Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:01:17
Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛)
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Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛)
Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛)

Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛)
Some birds have very beautiful (feathers,羽毛).

Some birds have very beautiful _feathers___

Some birds have very beautiful ____(羽毛) 翻译:Some birds are very lively in their sports . some birds have gorgeous flowers这句话怎么翻译 what are some things all birds have in common?这句话的意思是什么? There are many different kinds of parrots.Some are quite big.Others are very small.Many people likethem because they often have beautiful colours,and because they can talk.No one knows why parrots can talk.Most birds can not.Some people say that parr 给词的的适当形式连词成句.(副词或形容词)1·some birds,very noisy,when they,sing,hungry,are2 fast,the birds,do not walk,because you ,very,wiil,frighten 1.There aren't some birds in the sky.2.I not have a new pen.句子改错 将下列句子改为一般疑问句.l have some birds We like fishingThe boys are under the tree have led to some very major changer翻译 This time I am also ( ) to instroduce a computer game to you.It's called Angry Birds.The story is( ) this:Some fat pigs steal the birds'eggs,so the birds( ) with them.The birds with ( ) colors don't have the same abilities.For example,the black birds 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词Frank likes ___(旅行)during the summer holiday.Mr Zhang ___(决定)to fly to the USA next week.We should help others when they are in ___(麻烦).Some birds have very beautiful ___(麻 ____(she)likes birds very much. There are some birds s___in the tree. There are some birds singing( )the trees There were some birds _______ the forest. Some birds ( )to the south before winter some birds are outside 填什么 window All birds have wings,but not all birds can fly