英语作文 70字英语作文:你所在的小区,因为部分居民养狗扰民,而造成邻里不和.对此,有人主张禁止养狗.请谈谈你的看法,说出理由并提出解决问题的建议

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 05:04:07
英语作文 70字英语作文:你所在的小区,因为部分居民养狗扰民,而造成邻里不和.对此,有人主张禁止养狗.请谈谈你的看法,说出理由并提出解决问题的建议
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英语作文 70字英语作文:你所在的小区,因为部分居民养狗扰民,而造成邻里不和.对此,有人主张禁止养狗.请谈谈你的看法,说出理由并提出解决问题的建议
英语作文 70字

英语作文 70字英语作文:你所在的小区,因为部分居民养狗扰民,而造成邻里不和.对此,有人主张禁止养狗.请谈谈你的看法,说出理由并提出解决问题的建议
Nowadays,more and more people like to keep pets,especially the dogs.Dogs have been human's best friends for thousands of years.However,the living quater which I am in has some trouble between neighbours because of the noisy voices from the dogs being kept by the residents.So,some people are in favour of forbidding dogs.
From my point of view,the dogs may affect others' lives much or little,but people should learn to understand it.Dogs are lovely and loyal animals.They always try to keep their masters to be safe,so they may bark to the strangers.Meantime,the dogs' masters should teach their pet dogs to learn to use the right methods to keep danger from them.Then,the residents can avoid quarrlling with each other.

I don't have a dog. But my neighbor's dogs. I was very upset. Because they are always everywhere, get got stinking. So I don't think we should let the dogs in public places do not health action, I also hope that this situation come good.

As far as we know,dogs are the ture friends of humans beacuse their clever brains,
people can always give oder to them to make them finish many missions,however it's too hard to control dog's cust...


As far as we know,dogs are the ture friends of humans beacuse their clever brains,
people can always give oder to them to make them finish many missions,however it's too hard to control dog's custom.Dogs' language show in barking,in that case,it's so unfair for them to forbid dogs talking and it must bother the neighbours nearby,
In order to care about dogs and your neighbor,don't keep dogs in your polt.


We know a dog is man's best and most loyal friend, for thousands of years, our ancestors neverabandon them perhaps it is for this reason, but in today's society period, please don't use "no" or"play" ...


We know a dog is man's best and most loyal friend, for thousands of years, our ancestors neverabandon them perhaps it is for this reason, but in today's society period, please don't use "no" or"play" to our side of the animal, to know the nature created all things, and each species have their rights to live, if any animal on earth to extinction for people's interests, it also does not existthe so-called "people", because there is no human nature, not the people should love, kindness and compassion, as people have become the devil.


你所在小区有什么服务 小区服务的重要性 你有什么好的建议写一篇英语作文 英语作文 70字英语作文:你所在的小区,因为部分居民养狗扰民,而造成邻里不和.对此,有人主张禁止养狗.请谈谈你的看法,说出理由并提出解决问题的建议 求一篇关于the services in my community的英语作文 1 你所在的小区有什么服务 2小区服务的重要性 3你有什 社区服务英语作文 内容为:1 你所在的小区有什么服务 2 小区服务的重要性 3 你有什么好的建议.那个写一篇 我们的小区的英语作文60 英语作文 我们小区的巨大变化. 把小区改做停车场的英语作文 关于小区英语作文介绍小区的环境设施,交通,购物 请写写近几年你所在的城市的变化(英语作文)帮帮忙啦!最好有意思 英语表达,你所在的小区是城市著名的和睦小区,根据以下提示,向你的美国笔友南希介绍它,不少于60字南希(Nancy)介绍它,不少于60字;1.小区在市中心 2.小区很安静也很干净 3.小区有个花园, 英语作文-假如你是李明,请给你的北京朋友李红写一封信,简单介绍你所在的城市和你的爱好等一篇英语作文. 英语作文, 近年来,随着经济的发展,人民生活水平提高,小区越来越多人购买了私家车,小区车位有限,英语作文,近年来,随着经济的发展,人民生活水平提高,小区越来越多人购买了私家车,小区车 英语作文考试假如你叫李华,你所在的城市要建一座人民公园,请用英语写封信给当地的一家英语报社,向编辑 英语作文考试假如你叫李华,你所在的城市要建一座人民公园,请用英语写封信给当地的一家英语报社,向编辑 英语作文你怎样学英语的 英语作文 介绍你的英语学习方法 英语作文假如你住在一个涉外小区.社区居委会请你帮忙根据以下提示用英文写一封电子邮件,将周末社区邀...英语作文假如你住在一个涉外小区.社区居委会请你帮忙根据以下提示用英文写一 英语作文 英语发言稿关于学习英语为了调动同学们学习英语的积极性,提高学习效率,近期你所在班级打算召开一个英语学习经验交流会,要求发言者谈谈自己是怎样学习英语的.请你根据下面