2013蛇年春晚观后感 要英文 100字!

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2013蛇年春晚观后感 要英文 100字!
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2013蛇年春晚观后感 要英文 100字!
2013蛇年春晚观后感 要英文 100字!

2013蛇年春晚观后感 要英文 100字!
2013.01.09除夕夜,观春晚,晚上八点,我准时坐在电视机前,怀着特殊的心情,期待着观看春晚,可惜!每年除夕夜还要停半小时电,不久,神圣的八点到了,一年一度的春晚来了,我的双眼放射出神圣的光芒.美好的2013年,我们有了更好的追求,更多的期待,感谢2013年的春晚,在日历最后一页翻得时刻,给我们带来了快乐,给了我们不一般的感觉… 家人陪我看春晚,你陪我一起聊天.
  亲爱的,好想你,好想和你在一起,就让我静静的想你,也许,你也和我思念你一样,在思念着远方的我吧!你给了我爱的憧憬. 春晚一般是由:歌曲,舞蹈,小品,魔术…等几部分组合而成的,但在今年的春晚中没有看到“小品王”赵本山的身影,为此而感到十分遗憾. 本次春晚节目很多,但最使我记忆犹新的是,宋祖英的“茉莉花”唱得很有国际范,席琳·迪翁的“我心永恒”唱得绝对经典,它是首英文歌曲,我虽不懂其意,但我超级喜欢,尤其是宋祖英混搭的“茉莉花”,席琳·迪翁不仅努力将中文说的字正腔圆,还将一首江苏民歌唱出了流行乐的韵味,宋祖英携手席琳·迪翁一句“新春快乐,恭喜发财”更是洋溢深深的年味儿.还有几首歌,我也很喜欢,例如:“风吹麦浪”,男女搭配的是如此融洽,还有“我是一只小小鸟”激励人勇敢向前,奋发图强的精神. 宝岛台湾魔术大师刘谦带来的魔术,给人一眼前一亮的感觉,怎么想,也百思不得其解,将酒杯变入酒瓶中的这一“壮举”,让人大开眼界,尽管魔术是虚假的,但这种娴熟高超的手法,如梦境般的效果让人惊叹不已…到十二点了,当原本有些困意的我听到主持人的到计时后,一下子睡意全无,3,2,1!0:00到了,此时我又长一岁.这就是今年的春节联欢晚会,尽管每年的节目都不尽相同,但是它的主旨都是很坚定,从不改变的,让中国人民在新的一年里笑口常开,它寄托了对幸福生活的美好向往. 和家人一起看春晚,与自己心爱的人虽相距很远,但仍然在同一时间内分享着相同的快乐,这是件多么幸福的事啊!

2013.01.09 's new year's Eve, view the Spring Festival evening, eight pm, I get to sit in front of the TV, with a special mood, looking forward to the Spring Festival Gala, unfortunately! Every new year's Eve also stopped for half an hour, before long, eight holy to once a year, the Spring Festival evening came, my eyes emit a holy light. Good in 2013, we had better to pursue, more to look forward to, thanks to the 2013 Spring Festival evening, turned the last page of the calendar time, brings us happiness, gave us an unusual feeling ... Family members accompany me to see the spring, you accompany me to chat.
Dear, I miss you, I really want to be with you, let me miss you quietly, maybe, you too and I miss you, miss the distance of me! You gave me love for. Spring is generally made of: songs, dance, comedy, magic ... Several parts in assembly, but did not see the " King pieces, " Zhao Benshan figure in this year's Spring Festival Gala, feel very sorry. A lot of the Spring Festival Gala, but most make me remember is, Song Zuying's " Jasmine " sing with much international fan, Celion Dion 's " my heart will go on " sings absolutely classic, it is the first English song, although I do not understand its meaning, but I super love, especially Song Zuying mixed up the " Jasmine Flower ", Celine Dion not only to the Chinese say pronunciation, will also be a Jiangsu folk song to sing pop flavor, Song Zuying hands Celine Dion a " happy new year, may you be happy and prosperous! " it is with deep years. There are a few songs, I am also very like, for example: " the wind that shakes the barley ", with men and women is so harmonious, and "I am a bird " incentive people bravely forward, make efforts spirit. The island of Taiwan magician Louis Liu magic, give a person a bright feeling, how to think, also puzzle, the glass into the " feat" bottle, to feed one's sight on, although the magic is false, but the consummate skill, dreamlike effect marvel ... To twelve points, when the original bit sleepy. I hear the host to the time, all of a sudden no sleep, 3, 2, 1! 0:00, at this time I was long a year. It is this year 's Spring Festival Gala, although the annual programs are not the same, but its purpose is firm, never change, let the Chinese people's happiness in the new year, it stands to happy life yearning. Family and I watched the Spring Festival Gala, and his beloved people though far apart, but still at the same time, share the same happiness, this is a matter of how much happiness!
