完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A DMiss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:47:56
完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A DMiss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them
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完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A DMiss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them
完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A D
Miss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them many good __47___to help them teach better.She loved her students and they loved her,too.
Yes,in many ways she was nearly perfect.___48___,she did have two small shortcomings (缺点).First,she would always __49___snacks in her desk.Sometimes the food attracted mice and other unwanted guests.
Her the other shortcoming was that she was __50__afraid of snakes.She would not allow anyone in her class to __51__pictures of snakes or even say the word.She was even afraid when her kids were __52__about words that start with the letter S.
One day these two things came __53__.A teacher __54___knew about Miss Joan’s two shortcomings decided to make fun of her.He bought a toy snake in a shop.When Miss Joan wasn’t in the classroom,he took away some of her snacks and put the toy snake__55__her desk instead.When Miss Joan took out the snack to eat,she saw a toy snake.She was too frightened to move,and from then on she never hide snacks in her desk.
( ) 46.A.film B.meal C.question D.lessons
( ) 47.A.friends B.papers C dreams D.ideas
( ) 48.A.However B.Because C.So D.Even if
( ) 49.A.hide B.steal C.buy D.eat
( ) 50.A.never B.hardly C.really D.once
( ) 51.A.buy B.borrow C.draw D.take
( ) 52.A.learning B.laughing C.caring D.wishing
( ) 53.A.yet B.as usual C.as well D.together
( ) 54.A.which B.what C.whom D.who
( ) 55.A.on B.behind C.in D.to

完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A DMiss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them
47.She also helped the other teachers,giving them many good __47___to help them teach better.
她经常帮助其他老师,给予他们很好的 ( ) 来帮助他们更好的教学.
四个选项:A.friends B.papers C dreams D.ideas
49.First,she would always __49___snacks in her desk.
首先,她总是在她的办公桌里 ( ) 零食.

求表面积:讲3个高都是4dm,底面半径分别为4dm,2dm和1dm的圆柱组成一个塔形 完形填空的47和49为什么分别选A DMiss Joan was a kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher who taught in a small village school.She always worked long hours to prepare interesting__46__for her students.She also helped the other teachers,giving them 一个直角三角形三条边分别为0.5dm、1.2dm和1.3dm,它的面积是多少面积是多少dm? 一、填空.1、一个等边三角形的周长是28.5dm,高石6.4dm,面积是( )dm.2、一台播种机,作业宽度1.6m,每小时行4km,2小时可播种( )平方米.3、一个直角三角形的两条直角分别长3dm和4dm,斜边长5dm,斜 一个长12dm,宽7.5dm的长方形纸一共可以剪成( )个两条直角边分别为4dm和3dm的直角三角形.a.15 b.14 c.12 英语完形填空 第6 7 9 题 不太懂!为什么分别选C D A不对!是为什么第九题选B 不是行为动词要在still的后面吗 还有第10题 为什么不能选C 图中两个正方形的边长分别为6dm和4dm,求阴影部分面积. 直径为8dm的半圆的周长是()dm,面积是()dm.填空 完形填空的第3题.为什么选B不选A? 完形填空的第3题.为什么选B,不能选A? 在下列溶液分别与50cm³的1mol/dm³HCl混合时,哪个不会令其pH值起变化A.50cm³ 1mol/dm³ 和NaCl的反应B.50cm³ 1mol/dm³ 和HNO3的反应C.50cm³ 1mol/dm³和乙酸反应D.50cm³ 1mol/dm³ 电流密度A/DM-2表示什么意思啊电流密度A/DM-2和A/DM2的意思一样吗 如下图1,在长,宽,高分别为2dm,2dm,4dm的长方体上有一只蚂蚁从顶点A出发1.如下图1,在长、宽、高分别为2dm,2dm,4dm的长方体上有一只蚂蚁从顶点A出发,要爬到顶点D,这只蚂蚁爬过的线路正好最短并 ∠A=∠B=90°,CD=AC+BC,DM、CM分别平分∠ADC和∠DCB,求M为AB的中点图 关于全等三角形三角形:△ABC是等腰直角三角形,角BAC=90,AB=AC,(1)若D是BC的中点,过D做DM垂直DN分别交AB,AC于M,N,求证DM=DN(2)若DM垂直DN分别和BA,AC延长线交于M,N,问DM与DN有何数量关系?为什么? 如图是一个三级台阶,它的每一级的长、宽、高分别为20dm、3dm、2dm,A和B是这个台阶两相对的端点,点A有一只昆虫想到点B去吃可口的食物,则昆虫沿着台阶爬到点B的最短路程是多少? 有一梯形,高为5dm上底为6dm梯形内有一半圆,直径为10dm半径为5dm分别求出梯形和半圆的面积 一个圆的周长是15.7dm,它的半径和直径分别是多少?