企业激励管理方面的中英文对照文章3000词不要翻译器翻的~质量好的可以加分 难度不要太大

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 14:05:51
企业激励管理方面的中英文对照文章3000词不要翻译器翻的~质量好的可以加分 难度不要太大
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企业激励管理方面的中英文对照文章3000词不要翻译器翻的~质量好的可以加分 难度不要太大
不要翻译器翻的~质量好的可以加分 难度不要太大

企业激励管理方面的中英文对照文章3000词不要翻译器翻的~质量好的可以加分 难度不要太大
2 负激励在企业管理中的作用
2.1 负激励是控制员工行为的一条隐性“止步线”
2.2 负激励可以起到以儆效尤的作用
2.3 负激励对员工心理的影响经常大于正激励
所谓正激励就是对个体的符合组织目标的期望行为进行奖励,以使这种行为更多地出现,提高个体的积极性,主要表现为对员工的奖励和表扬等.但是,正激励对员工的心理影响在逐步淡化,特别是对于高薪白领阶层,有调查表明,在中国月薪高于5 000元的阶层,对于奖励额度在10%以下的激励,绝大多数人员表示“没感觉”,原因是相对于其较高的薪酬总额来说,这一点奖励是微不足道的,也难怪他们无所谓,并且经常性的表扬也会落入习以为常“惰性”的圈套.而负激励的心理影响却是巨大的,并且具有双重性,从物质的角度看,本来正常情况下就能得到的没拿到还被处罚,损失是双倍的,更重要的是精神上受打击,心理波动可想而知,企业正是通过负激励的方式从心理上的影响达到影响其行为的目的.如上例,一个白领迟到被扣薪100元并公告,此白领很担心员工对他的认识改变,对他的心理影响不是能以金钱来衡量的.
2.4 负激励的正效应
2.5 负激励的执行不能产生偏差
2.6 在负激励面前管理者要以身作则
As everyone knows, the incentive system is a modern enterprise system, one of the core content, is to establish the enterprise's core competitiveness the cornerstone of enterprise management is an integral part of the essence. Inspired the term "Ci Hai" as "so excited heart", that is to stimulate people's motives, the acts of people induced to produce a built-in momentum towards the desired goal of the process. As the name suggests, the so-called negative incentives is a breach of individual organizational goals to punish non-expected behavior, so that it does not recur, so that individual initiative the goal of moving in the right direction of transfer, disciplinary action for specific performance, economic sanctions, reduction in rank, descending pay-out and so on. In the modern enterprise management attaches great importance to the entrepreneurs are inspired, and often neglected the role of negative incentives, therefore, this article talk about the negative incentives in the enterprise management application.
2 negative incentives in the role of corporate governance
2.1 negative incentive to control employee behavior is a hidden "stop line"
Just as the boundaries of morality and the law as beyond the boundaries of ethics is bound to be punished by law, a negative incentive is the case, has day-to-day business of the general code of conduct, management systems and so on, beyond the guidelines, the system will be subject to certain sanctions . Of course, the negative incentive measures and means to exist in most of the corresponding enterprise management system. Negative incentives as a "stop line", perhaps as a few employees noted that the staff actually control behavior played an indispensable role in the nurture of day-to-day, the staff, consciously or unconsciously, have accepted this kinds of negative incentive regulation, the invisible to the management of behavior of a virtuous cycle of sustained effect. For example, in the system provides that "a deduction for being late to work 100", all the staff all know can not be late, or else they would be punished, under normal circumstances, employees naturally developed a habit to go to work on time, managers applied only bound by a negative incentive mechanism to manage the entire enterprise of labor discipline, we can see, the hidden "stop line" how important.
2.2 negative incentives can play the role of a warning to others
On more than a negative incentive systems are often bound by the boundaries of employee behavior, but this does not mean that all employees will comply with the agreed rules, as not all have the law will be law-abiding citizens, the total staff will be guilty of some kinds of errors Otherwise, the legal system and the enterprise system of negative incentives no longer necessary, which means, when the number of employees bound to overcome these consequences will be punished accordingly, and the nature of this punishment is mandatory and the threat of nature, the deterrent effect, often played the role of set an example and really make it impossible for workers to accept the psychological behavior of enterprise management respect, thereby enhancing self-management behavior. For example, suppose a company in the month, a 3 million to go to work late, this month 3 business deduction 100 yuan each, and to notice, it will make employees aware that such a negative incentive is not a means of display, but very good to maintain labor discipline of enterprises.
2.3 negative psychological motivation of employees is greater than the impact of recurrent excitation
Is the so-called incentives are in line with the organizational goals of individual acts of reward expectations in order to make more of such acts appeared to raise the enthusiasm of individuals, mainly for employees, such as reward and recognition. However, employees are inspired to gradually dilute the psychological impact, especially for high-paying white-collar class, a survey showed that in China, a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan higher than the class, for the reward in 10% of the amount of incentives, the overwhelming majority of staff "No feel" because of higher relative to their total remuneration for this award is insignificant, it is hardly surprising that they do not care, and often will fall into the hands of recognition used to "inertia" of the trap. And the psychological impact of negative incentive is huge and has a dual nature, from the physical point of view, under normal circumstances would have been able to get was not punishment, is a double loss and, more importantly, the spirit by combat, psychological fluctuations can be imagined, business incentives is the way through the negative psychological impact from the impact of their actions to achieve the purpose. As in the previous case, a late white-collar workers was 100 yuan and deduction notice is very worried about this white-collar employees to change his awareness of his psychological impact was not able to be measured by money.
2.4 The positive effect of negative incentives
Simply understood literally, it is often thought to play a negative incentive effect is negative, on the contrary, we in the enterprise management process is to play a positive effect of negative incentives. The above mentioned "stop line" or a warning to others, or all of the negative incentives or means to regulate employee behavior are, in order to conduct business management services. A few days ago, a research report that the current personnel management "can not post, the salary can be increased can not be reduced, the annual assessment is only good, competent, there is no or a very small number of incompetent," and many other phenomena have stemmed from not negative incentive system, which eventually led to a lack of passion and the entire collective vitality, creativity and enthusiasm is not high. Cases from the above analysis, the parties may be a punishment is negative, the negative side, but should be noted that if there are no such negative incentive measures, the wrongful act of a laissez-faire attitude of staff, we can imagine the fate of an enterprise will be How would, in fact, this is only a small number of people on the punishment, the effect is to enable enterprises to comply with the majority of "rules of the game", the positive effect is much larger than the negative effect; for the parties, the negative impact is only temporary, and only he recognized that errors and corrections, the final result is positive.
2.5 The implementation of incentives can not be a negative bias
In the Constitution provides that "everyone is equal before the law," The same is true of negative incentives in the conduct of corporate management to achieve "equality before the negative incentives", which is the implementation of the incentive to be more accurate and appropriate degree of difficulty than Great. Negative incentives in the implementation is often different from the incentives, incentives are often biased in favor of the "icing on the cake," a little more less, less staff than accounting; and negative incentives are different, once the bias, employees will be over, will lead to enterprise management the authority of those who suffer, and even lead to ineffective corporate governance system. For example, an employee for being late, because employees can not be said that he was on his way traffic, there is no subjective error and give up their punishment, or the next because of "traffic" will be late, more and more managers because it is impossible to implement really traffic, managers can also be understood: As it is known that the peak period of work may be traffic congestion, why can not this early point of departure? Should not vary from person to person, such as a wife or relatives leadership to give up their punishment for being late, then all the systems will be a mere formality, corporate governance, sink into a chaotic state.
2.6 In the face of negative incentives to managers to lead by example
Leadership as a business, managers should be willing to "loss" itself, it is necessary to accompany staff to accept the burden of responsibility should be to enable the staff will not be convincing. In the power industry for many years of day-to-day management of the "monthly economic assessment methods accountability" and "Points management regulations" are two well-established management practices, these two approaches to the conduct of employees as defined in detail, the vast majority the majority of negative incentive measures, a small number of positive incentives, which is a good part of punishment for the next level of employees, higher level managers to be a certain percentage of the associated penalties, since the theory is wrong on the lower level employees at least bear management responsibility, the penalties associated with negative incentive measures to implement greater interoperability, the higher level can say. There is also a subordinate enterprises, the establishment of the "three German banks" management approach, that is, professional ethics, social ethics and family virtues, and management areas within the eight-hour extension from the outside to eight hours to count each and every member of the "three ethics" of the gold, as a punishment "Three Morals" of loan interest, deposit interest rates as a reward, but the leadership of more severe joint and several liability, "Three Morals" of points is the average of employees, by employees of the system greatly recognition.