
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 05:59:14
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Ministry of Finance had issued in February 15,2006,enterprise accountant criterion lth goods in stock,stipulated gets up from January 1,2007 in to be listed scope executes,encourages other enterprises to carry out.The goods in stock are the enterprise property important constituent,how confirmed correctly,the measurement and the disclosure stores goods the related information directly will affect enterprise's financial condition,the management achievement and the accounting information quality.The new goods in stock criterion from standard aspects and so on scope,confirmation,measurement,disclosure to the confirmation,the measurement and the report disclosure which stored goods has carried on showing and the stipulation.This article issued on the new goods in stock criterion and Ministry of Finance in November 9,2001,enterprise accountant criterion goods in stock,the change difference has made the concrete comparative analysis,and put forward the corresponding proposal.
On February 15,2006 Ministry of Finance had issued new accountant the criterion,and will take the lead in July 1,2007 in to be listed to implement.New accountant a criterion remarkable characteristic is and international accountant the criterion hastens with,this will reduce our country accountant the criterion with international accountant between the criterion difference,will enhance the accounting information the international commeasurability.The goods in stock are the enterprise property important constituent,how confirmed correctly,the measurement and the disclosure stores goods the related information directly will affect enterprise's financial condition,the management achievement and the accounting information quality.The new goods in stock criterion from standard aspects and so on scope,confirmation,measurement,disclosure to the confirmation,the measurement and the report disclosure which stored goods has carried on showing and the stipulation.This article issued on the new goods in stock criterion and Ministry of Finance in November 9,2001,enterprise accountant criterion goods in stock,the change difference has carried on the analysis ponder,and put forward the corresponding proposal.

英语翻译我写了两端摘要,不知那段会被退回来,麻烦英语高手给翻译一下吧,不要在线翻译那种!财政部于2006年2月15日发布了《企业会计准则第l号一存货》,规定自2007年1月1日起在上市公司范围 英语翻译摘要应该怎么写?论文内容应该写哪几方面?那你能不能给我收集点资料 英语翻译我写了一片论文,要投稿.写英文摘要时不知道“熟人犯罪”这个词怎么翻译.这个词在汉语里也不太常见,那位高手会译成英语啊? 英语翻译那批货质量不行,已退回公司 英语翻译我写了一篇历史毕业论文,论文要求把:标题、摘要、关键词,翻译成英语,本人英语水平有限,标题是————试论汉初的“休养生息”政策.摘要是————秦朝末年,天下大乱,群雄并 英语翻译你购买的衣服不知道什么原因被退回了中国,我重新给你邮寄,等待答复. 求英语翻译:请问我什么时候才能收到退回的邮费? 英语翻译可以的话,我再把中文摘要发给你,我自己写完了 英语翻译中文摘要写出来了,但英语太菜怎么也翻译不出来,请求那位友人帮忙一下,我的积分都给你了~武钢主业资产整体上市的启示摘 要:2004年1月30日,TCL集团通过吸收合并控股子公司TCL实现 英语翻译“我寄给你的信被邮局退回了,我要重新寄一次,真是不好意思,能不能再把你的地址给我一次?” 英语翻译我在写一篇关于废旧物质回收再利用的税收方面的论文,写英文摘要的时候才发现这个词不会翻译,在此谢过了!最好把“循环经济”这个也帮我翻译了. 我不知怎么写 英语翻译要写文献综述,摘要不知怎么翻译,请高手帮满,万分感激!本文阐述了水稻直链淀粉的结构,理化性质及与水稻食味品质的关系,对水稻低直链淀粉含量QTL研究、相关基因研究、分子标记 英语翻译要写论文了,让大家帮个忙,帮忙翻译下我地摘要和关键词它们是“摘要:本文系统地介绍了反证法地理论逻辑依据、证题形式,以及从起始命题、否定性命题、唯一性命题、存在性命 《妈妈,我长大了》作文不知怎么写. 我懂得了什么作文(不知怎么写 英语翻译我爱你放弃恨对待一个朋友用我不懂的文字给我写了一段话,我不懂啊,也不知掉是什么文字~ 英语翻译我在别人那看到的签名,就这样写的,我为难了