
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:04:53
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I used to work in Dadong Assembly Workshop and shifted to the construction section of Tiexi Factory Road on May 2,2012.I am working with responsible and consciencious attitude,driving steadily and never parade my own ability.I haven't had any accident and prohibited behavior since I entered the factory three years ago.I have been working in the right frame of mind,being positive and stable status with strong awareness of quality,which enables I to satisfactorily complete all kinds of works that are dispatched by the leaders.I also have a good working ability,being able to manipulate office softwares such as Excel,Word,and IPSQ with proficiency.In addition,I have charisma,a good sense of humour and team spirit and thus I am able to keep a harmonious relationship with my colleagues.
I am willing to compaign for the Workshop Section Chief and I will manage to achieve as the following:
1.Precisely diliver the leader's working instruction in time; satisfactorily complete all kinds of works that are arranged by the leader;
2.Enhance the workers' awareness of safety,to deal with the potential safety hazards as soon as they are discovered.We will make an effort to achieve normal production without accidents by our teamwork.We can also guarantee the quality and quantity under the condition of safety.
9.I advocate the spirit of helping and loving each other,make sure to keep the harmony in the team and let the members be proud for their team and be happy for their works.
I sinserely hope that the team of leadership could grant me an opportunity to demonstrate myself,and I will return you a surprise.Thank you very much!

3.hours, sick leave, report the attendance report; the work state, not conceal omission;
4. guarantee the site 5S, refine on work;
5. found serious problems ( Bi4, Bi5 ) to seriously deal with...


3.hours, sick leave, report the attendance report; the work state, not conceal omission;
4. guarantee the site 5S, refine on work;
5. found serious problems ( Bi4, Bi5 ) to seriously deal with .Bi4 and above shall timely notify the group IPSQ car lock, and promptly notify the staff, carefully and accurately inform the type of problem, problem phenomena, cost center, convenient employee test and unlock;
6. process change, timely to staff training, to ensure that the employees in the first time to understand the master new process;
7. actively cultivate new employees safe consciousness, quality consciousness and cost saving awareness, to ensure that as long as the eligible mount guard operation, both hand, enhance the team 's overall fighting capacity;
8. do be impartial to..., rewards and punishments. On the work of excellent employee reward ( such as the end of the performance ), for some less staff, given appropriate to remind, motivate employees to work hard to do better;
9. promote mutual affection, ensure the team relationship harmony, let the team members to the team as the honor, to work for musicians;
I hope the leadership team can give me a chance to show myself. I will still lead a surprise, thank you!


I have been at the cable assembly workshop, May 2, 2012 to Tiexi factory road test section. The job is serious and responsible, driving stability, do not fit into the factory, 3 years driving product ...


I have been at the cable assembly workshop, May 2, 2012 to Tiexi factory road test section. The job is serious and responsible, driving stability, do not fit into the factory, 3 years driving product never had any accidents and violations. Good attitude, positive, stable, strong sense of quality, can complete a variety of tasks lead to distribute. Strong ability to work, to form Excel, Word documents, IPSQ and other office software skilled operation. Appeal, there is sense of humor, strong sense of team, and harmonious interpersonal relationship.
I am willing to run for long, and can be done as follows:
1 timely, accurately convey the leadership work instructions; the successful completion of the work arranged by leader;
2 enhancing employees' safety consciousness, safety hidden trouble treatment in time. Efforts to achieve the team without the accident, safety, the normal production. In safe conditions, ensure the quality and yield of;
9, promote mutual affection, ensure the team relationship harmony, let the team members to the team as the honor, to work for musicians;
I hope the leadership team can give me a chance to show myself. I will still lead a surprise, thank you!


英语翻译本人曾在大东总装车间工作,2012年5月2日转入铁西工厂路试工段。工作认真负责,开车稳,不逞能,入厂3年以来驾驶产品车从未发生过任何事故及违纪行为。工作态度端正,积极向上, 冲压车间、焊装车间、涂装车间、总装车间,哪个车间工作好点 氧化钴有毒吗?求真实回答,本人在氧化钴车间工作, 想在义乌找英语翻译的工作 本人大学英语六级 英语翻译本人热衷于市场营销工作,拥有近五年的营销从业经验,也将以此作为职业目标而努力奋斗.曾服务于建筑地产行业,亲历销售前沿、拓展市场、客户维护、相关信息反馈,展会执行.在05 本人寻求英语翻译工作,兼职. 领导人我写篇文章赞美哈 我们的新车间 我们车间是新建的 大概花了2年多时间 大家都没日没夜的在车间工作.领导让我总结性的大篇幅赞美整个车间. 本人曾在上海做过1年专职英语翻译,现在在苏州,想找个兼职的翻译做, 英语翻译我现在没有那么多悬赏分有了以后一定都给你以表重谢工作经验009年5月曾在匹克体育用品有限公司工作,且在此期间曾被任命为店内负责人。快节奏、压力大、人员复杂的工作环境 英语翻译本人在此次申请签证的所用护照之前,曾持有旧护照.因之前工作的外国企业单位在换发此新护照之后,已将旧护照统一收回,原工作单位内部已多次变动,无法查找.固现在无法提供旧护 汽车总装车间用的气动冲击扳手与压力什么关系 压力可以调吗? 汽车总装车间淋雨、吹干后 检查工位照度要求是多少? 英语翻译今天能够站在这里参加面试,我感到非常的荣幸.我叫.,今年..岁.,参加工作已经三年了,曾从事过采购助理及业务跟单等文职类工作.平时喜欢听音乐、看书、和运动.本人性格比较开朗, 英语翻译本人申请自2013年2月27日-3月1日丧假3天(附死亡证明书复印件).另因**工作原因,曾在**年**月**日工作1天,现申请于2013年3月4日补休1天.3月5日复值.望批复 整车厂的冲压车间、总装车间、涂装车间、焊装车间分别有哪些部门 注塑对人体有危害吗?本人在注塑车间工作,由聚乙烯与废品塑料合成,请问应注意什么 环形防喷器为什么总装在井口防喷器组的上部? 在橡胶密封件车间工作,对人身体危害大吗?我在橡胶车间工作,硫化时那气体对人身体危害严重吗?还有给模具喷脱模剂时那气体.还有涂胶液