
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:41:42
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读了《钢铁是怎样炼成的》这本书后,我领悟到:一个人的毅力对他的一生是有很大影响的.就说这本书中的主人公保尔·柯察金吧,他的一生非常坎坷,然而他凭什么使自己继续活下去呢 是毅力.毅力给了他无穷的力量,老天也使他有了三次生命.自从认识水兵朱赫来以来,他的心被共产党吸引住了.经过几番波折,他终于如愿以偿,成为了一名共产党员.他出生入死,英勇杀敌.在战争中他也受了不少伤.最严重的一次就是被弹片击中头部,死里逃生.痊愈后,保尔没有忘记党,拿起新的武器,重返战斗队伍,开始了新的生活!
他十几岁就立足杀场,英勇杀敌,热爱祖国,在战场上,他被砍了好几刀都大难不死,为什么 仍然是毅力.年轻的他后来疾病缠身,但他仍不停地忘我工作,有休假疗伤的机会他也不愿意放弃工作,毅力真是一种锲而不舍的精神啊!

Recently, read "How to Make Steel" a book, feeling deep. Reading the mood in the wake of the Paul • Kecha growth, and the fate of ups and downs. Small taste of this book, Paul taste of the spiri...


Recently, read "How to Make Steel" a book, feeling deep. Reading the mood in the wake of the Paul • Kecha growth, and the fate of ups and downs. Small taste of this book, Paul taste of the spirit. Paul increasingly feel that we should learn the spirit of nutrition, firm ideals and beliefs, foster a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Remember that a book of famous popular: "People's lives are most valuable when he look back on the events of the past, should not Luluwuwei and remorse……
Life can be said to be a period of twists and turns and bumpy road of injustice. In the journey of life, you will encounter numerous difficulties in the face of failure to go to combat and were not understand the pain, and so on. However, all this is temporary. In breakthrough obstacles to overcome difficulties, the review has taken in the road, we will be understood, it is tempering the flame of life. How many heroes and great men, are burning in the flames raging out of the exercise, as often said: "Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold." Paul and compared, we study and life in the event of To the difficulties it is negligible, we have reasons for Aishengtanqi, reluctant to do »
Only one set lofty ideals, creating excellent quality, and persistent pursuit of the right of life goals, he would not be living by the drag, will not be overwhelmed by misfortune, he will be in the raging flames of suffering Strong, mature, to love life, to equip themselves to meet a better tomorrow.
This success is perseverance, is a Ren Jin, a kind of accumulation. Xun Zi says: "perseverance, deadwood not discount; perseverance, epigraphy be Lou." Perseverance in the performance of a person are often frustrated by the astonishing display of a force, with it, people will not bow to the setbacks and difficulties , Will be strong and to face. Reading the "How to Make Steel" this book, I understood: the persistence of a person of his life was greatly affected.
Paul is the course of struggle of how difficult his US-step stirred up something deep inside a deep respect. Jiusiyisheng the course of his shows to us the truth - were alive, the most important thing is to overcome its own, Paul will live and have interpreted the meaning of life to the extreme, he is a pure, completely of his Spirit inspired generation after generation of young people. We need Paul of the times, more need for a new era of China's Paul. Paul Although removed. But he perpetuating the spirit, he is left to us by the young people should have the aggressive, tenacious, courageous, love life, and never flinched the noble quality.
We should learn the spirit of Paul nutrition, firm ideals and beliefs, foster a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Remember that a book of famous popular: "People's lives are most valuable when he look back on the events of the past, should not Luluwuwei and remorse……
The flexible steel, Paul's tenacity, Paul spirit, like a red banner and calls people to courageously advance so that we courageous path.
"Human life is the most precious thing. Life for each person only once. Person's life should be spent this way: Looking back on past events, he will not be wasted because the Mood for Love and remorse, not because Luluwuwei and ashamed; dying when he can Said: 'My whole life and all of our energy, all dedicated to the world's most magnificent cause - the struggle for the liberation of all mankind.' "This is the" How to Make Steel "this book's most well-known Sentence.
It tells us only one reason: for their ideals and struggle, not wasted lives.
For Paul, as we may not have lofty ideals and a strong will, because we are just extraordinary in the ordinary. We live in such a world, there is no war, a bustling, Denghongjiulv, neon to 100, money and power is the standard for the people. Enjoyment has become a must. We forget what is the "world's most magnificent cause," his only seen as the supreme centre.
Nevertheless, everyone still has its own objectives, goals for their tireless efforts and the spirit is still the driving force everyone to be. As Paul said, when reviewing past events, whether you for their own Luluwuwei and remorse? »
For example, now, I see the old year has passed, and then watched the arrival of the new year. Time is so fast over the winter to Spring and Autumn to the summer solstice, the day she gazed up Fushou is, year after year, and the sun and the moon of such. There is the slightest perception, however, such as a sudden reaction, it has passed. Think about their own and done a number of things it «this end it is difficult to explain. Play is a good narcotic drugs, in the time it paralysis in the Huang Huang-ah traversed. After may be thinking: Hey «really Kuaiya! Clicking on a holiday…… hey, the first school. To think so for several years, suddenly found that once said "I want to how such a kind," are like dreams, like the bubble hand, can not withstand the wind, Yipeng on the broken.
Or return to the beginning of that sentence, in fact, we not only have lofty ideals, we also need is a struggle for the ideal and the spirit in themselves suddenly able to look back at the past of Enron自得said: "Hey, you See, I do! "" How to Make Steel "This is the author of the book writer in the former Soviet Union gulag • Alex can赛Ye Weiqi • Aositeluo夫斯基.
This article is from the Soviet Union before the first war, the October Revolution, civil war and the period of socialist construction more than 10 years of tough life as the background.
At this time of the Soviet Union in the Great on the war horses Pentium, the ever-changing, very appropriate word to describe: It's a world of smoke and blood.
The book also satisfied that a lot of time with a major event, for instance, the economic recovery phase of the internal chaos and difficulties, the death of Lenin in the country caused panic and shock. The authors describe the true history of these events, making the book is full of a heavy sense of history.
The hero of the book we should not unfamiliar, he is being referred to as "steel soldiers" Paul • Kecha gold.
In the book, at the beginning, he was a unruly children, he would withdraw the teacher in the grey cuisine, and the priest will talk back. He hated those "rich guys." The darkness of hatred that inequalities of the old society. Zhu Helai of the old Bolsheviks under the influence, he knew only as a temporary steel, which can overturn the old world of inequality, can we make thousands of


Child, his teacher Fr Paul Vasily bad, trying to put Paul to blasted the school, my mother had to help him find a dishwasher work were the result because the record straight for other people is also o...


Child, his teacher Fr Paul Vasily bad, trying to put Paul to blasted the school, my mother had to help him find a dishwasher work were the result because the record straight for other people is also out of H, but also was beaten very badly. Brother also introduced him to the power plant work, when he met the Red Army Zhuhe Lai, and said he was moving under Zhuhe Lai became the Red Army. Once, when Paul in the war head injuries, the doctors kept him from the hands of wins over death. Then Paul and the Red Army to fight together, dug a lot of hurt by the railway, have experienced many hardships, and later left its mark, blind, left hand and feet numbness, had to go back and rest, then went to a good mother friend's daughter. His friends became the Red Army, and some heroic sacrifice. She was not bored at home, he described Coto Ostrovsky Cavalry Division, the title is "the birth of the storm", the blind, who wrote the chapter by chapter would back down, my mother is very worried, please Jia Liya neighbors for Paul to write. After writing the novel, sent a publishing house, so very long in the family is about to despair when the newspaper to the letter, and said well, Paul's pay has finally paid off on.
Although Paul said the book was born poor, but persistent, even if blind, quadriplegic, still did not give up their ideals and pursuits. And we grew up in the care of their parents grew up, well educated; Paul has gone from small contempt by the nobility, but also to others to work, to feed their families. After a quadriplegic, but also to convince his wife to go when the Red Army, but his own is a dream - to write fiction. In paying a sweat, effort to overcome various difficulties, the novel finally people of all ages! They delighted
And Paul this quadriplegic, blind, the spirit is not to give up their ideals it not worth learning?


When he was a child, his teacher is very bad for Paul vassili priest put Paul, trying to give the school, for his mother had to find a job, wash bowl work for others is particularly aggrieed results b...


When he was a child, his teacher is very bad for Paul vassili priest put Paul, trying to give the school, for his mother had to find a job, wash bowl work for others is particularly aggrieed results because be thrown out, was brutally. Brother and his power, and then he went to work for the reds ZhuHe to meet in the ZhuHe come, he also became the reds next to convince. Once, when Paul in war head injury, the doctor took him away from death. Then Paul and the reds fight together by a lot of railway, digging, experienced many hardships, then left sequela, blindness, left hand and foot to go out, and then went to the mother good friend's daughter. He also became good friends, some of the heroic sacrifice. She is at home, he will have no spare TuoFuSiJi families, describes the title is the cavalry, the storm was born blind, because of who wrote back down to a ZhangZhang, mother worried, please his neighbor for Paul writes with li da. After writing novels, send a press, etc, the very long in the family is desperate to the letter, newspaper, said good, Paul's pay finally about rewarded.
The book says Paul though born in poverty, but unremitting, even blindness, quadriparesis, still didn't give up his ideal and pursuit. While we grew up in the care of their parents, well-educated education, But Paul early, and contempt of nobility and others to support her family. After the limbs, also persuade their wives to himself, when the reds at his dream -- writing a novel. In the sweat and blood and overcome all difficulties, novel finally get the favour of people! They thrilled
But Paul the limbs, blindness, also don't abandon oneself after the spirit is the ideal is not worth learning?
