
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:47:24
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“舞动的北京”是这个城市的面容.它是一种形象,展现着中华汉字所呈现出的东方思想和民族气韵;它是一种表情,传递着华夏文明所独具的人文特质和优雅品格.借中国书法之灵感,将北京的“京”字演化为舞动的人体,在挥毫间体现“新奥运” 的理念.手书“北京2008”借汉字形态之神韵,将中国人对奥林匹克的千万种表达浓缩于简洁的笔划中.当人们品味镌刻于汉字中博大精深的内涵与韵味时,一个“新北京”诞生了.
Rationale of the Olympic Emblem
Every emblem of the Olympics tells a story. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem "Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing" is filled with Beijing's hospitality and hopes, and carries the city's commitment to the world.
"Dancing Beijing" is a milestone of the Olympics. It serves as a classic chapter of the Olympic epic inscribed by the spirit of the Chinese nation, calligraphed by the deeper import of the ancient civilization, and molded by the character of Cathay's descendents. It is concise yet deep inside, bringing forth the city's gradual changes and development. It appears dignified yet bears a tune of romance, reflecting the nation's thoughts and emotions.
In the lead up to the Beijing 2008 Olympics, the emblem will attract more and more people from around the world to Beijing and China to join the great celebration with the Chinese people.
"Dancing Beijing" is a Chinese Seal. It is engraved with commitment made to the Olympic Movement by a country that has 56 ethnic groups and a population of 1.3 billion. While witnessing the advocacy of the Olympic Spirit by a nation with both ancient civilization and modern culture, it also unfolds a future-oriented city's pursuit of the Olympic Ideal.
It is a symbol of trust and an expression of self confidence, standing for the solemn yet sacred promise that Beijing - the host city of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games - has made to the world and to all mankind.
"Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone (literally meaning sincerity smoothes the way to success)." The inception of our ancestors' wisdom and the image of a seal made of metal and stone allow the emblem to present Chinese people's respect and honesty for the Olympics.
The moment we earnestly imprint the emblem with the "Chinese seal", Beijing is about to show the world a grand picture of "peace, friendship, and progress of mankind" and to strike up the passionate movement of "faster, higher, and stronger" for mankind.
"Dancing Beijing" serves as the city's foremost appearance. It is an image that shows the eastern ways of thinking and the nation's lasting appeal embodied in the Chinese characters. It is an expression that conveys the unique cultural quality and elegance of Chinese civilization.
With inspiration from the traditional Chinese art form ¨C calligraphic art, the character "Jing" (the latter of the city's name) is developed into the form of a dancing human being, reflecting the ideal of a "New Olympics". The words "Beijing 2008" also resembles the vivid shapes of Chinese characters in handwriting, voicing in concise strokes of the countless feelings Chinese people possess towards the Olympics.
As people ponder on the rich connotations and charms of these Chinese characters, a "New Beijing" has thus been brought forward.
"Dancing Beijing" is a favorite color of the Chinese people. The colour "red" is intensively used in the emblem, hushing the passion up to a new level. It carries Chinese people's longing for luck and happiness and their explanation of life.
Red is the color of the Sun and the Holy Fire, representing life and a new beginning. Red is mind at ease, symbol of vitality, and China's blessing and invitation to the world.
"Dancing Beijing" calls upon heroes. Olympic Games functions as the stage where heroes are made known, miracles created and glories earned, and where every participant constitutes an indispensable part of the occasion.
The powerful and dynamic design of the emblem is a life poem written by all participants with their passion, affections, and enthusiasm. It is an oath every participant takes to contribute power and wisdom to the Olympics.
The emblem cheers for arts and for the Olympic heroes, who pass down the essence of the Olympic Spirit, which well connects sports and cultures.
"Dancing Beijing" extends the totem of the Chinese nation. The form of a running human being stands for the beauty and magnificence of life. Its graceful curves are like the body of a wriggling dragon, relating the past and future of one same civilization; they are like rivers, carrying the century-old history and the nation's pride; they are like veins, pulsing with vitality of life.
The intrinsic values of sports ¨C athlete-centered and people-oriented ¨C are well defined and upgraded in an artistic way in "the dance of Beijing." We sing if words fail to explain it all, and we dance if the singing does not explicitly tell the meaning.
Vigorous Beijing is looking forward to the cerebration in 2008 and the Olympics wait all mankind to dance together.
"Dancing Beijing" is a kind invitation. The open arms in the emblem say that China is opening its arms to welcome the rest of the world to join the Olympics, a celebration of "peace, friendship and progress of mankind."
"Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?" The idiom portraits the feelings of friendly and hospitable Chinese people and expresses the sincerity of the city.
Come to Beijing, take a good look at the historical heritages of China's Capital city, and feel the pulse of the country's modernization;
Come, share every piece of its joy, and experience the vigor of the country;
Come, and let us together weave a peaceful and wonderful dream.

奥运会会标的英文意思?要的是奥运会会标中文意思,翻译成英文! 我希望2008奥运会会是绿色的奥运会这句话用英语怎么说? 奥运会会标的含义是什么?五环 奥运会的会标是什么?有什么象征意义?怎样理解奥运会是人类和平友谊的盛会? 奥运会有多少比赛项目?用英文怎样说?我要奥运比赛项目的英文啦~ 谁知道汉城奥运会会歌的中文歌词? 北京举办奥运乘以运,答案等于会会会会会会 这几个字代表的数字是什么要让乘法算式成立的,数字各是多少呢? 2008年在北京举办的是第几届奥运会会 奥运会的会标,一笔把它画出来 奥运会的主题“------奥运,——-----奥运,——--------奥运 reach out有冲刺的意思吗?1984年奥运会会歌reach out 翻译成中文就是冲刺... 英语翻译1.我要争当奥运志愿者,为奥运做贡献2.这是第29届奥运会,在北京举行3.我们应该了解更多的奥运知识4.召开奥运会时间是2008.8.85.吉祥物是福娃 填空题:2008的北京奥运会是第( )届奥运会,主题是:( )奥运,( )奥运,( )奥运.括号里填什么? 1、下面的汉字代表不同的数字,请问分别到代表什么?北京举办奥运×运=会会会会会会.2、三个连续偶数和为X,其中最大的是(  ),最小的是(  ) 奥运会会标 用英语怎么说? 北京奥运会的开幕式的火炬回是怎样点燃的?我们知道以往的奥运会的开幕式都是很精彩的,在我们国家是第一次举办,我们期待中的奥运会会是怎样的呢?万众瞩目的开幕式又会是怎样的! 伦敦奥运会的微标的含义是什么用英文如何表达 2008奥运会比赛时现场放的英文歌曲是比赛时现场放的北京音乐啊 不是奥运歌曲 是比赛时放的歌曲 要英文的 别给我省略 省略了跟没说一样 不个分