39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating B.to locate C.being located D.located 40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:10:00
39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating B.to locate C.being located D.located 40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is
xRn@~yk^"!$^ʱ2ūZ^]@hBH-Cwص96VԜj-~?;I'x]66,zؐW&rla_"CeB eEBԛ#tdќ]] CeqT[yȠߓGh#:MCZ.``W0SmɏӥFEFgJBN(`a9 >:

39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating B.to locate C.being located D.located 40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is
39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating
B.to locate
C.being located
40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is not always the case.
39.D 40 A

39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating B.to locate C.being located D.located 40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is
39 选D, locate vt.位于;说出来源;查找……的地点;确定……的位置,be located in...位于,为固定短语,过去分词做原因状语.
40 选A,A 虽然 B 当..的时候 C 正如 D 除非,根据句意选A.
While it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes, this is not always the case.

____,I managed to pass the driving test so the effort I made was worth it in the endA Hopefully B Generally C Thankfully D Conveniently 39. Conveniently _____ in downtown the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city. C. being39. Conveniently _____ in downtown the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city. C. being located D. located选D 请教英语好的朋友,一个词性转换的题目~convenience,convenient,conveniently,inconvenience,The hotel is ____ located in the center of town.We hope it is ____ for you to meet us at two o’clock.All stores and museums are closed on Mondays 39.Conveniently _____ in downtown,the hotel is quite popular with visitors to the city.A.locating B.to locate C.being located D.located 40._____ it is hoped that college students should be equipped with the ability to take a good set of notes,this is How to commit suicide without any pain conveniently我是在问这个问题而不是要翻译 It's convenient to travel是对的 还是 It's conveniently to travel?为什么?副词应该怎么加? Kitty sat in the big armchair----- and enjoyed watching the match on TV A.comfortabalyB.conveniently C.suddenly D.cheerful people didn't have enough software to get on-line conveniently until the early 1990s翻译, She is______changing her mind.To tell the truth,I really can't make her outA.constantly B.conveniently C.particularly D.generally _,I managed to get though the game and the pain was worth it in the end.A Hopefully B NormallyC Thankfully D Conveniently 英语翻译The need to obtain access conveniently,quickly and economically makes it imperative to devise procedures for the creation,management and utilization of databases in organizations. 很容易的英语35.Let’s go home,____ ____?36.Open the door,____ ____?37.Let us have a drink,____ ___?38.Don’t be late again,____ ____?39.Go and get some water for me,____ ____?40.There are few apple trees in my garden,____ ____?41.I think the 英语翻译He ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . 先声夺人,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,独具匠心,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,____,粗制滥造. 英语翻译Becoming a writer ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 英语翻译I ____ ____ ____ San Francisco ____ ____ ____. 英语翻译Most conveniently,polymers are generally subdivided in three categories,viz.,plastics,rubbers and fibers.In terms of initial elastic modulus,rubbers ranging generally between 10(6) to 10(7) dynes/cm²,represent the lower end of the sc 英语翻译Although a range of more readily handled and selective fluorinating agents is available,in many cases the target molecule may be more conveniently attained in fewer steps by utilizing fluorinated building blocks available from commercial