
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/15 03:37:04
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1.Befor give the translation,you must read more times,looking for where need to change.Just like that,you can do the job well.
2.People apply for the apply for college,who have been the woke experience is highly desirable.
3.She never thought of he was dishonesty.
4.There had a lot of important historic things happened in Nanjing.
5.I wish Shanghai could become a friendly city with foreign cities from now on.
6.He stood on the stage, and audience showered applause on him.
7.These are the best-sell books.
8.Plese fill out this form.
9.The deadline protract three days.
10.They taught us would cherish every chance we have.

1.To produce the translation, you must read several times to see if there is no place to be amended in order to do their job well.
2.To apply the University's people, giving priority to work expe...


1.To produce the translation, you must read several times to see if there is no place to be amended in order to do their job well.
2.To apply the University's people, giving priority to work experience.
3.She had never thought he was a dishonest person .
4. Happened in Nanjing many major historical events.
5. Hope to Shanghai and more foreign cities became sister cities.
6. He appeared in the stage, the audience applauded warmly given .
7. Of these books are best-selling.
8. Invited to fill in this declaration.
9. Extend the deadline for three days .
10 They teach us to treasure every opportunity.


1 hands over before the translation, must read several, has a look place which has must revise, like this can complete the work.
2. register university's people, have the work experience priority ...


1 hands over before the translation, must read several, has a look place which has must revise, like this can complete the work.
2. register university's people, have the work experience priority of admission.
3, she had not thought he will be an dishonest person
4 has many significant historical event 5. hope
next Shanghai in Nanjing to be able to tie with the more foreign city for friendship city
6. him appears on Taiwan, the audience will give the warm applause
7 these books very to sell well
8 to ask the passenger to lengthen three days 10
them in this filling in declaration form 9
closing dates to teach we will have to treasure each opportunity.


帮忙以上几个问题中译英1交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方,这样才能把工作做好.2.报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取.3,她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人4在南京发生过许 考高级翻译证之前必须要考什么证 “你必须给我交出人来”的文言文翻译 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以上三个, 英语翻译那位仁兄能帮忙翻译一下,必有重赏!是歌词翻译,下面有我发的.晚10点之前7月27日 加悬赏100 歌词歌词歌词啊! 求各位网朋友,帮忙翻译一下,必采纳. 请帮忙翻译:君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是. 请帮忙回答下面几个问题 油动模型车入门问题从直到油动车到买回来不到1星期,之前从没玩过,所以买了部二手的京商平跑,想提几个问题:1.正确的启动方式2.正确的熄火方式3.每次玩完车之后必做的工作,还有如果油箱 各位帮忙翻译一下英语,全翻译,急用,谢谢支持,必给好评2 英语翻译1、人又不聪明,还学人家秃顶!2、广告也信,读书读傻了吧!3、以为我会眼睁睁地看着你去送死?我会闭上眼睛的.4、可以解决的问题都不是问题.帮忙翻译下以上句子 尽快晚上之前最好 肖邦悲愤心情用哪个名言谁能告诉我啊`我要在10点之前交出个答暗啊`` 小学英语话剧故事要译文用来表演的,十个人以上的,必须要翻译,最好是五年级可以的,急用!1 请大家帮忙做一下这几个问题 请大家帮忙做一下这几个问题 请大家帮忙做一下这几个问题 请大家帮忙做一下这几个问题 请大家帮忙做一下这几个问题