有句英语希望牛人指点~And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.that when .that 是做什

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:52:57
有句英语希望牛人指点~And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.that when .that 是做什
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有句英语希望牛人指点~And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.that when .that 是做什
And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.
that when .that 是做什么用的 是引导下面 there's no particular...么

有句英语希望牛人指点~And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.that when .that 是做什
代词 代指there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.

不是引导,就是代替WHEN 后面的句子。。

顺便补充that 用法
1. 那;那个,那人,那事,那东西
That's my English teacher over there.
2. (已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西
Who told her that?
3. 前者


顺便补充that 用法
1. 那;那个,那人,那事,那东西
That's my English teacher over there.
2. (已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西
Who told her that?
3. 前者
4. (用作关系代词的先行词)那,那个
What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?
5. (代替句中名词,避免重复)
The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992.
6. (用作关系代词,引导关系从句)
1. 那,那个
That book isn't mine.
1. 【口】那样,那么
Is the problem that easy?
1. (引导名词从句)
He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm.
My idea is that we should act on his suggestion.
That she is still alive is a relief.
2. (引导状语从句,表示原因或理由)因为,由于
We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.
3. (引导状语从句,表示目的或结果)为了,以至于
He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.
4. (引导表示愿望,感叹的从句,主句常省略)
That I could stay at home today!


有句英语希望牛人指点~And notice by the by,that when we make choices about our future,from the hedonist point of view,at least,there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past,because what's done is done.that when .that 是做什 我是成年人,一点英语基础都没有,现在想学英语,又不知道从哪里开始学,希望有经验的人指点指点. 关于英语th发音的问题我这里有两个句子,我觉得读起来很费力,希望得到英语高手的指点.1.But counting the world's third largest population… 2.Father and mother went through thick and thin.在第一句中 the world's thi 本人2014年一月就要考研,希望能有了解考研英语的高人指点指点大作文,打个分,2013年考研英语大作文图 Nowadays, with the high-speed development of economy and various choices it crates, it’s getting harder an 我有三个月自学英语,我该怎么去学?希望有经验的指点一下,以免走弯路. ( )Lucy and Lily at school?A.Is B.Are C.Do 这题选B,我该怎么分析,学生才能明白呢?希望各位英语达人给与指点~ 读大专时想学英语应该怎么学?有没有什么好方法,希望能得到一些指点. 不知金铭策划的疯狂英语900句是否权威,有没有错误,录音是否纯正,恳请达人指点 Practice is a good way to ___listening and speaking.A、notic B、neglect C、decrease D、improve 想学英语.希望有经验的前辈指点下想学英语,从零开始的.应该报什么课程.大约要多少钱?望有经验的人指点下,好少走弯路.本人住西乡后瑞地铁站付近.最好有靠近西乡的,跑太远累 英语翻译Head+Hand+Hardworking=Success用英语翻译英语希望有文采一些,不要这句:“If you want to succeed,you must think,write and work hard.” 公司要举行联欢会,差一个三句半的节目,需要励志一点的,希望有大神能够来给指点下,最少三十句,有分哦. 求英语提高的方法,希望有高人指点,真心想把英语赶上去,我可以把文章大意和题目看懂,但就是答案选错. 能够形容smell的形容词有(英语)哪些?望英语达人指点一二,谢谢! 哈工大考博英语难吗?都有哪些题型啊?刚准备考博,所以不太懂,希望有经验的学长给指点下. debit notic of local charge 我是职业化妆造型师,不知道我的职业用英文标准的表达是什么,希望有英语强人指点. 帮我看看我这样改动一下翻译有没有问题?此背景图片仅作为LOGO应用效果的示例样本,请避免用于商业展示.The background picture is only a sample for the purpose of LOGO demonstration and presentation, Please be notic