Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into account when assessing the amount of compaction re

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:55:48
Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into account when assessing the amount of compaction re
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Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into account when assessing the amount of compaction re
Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a
lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of
heavier plant be taken into account when assessing the amount of compaction required
for any layer.
For the purposes of Table 15.21 the following shall apply:
(i) The compaction plant in Table 15.21 is categorised in terms of static mass.
The mass per metre width of roll is the total mass on the roll divided by the
total roll width.Where a smooth wheeled roller has more than one axle the
category of the machine shall be determined on the basis of the axle giving
the highest value of mass per metre width.
(ii) A deadweight tamping roller is a machine with a roll or rolls from which ‘feet’
project and where the projected end area of each ‘foot’ exceeds 0.01 m2 and
the sum of the areas of the feet exceeds 15% of the area of the cylinder
swept by the ends of the feet.The requirements for tamping rollers apply to
machines that have 2 rolls in tandem.If only one tamping roll traverses each
point on the surface of the layer on any one pass of the machine,the
minimum number of passes shall be twice the number given in Table 15.21
plus any further doubling required to satisfy (i) above.
(iii) A vibratory tamping roller,which may be self-propelled or towed,is a
machine having a means of applying mechanical vibration to one or more
rolls.The roll or rolls have projecting feet where the height of each foot
exceeds 10% of the radius of the roll drum,the projected end area of each
foot exceeds 0.1% of the roll drum surface area,and the sum of the areas of
the feet exceeds 10% of the area of the cylinder swept by the ends of the
feet.The requirements for the operation of vibratory tamping rollers shall be
the same as those stated for vibratory rollers in sub-Clause (v) below except
that vibratory tamping rollers operating without vibration will be classified as
deadweight tamping rollers.
打错了不 好意思,能帮忙机译之后,

Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be taken into account when assessing the amount of compaction re
为施行表15.21 ,适用以下办法:
总和领域的脚超过15 %的面积气缸
加上任何进一步增加一倍,须符合上述( i ) .
超过10 %的半径轧辊鼓,预计年底领域的每一个
步行超过0.1 %的轧辊鼓表面积,和的总和领域
脚超过10 %的面积气缸席卷由两端的


Earthmoving工厂将去不被看作压实装备的当估计为任何层要求压实的总量的时候,也不一个植物的更亮范畴的提供任何初步的压实使用将被考虑到帮助更重植物的使用. 为了桌子15.21下列的将去适用: (i)在15.21表中压实植物按照静止主体是categorised.根据滚动的米宽度主体是有关因总滚动宽度而发生分裂滚动总主体.一在那里平和有轮子的滚筒有超过一轴 ,机器的范畴将去基于给出根据米宽度主体...


Earthmoving工厂将去不被看作压实装备的当估计为任何层要求压实的总量的时候,也不一个植物的更亮范畴的提供任何初步的压实使用将被考虑到帮助更重植物的使用. 为了桌子15.21下列的将去适用: (i)在15.21表中压实植物按照静止主体是categorised.根据滚动的米宽度主体是有关因总滚动宽度而发生分裂滚动总主体.一在那里平和有轮子的滚筒有超过一轴 ,机器的范畴将去基于给出根据米宽度主体中最高价值轴确定. 用泥沙塞紧滚筒(ii)A静止重量从柱的区域的哪一个‘feet’计划和在那里每一 ‘foot’的预测末端区域超过0.01 m2和脚的区域的总和超过15%经过脚的末端延伸一滚动或者滚动地是一台机器.用泥沙塞紧滚筒的要求适用于在纵列二马拉的双轮马车中有2滚动的机器.如果仅用泥沙塞紧滚动一穿越每一表面上在任何一个机器的通行证上层的点,最低限度的通行证的数目将去是两倍的数,在更进一步增加一倍偿付在上方(i) 所需要的桌子15.21有利因素中给出. (iii)A震动的用泥沙塞紧可以是自动推进或者拖的滚筒是一台机器,有一施加机械振动于一或更多滚动的手段.滚动或者滚动有突出脚在那里高度的每一步行超过其他10%的半径的滚动鼓预测结束区域的每一步行超过其他0.1%的滚动鼓浮出水面区域和共计的区域的脚超过其他 10%的区域的柱扫过偏于末端的脚.震动的用泥沙塞紧滚筒的运作的要求将当那些表明为在除了那个下面款((v)中震动的滚筒震动的用泥沙塞紧没有振动运作滚筒将被把归为用泥沙塞紧滚筒静止重量时,是也一样.


是英译汉吧~~ 弄反了!!

Chinese to English!!!!!!!~~~super high scores!