
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 23:05:57
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As China's planned economy to the market's rapid economic development.WTO's accession to the 21st century knowledge-based economy,management,the advent of the era.Facing the new situation,new challenges,the domestic construction enterprises are bound to face a dilemma:how to manage the project will be a meager profit in the new economy era,in an invincible position.With the booming of China's real estate development,market competition becoming increasingly fierce,the construction market of "double effect" works to bring pressure on project management,project profits will be further reduced,profits,excess profits of the period no longer exists .Stepping enterprises have a meager profit era,which would require that the project management contract must be based on the management of the main line,strengthen the quality of progress of the project,the three major objectives of the project cost control,strengthen coordination both A and B,such as good public relations.Project management will also force from extensive management to intensive management changes.In meager profit era,how to manage the project,to make themselves invincible,this is the era is an urgent need to project management personnel urgently needed to resolve.


Along with our country planned economy to market economy fast development. WTO joined, the 21st century knowledge economy, manages the time oncoming. Facing the new situation, the new challenge, the d...


Along with our country planned economy to market economy fast development. WTO joined, the 21st century knowledge economy, manages the time oncoming. Facing the new situation, the new challenge, the domestic construction enterprise will certainly to face a difficult problem: How will the engineering project manage can in the new economical meager profit time, is in an impregnable position. Along with our country's real estate's industry vigorous development, the market competition day by day is also intense, the construction market “the two-sided effects” will bring the pressure for the project management, the project profit will reduce further, the sudden and huge profits, excess profit's time has not existed. The enterprise has step-by-stepped a meager profit time, this will request the project management to take the contract as the basis, the management is a master line, strengthens the project quality, the progress of works, the project cost three big goal controls, strengthens is coordinated good armor second grade both sides and so on public relation. Also will force the engineering project management to transform from the extension management into the intensified management. In the meager profit time, how does the engineering project manage, can enable itself to be in an impregnable position, this is the question which the present time urgent need project management personnel are urgently needed solve.



请求高人帮我将下面一段话汉译英随着我国计划经济向市场经济的快速发展.WTO的加入,二十一世纪知识经济,管理时代的来临.面对新的形势、新的挑战,国内建筑企业都必将面对一个难题:工 请求帮我解决下面的数学题 请求谁帮我写一段英语自我介绍? 请求高人帮我把中文翻译成希腊文只要宇开心,什么都可以 请求帮我 请求高人帮我解读下面这句MATLAB语句fx = conv2(double(im1),double(0.25* [-1 1; -1 1])) + conv2(double(im2),double(0.25*[-1 1; -1 1])); 尤其是double(0.25* [-1 1; -1 随着经济全球化的不断发展.哪位英语高手能帮我翻译下下面的一段话~谢谢啦~发到邮箱:lixuanwei27@163.com~谢谢啦各位,帮帮忙~~随着经济全球化的不断发展,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家及地 请求帮我将下边的中文翻译成英文啊 谢谢了!“可以帮我把这个账号的WOW订单取消吗?十分感谢!” 请求高人帮我写首英文诗 几句就行 请帮我写几句简单的英文诗 内容不限制 我现在大一 英语短语归纳有哪为高人,可以帮我归纳下从初中到高2的短语,最好是分A组等的,我将感激不尽, 十岁不愁、二十不悔、三十而立、四十不惑、五十知天命、六十耳顺、七十古来稀请高人帮我解释下面一段话:不惑之年不有困惑之举,母不捶胸、妻不夜泣、儿不惊厥,维斯如斯,老不桀撅. 高人帮我改病句改改下面的句子:蔚蓝的天空中飘着朵朵雪花. 请求高人帮我写一篇英语作文用The city that i visited.为题写一篇英语作文80词左右,不需要太好. 请求高人帮我排序that / the bank / it goes without saying / with reasonable care / should / it receives / examine the documents就是这句, 英语翻译请求高人帮忙翻译一段中文成英文,请用百度HI联系, 请求高人帮我汉译英下面这段话论题:建筑企业管理与项目管理的关系是当前我国建筑企业在转机建制过程中遇到的普遍问题.企业管理是高层次的管理,项目管理从属于企业管理,但又有其特 英语翻译请求高手帮我翻译下, 请求高人帮我解释一下这个签的意思我在武汉的归元寺罗汉堂求了一只签,听武汉的人说,这里很灵,而且好像看起来跟我在寺里许的愿望也有点占边,请求高人帮我解解啊内容是:第六十三无量