发展旅游业的好处我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 05:29:09
发展旅游业的好处我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行!
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发展旅游业的好处我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行!
我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行!

发展旅游业的好处我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行!
Benefits of Tourism
There are a number of benefits of tourism for both the tourist and the host destination.On a large scale it offers a good alternative to some more destructive industries for generating income both on nationally and privately.
The tourism industry encompasses many different areas,so it also creates jobs in many different areas.With tourism comes hotels,resturants,car rental agencies,tour companies,service stations,souvenier shops,sports equipment rentals,and much more.All of this creates many different levels of employment for people in a given community.
In many places the introduction and development of tourism allows local people an opportunity for economic and educational growth that would not otherwise be available.In addition,it allows both the tourist and the local community a chance to experience other cultures,which broadens understanding.
If properly used,tourism generated income can be tremendously beneficial to the host country and it's local communities.Tourism generated income can be used on a national and local level to better education,improve infrastructure,to fund conservation efforts,and to promote more responsible tourism.
Place could be damaged or polluted because of tourism.
We kill our precious time aimlessly and misutilise our time in such a worthless things,which neither contribute to help you in fulfilling your responsibilities towards your family and other nears and dears,nor can help potentially in your earning capacity.

发展旅游业的好处我们班搞英语辩论赛,辩题是Developing tourism is good for one's area!我是正方!各位大大们帮帮忙!最好是英语的,中文也行! 辩论赛对我们的发展有哪些好处? 旅游业的发展给区域经济的发展带来哪些好处 辩论赛:发展旅游业的利与弊..我正方... 旅游业发展的优点和缺点 英语 旅游业的发展优点班级开展辩论赛 题目是旅游业的发展的利于弊 我们是利的一方 所以希望各位大神们能帮我们出谋划策 小弟在此谢谢了 .尽量全面点 ...3Q... 英语辩论赛上网的好处 科技的发展对我们交朋友有什么好处呢,辩论赛要用, 我们班要举行辩论赛,谁知道看电视的好处 英语翻译帮忙把这些翻译成英语“发展旅游业能给当地经济发展有推动作用.同时也为人民生活带来好处.但是,旅游业发展过快也有一定的弊端.急用 科学发展对我们是否有好处.这是一场辩论赛,我是正方,请诸位说说科学发展对我们的好处有哪些? 辩论赛,关于网络对我们的好处 旅游业发展的优点和缺点 英语短文200以内 用何种方式英语帮助旅游业的发展 高分 英语怎么说 青岛滨海旅游业的发展问题探讨青岛滨海旅游业的发展问题探讨 英语怎么说呢? 西双版纳发展旅游业的区位 中国旅游业的发展与日本旅游业的比较 我们班要举行一个辩论赛,请帅哥美女些说说上网的好处,谢谢!