
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:47:29
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提示:keep calm;dial 119;feel the door;wait for;fire engine.
if a fire happens suddenly when we are in the room,we must do the following things:

If there is a fire:
Be Safe
1.Get out fast!When you hear the loud beep of the smoke alarm,get out of the house.Never hide or take time to grab your belongings or pets.
2.Follow your escape plan.After all,you've been practicing!
3.Feel a door before you open it.If it is hot,there may be fire on the other side.Try to get out another way.
4.Stay low to the floor.Since smoke rises,the safest air for breathing is down low.
5.Call 9-1-1 or the fire department.Be sure to do this after you get out of the house.Remember:Only call 9-1-1 if there is a real emergency.
6.Stay out!Once you're out,stay out.Don't go back for anything!
And remember...
Stop,Drop,and Roll.If your clothing catches fire,remember to stop where you are and drop to the ground.Cover your face and mouth with your hands,and roll over and over until the flames are out.
I got most of this stuff from the United States Fire Administration's Kids Page,and some from the National Fire Protection Association Web site.You can talk to your parents or teachers about fire safety,too.
I also learned a lot from some third graders who interviewed four of their local firefighters.They even sent me some great pictures.Check them out!

关于火灾的英语作文如果家里突发火灾时我们正好在室内,我们应该采取一些什么样的自救措施呢?请你根据下面的的提示,充分发挥自己的想象力,写一篇80词左右的短文.开头已给出,不计入总 英语作文:如果家里突发火灾时我们正在室内,我们应采取一些什么自救措施呢?提示:keep calm;dial 119; feel the door; wet some towels; lie on the floor; wait for; fire engine 开头:If a fire happens suddenly when we 关于火灾逃生的作文! 关于预防火灾的作文 , 一篇关于火灾的作文 求一篇预防火灾的英语作文.1.火灾会给我们的家庭造成损失。如果发生火灾 一定要迅速逃离现场 并且呼救。2.厨房是防止火灾发生的重要地方,在使用时要小心3.要经常检查房间电线 电源 英语作文:预防火灾 如果发生火灾时,我们如何逃生? 火灾时我们该怎么办 英语 关于火灾的作文?怎么写? 如何写关于火灾的作文? 关于火灾洪水怎么预防的作文 麻烦帮忙翻译一篇关于火灾急救的的英语作文 80字左右 火灾发生时,要冷静地面对.称火势很小之际 英语作文发生火灾时该怎么办 关于火灾的小作文400字左右预防火灾,优美一点的文章···谢谢~~带有议论文的感觉.说说我们该怎样预防火灾,谈谈火灾的危害. 火灾的感想作文 英语作文:当我们晚上在家睡觉时,发生了火灾,50—60字的作文哦,今天就要, 当我们遇上火灾时,我们可以拨打119用英语表示,另外再写几条关于火灾的发生我们应该怎么做?也是用英语表达注意:要英语好的,不要滥竽充数