
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:49:07
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A Wrong Idea
Often the concepts of heat and temperature are thought to be the same,but they are not.
Perhaps the reason the two are usually and incorrectly thought to be the same is because as human beings on Earth everyday experience leads us to notice that when you heat something up,say like putting a pot of water on the stove,then the temperature of that something goes up.More heat,more temperature - they must be the same,right?Turns out,though,this is not true.
Initial Definitions
Temperature is a number that is related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance.If temperature is measured in Kelvin degrees,then this number is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules.
Heat is a measurement of the total energy in a substance.That total energy is made up of not only of the kinetic energies of the molecules of the substance,but total energy is also made up of the potential energies of the molecules.
More About Temperature
So,temperature is not energy.It is,though,a number that relates to one type of energy possessed by the molecules of a substance.Temperature directly relates to the kinetic energy of the molecules.The molecules have another type of energy besides kinetic,however; they have potential energy,also.Temperature readings do not tell you anything directly about this potential energy.
Temperature can be measured in a variety of units.If you measure it in degrees Kelvin,then the temperature value is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the substance.Notice we did not say that temperature is the kinetic energy.We said it is a number,if in degrees Kelvin,is proportional to the average kinetic energies of the molecules; that is,if you double the Kelvin temperature of a substance,you double the average kinetic energy of its molecules.
More About Heat
Heat is energy.
Heat is the total amount of energy possessed by the molecules in a piece of matter.This energy is both kinetic energy and potential energy.
When heat,(i.e.,energy),goes into a substance one of two things can happen:
1.The substance can experience a raise in temperature.That is,the heat can be used to speed up the molecules of the substance.Since Kelvin temperature is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance,an factor increase in temperature causes an equal factor increase in the average kinetic energy of the molecules.And if the kinetic energy of the molecules increase,the speed of the molecules will increase,although these increases are not directly proportional.The kinetic energy of a body is proportional to the square of the speed of the body.
2.The substance can change state.For example,if the substance is ice,it can melt into water.Perhaps surprisingly,this change does not cause a raise in temperature.The moment before melting the average kinetic energy of the ice molecules is the same as the average kinetic energy of the water molecules a moment after melting.Although heat is absorbed by this change of state,the absorbed energy is not used to speed up the molecules.The energy is used to change the bonding between the molecules.Changing the manner in which the molecules bond to one another constitutes a change in potential energy.Heat comes in and there is an increase in the potential energy of the molecules.Their kinetic energy remains unchanged.
So,when heat comes into a substance,energy comes into a substance.That energy can be used to increase the kinetic energy of the molecules,which would cause an increase in temperature.Or that heat could be used to increase the potential energy of the molecules causing a change in state that is not accompanied by an increase in temperature.

关于Heat的英文文章!过两天就要交了,要找一篇关于Heat(热能)的英文文章,最好是2009-2010年写的,最好不要是百科里的~一定要是英文啊~不要太短了~PS:只是如果现在加分的话如果没有满意答 关于椭圆的,再过两天就要上学了 一篇我对爸爸妈妈的爱的作文450字左右.过两天就要交了, 双齿配体、三齿配体、六齿配体 举例 请写出分子结构式十万火急!过两天我的论文就要交稿了,急. 帮我写一篇关于《感动》的文章要有题记和小标题,谢谢!拜托了!这两天就要 关于圣诞节的文章(英文版)请不要抄袭别人的一定要是自己写的!明天就要交了 红领巾心系祖国,演讲稿,速度、过两天就要交稿了. 马克思的幸福观的相关理论在《马克思恩格斯全集》第几卷啊?过两天就要交论文二稿啦,就差这个观点没改动了,是关于马克思主义的幸福的相关理论在第几卷,我找不到 作文难忘的第一次600字 关于做饭的文章!我明天就要交了! 求几篇关于青春的文章因为后天就要交稿了,我还没有写好呢! 一篇关于调光灯电路设计的文章亲们快点好么 26号就要交了 描写弱势群体的作文要有外貌、神态、语言、动作、他的生活处境,最好600字过两天就要交了, 老师要我们 结合自己对小学科学知识的认识与现代科学成果的了解,完成一份科学手抄报过两天就要交了! 关于环境的调查报告作文,快,再过几天就要交了 求包装盒展开图要包装设计盒的展开图.55.过两天就要交了.盒子形状还是弄不好. 求 全部古诗抄 这些古诗 过两天 就要交了 实在借不到 9下的 书 请 帮下忙 偶十万火急 1000字说明书,关于考试一道默写题的错的我们考试错了一道默写题,错了一个字,挨写1000字说明书.帮帮忙啊,实在没写过.星期一就要交了要文章! 描写大自然的文章,明天我就要交了!