的英语翻译 英语翻译:这次交通事故的原因是什么 近年来 英语翻译反腐倡廉是每一个国家和政府任何时期都高度重视的问题,是关系到一个政权和民族生死存亡的严重政治斗争.当前,领导干部和机关工作人员以权谋私,贪污受贿等违纪案件时有发生; 英语翻译近年来,海洋主题公园发展迅速,是当今国内外旅游开发的热点. 是著名的避署胜地 ,近年来对外贸易繁荣,已成为一个国际港口城市 英语翻译 英语翻译会计监督是会计的基本职能,随着市场经济的不断发展,会计工作的发展产生了很大变化,会计失真现象时有发生,会计监督职能面临严峻挑战。针对目前会计形势,加强会计监督 英语翻译:1,通常交通事故是由于草率驾驶 2,这位网络销售英语翻译:1,通常交通事故是由于草率驾驶 2,这位网络销售主管调查研究后开始实施自己的计划