问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do3.All the books( )out of the reading ro

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:03:21
问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do3.All the books( )out of the reading ro
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问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do3.All the books( )out of the reading ro
1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )
A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive
2.What( )has been finished.
A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do
3.All the books( )out of the reading room.
A.mustn't be taken B.mustn't take C.can't take D.must not to be taken

问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do3.All the books( )out of the reading ro
被动语态的只有AD 但 must 要跟动词原形 不带to

问3道英语选择题1.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they( )A.have survived B.would survive C.will survive2.What( )has been finished.A.will do B.should be done C.should do D.must do3.All the books( )out of the reading ro 我想问3道英语选择题.1.There ___many a student waiting outside for the oral test.A.are B.is2.What's in a name?That _______we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet .A .What B .that C.which D.when 3.Such people ___knew Tom thought 考查such用法的英语高考选择题 问一道英语选择题 问一道英语单项选择题It's( )fun to learn another foreign language.A.so manyB.so muchC.such manyD.such much请简要说明理由, 3题英语选择题..并说明原因,理由 为什么要选这个There are ___ many people in ___ a amall room that it is crowded now.A.such;so B.so;such C.such;too D.too;soI like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times ___.A 几道英语选择题,麻烦理由1.it's only natural that___a.the boy did such a thing b.the boy has done such a thingc.the boy would such a thing d.the boy have done such a thing2.i'm told that you are leaving for beijinga.says b.said c.has saidd.s 这道英语选择题为什么选that?It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village_the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.为什么空格里填thatA where B that C when D which 问英语4道选择题和一道句型转换~~~~~快~1.The car can run______300 miles an hour.A.as fast than B.such fast asC.so faster than D.as fast as2.Relax_______and make yourself feel comfortable.A.as possible as you can B.as more as you 几道大学英语选择题,望高手赐教,请说明原因.1、 Having been asked to speak at the convention_____.A.some notes were prepared for Dr.Smith.B.Some notes were prepared by Dr.Smith C.The convention members were pleased to hear Dr.Smith D 几道英语的单项选择题1.He wanted ____ some interesting books.A.buying B.to buy C.buyer2.He found it very difficult ____ the work in such a short time.A.finishing B.finished C.to finish3.Do you enjoy ____ computer games?A.play B.playing C.pla 英语选择题(练5)1.Last Sunday was____that we took a drive in the country.A;sunch beautiful day B;so beautiful a day C;such beautiful a day D;so beautiful day2.The though of ___robots may be able to do seems exciting.A;which B;how C;that D;what 3 英语选择题有关定冠词Everything comes with a price;there is no such _____ thing as a free lunch in the world.A.a B./ such a thing,感觉挺顺的,为什么选B? 英语dr怎么读 英语 b-dr--m- 怎样上百度问英语选择题We moved to London______we could visit our friends more often.1.even if 2.so that 3.in case 4.as if 一道考查so和such用法的选择题1.Tom made _____rapid progress in English that before long he could write articles in English for an newspaper.A.much B.so C.such D.very为什么选C 问一道英语选择题 为什么选B?