乞力马扎罗山 的英文简介

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乞力马扎罗山 的英文简介
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乞力马扎罗山 的英文简介
乞力马扎罗山 的英文简介

乞力马扎罗山 的英文简介
- Rising 19,340 feet above sea level,Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa and the world’s highest free-standing mountain.
- Kilimanjaro lies 205 miles South of the equator and stands on Tanzania’s northern border with Kenya.
- The structure is composed of 3 volcanoes:Kibo (19,340 feet),Mawenzi (16,896 feet),and Shira (13,000 feet).
- Kilimanjaro supports 5 major eco-zones:rainforest,heath,moorland,alpine desert and glaciers.
- With the exception of the summit zone,wildlife is potentially encountered throughout the lower parts of the climb.You may see elephants,buffalo,and eland on the northern slopes; black & white colobus monkeys,Sykes monkeys,and tropical boubou in the forest belt; and birds such as sun birds,augur buzzard,mountain hawk eagle,lammergeier and white-naped ravens.
- The name Kilimanjaro has no certain origin,but one of the most popular theories is that it came from KILMA NJARO meaning “shining mountain” in Swahili.The shiny snow on the peak led nearby residents to believe that evil spirits guarded the mountain.This myth could also explain why some referred to NJARO as a demon that caused cold.
- Because they saw fellow tribe members attempt the climb only to disappear or to return deformed from frostbite,the Chagga people—who live at the base of the mountain—for centuries had no desire to climb the mountain they believed was full of evil spirits.
- In 1889,German geographer Hans Meyer and Austrian mountain climber Ludwig Purtscheller were the first to climb Kilimanjaro.
- Today,about 15,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro each year,as a spiritual journey or as a personal challenge.

乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro)是非洲最高的山脉,是一个火山丘,海拔5895米,面积756平方公里,它位于坦桑尼亚乞力马扎罗东北部,邻近肯尼亚,是坦桑尼亚与肯尼亚的分水岭,坐落于南纬3度(3 03 39.11S 37 21 35.69E),距离赤道仅300多公里。乞力马扎罗山素有“非洲屋脊”之称,而许多地理学家则喜欢称它为“非洲之王”。乞力马扎罗山国家公园和森林保护区占据了整个乞力马扎罗山及...


乞力马扎罗山(Kilimanjaro)是非洲最高的山脉,是一个火山丘,海拔5895米,面积756平方公里,它位于坦桑尼亚乞力马扎罗东北部,邻近肯尼亚,是坦桑尼亚与肯尼亚的分水岭,坐落于南纬3度(3 03 39.11S 37 21 35.69E),距离赤道仅300多公里。乞力马扎罗山素有“非洲屋脊”之称,而许多地理学家则喜欢称它为“非洲之王”。乞力马扎罗山国家公园和森林保护区占据了整个乞力马扎罗山及周围的山地森林。乞力马扎罗山国家公园由林木线以上的所有山区和穿过山地森林带的6个森林走廊组成。乞力马扎罗山四周都是山林,那里生活着众多的哺乳动物,其中一些还是濒于灭绝的种类。  坦桑尼亚东北部的大火山体,邻近肯亚边界。其中央火山锥称基博(Kibo)峰,海拔5,895公尺(19,341呎),是非洲最高点。吉力马札罗位於东非大裂谷以南约160公里(100哩),在奈洛比以南约225公里(140哩)。该山的主体沿东西向延伸将近80公里(50哩),由三个主要的死火山——基博、马温西(Mawensi)和希拉(Shira)构成。基博时代最新,也最高,还保持著典型的火山锥和火山口的形状,并且同马温西(海拔5,354公尺〔17,564呎〕)在海拔约4,600公尺(15,000呎)处的一段长11公里(7哩)的鞍状山脊相连,马温西是先前的一座高峰的较老的核心。希拉岭(海拔3,778公尺〔12,395呎〕)仅仅是较早的一个火山口的残馀。鞍状山脊以下,吉力马札罗的主体以典型火山曲线向下面的平原倾斜,平原的高度约海拔900公尺(3,000呎)。  基博虽然看来像个盖著积雪的穹丘,但其南侧却有个直径2公里(1,2哩),深约300公尺(980呎)的火山口。此火山口里有个显示残馀火山活动的内火山锥。和基博峰的有规则的锥形大不相同的是,马温西峰是经过强烈侵蚀的,山势崎岖而且陡峭,并且被东西向狭谷劈开。基博的冰盖沿冰盖边缘残存下来,形成分散的大冰块。在基博的西南坡上,冰川终止於4,270公尺(14,000呎)处,在其北侧则只下降到其峰顶以下很短距离。马温西山上不存在永久冰,也几乎没有积雪地。   乞力马扎罗山具有顺序相继的几个植被带,其组成(自山麓至山顶)为︰周围高原的半乾旱的灌木丛、南坡水源充足的农田、茂密的云林、开阔的沼地、高山荒漠、苔藓和地衣的共生带。该山体中生存著各种大小动物。   乞力马扎罗山山坡上的年降水量平均为1,780公釐(70吋)。南坡和东坡上的水流供给潘加尼(Pangani)河、察沃(Tsavo)河和吉佩(Jipe)湖,而北坡上的水流则供给安博塞利(Amboseli)湖和察沃河。帕雷(Pare)山脉从吉力马札罗峰向东南延伸。   乞力马扎罗山所在的地区是坦桑尼亚的淡咖啡、大麦、小麦和蔗糖的主要产区之一;其他作物有琼麻、玉米(玉蜀黍)、各种豆类、香蕉、金合欢树皮、棉花、除虫菊和马铃薯。该地区的居民有查加人(Chaga或Chagga)、帕雷人、卡赫人(Kahe)和姆布古人(Mbugu)。   当德国传教士雷布曼(Johannes Rebmann)和克拉普夫(Ludwig Krapf)於1848年到达吉力马札罗时,那里的地层就为欧洲人所知了,不过关於离赤道很近(在南纬3°)就有峰顶积雪的山脉的消息,过了很久之後才为人相信。基博峰顶是德国地理学家迈尔(Hans Meyer)和奥地利登山家普尔柴勒(Ludwig Purtscheller)於1889年首次攀登上去的。马温西峰是1912年由德国地理学家克卢特(Fritz Klute)最先登顶的。位於吉力马札罗南麓的莫希(Moshi)市是主要贸易中心和登山基地。  乞力马扎罗山有两个主峰,一个叫乌呼鲁,另一个叫马文济,两峰之间有一个10多公里长的马鞍形的山脊相连,远远望去,乞力马扎罗山是一座孤单耸立的高山,在辽阔的东非大草原上拔地而起,高耸入云,气势磅礴。当你凝神远眺这座壮丽深邃的大雪山时,常常能感受到它有股内在的伟力,一种燃烧的、躁动着的原始生命力。乞力马扎罗山乌呼鲁赤道峰顶有一个直径2400米、深200米的火山口,口内四壁是晶莹无瑕的巨大冰层,底部耸立着巨大的冰柱,冰雪覆盖,宛如巨大的玉盆。  在斯瓦希里语中,乞力马扎罗山意为“闪闪发光的山”。它的轮廓非常鲜明:缓缓上升的斜坡引向一长长的、扁平的山顶,那是一个真正的巨型火山口——一个盆状的火山峰顶。酷热的日子里,从很远处望去,蓝色的山基赏心悦目,而白雪皑皑的山顶似乎在空中盘旋。常伸展到雪线以下飘渺的云雾,增加了这种幻觉。山麓的气温有时高达59℃,而峰顶的气温又常在零下34℃,故有“赤道雪峰”之称。在过去的几个世纪里,乞力马扎罗山一直是一座神秘而迷人的山——没有人真的相信在赤道附近居然有这样一座覆盖着白雪的山。乞力马扎罗山在坦桑尼亚人心中无比神圣,很多部族每年都要在山脚下举行传统的祭祀活动,拜山神,求平安。
Kilimanjaro (Kilimanjaro) is the highest mountain in Africa, is a fire hills, elevation 5895 meters, covers an area of 756 square kilometers, it is located in Tanzania Kilimanjaro, neighboring Kenya, northeast Tanzania and Kenya, is located in the watershed of the great 3 degrees (3 03 39.11 S 37 21 35.69 E), the distance from the equator is only 300 kilometers. Kilimanjaro, known as "the roof of Africa", which is a geologist and many prefer to call it "the king of Africa". Kilimanjaro, national parks and forests occupy the whole Kilimanjaro, and the surrounding mountain forest. Kilimanjaro, national park by the tree line above the mountains and all through the mountain forest estate six forest of corridor. Kilimanjaro is surrounded by mountains, live there many mammals, some of them to the brink of extinction or species. In northeast Tanzania fire mountain, neighboring Kenyan border. Its central volcanic cone says gib (Kibo) peak, elevation 5895 meters (19341 feet), Africa a peak. JiLi horse Zagreb in the rift valley he of about 160 km (100 miles), in Nairobi, of about 225 km (140 miles). The main body of the mountain along the east-west extensions nearly 80 km (50 miles), consists of three major sunken volcano-gib, ma3 wen west (Mawensi) and sheila (Shira) constitutes. Gib era, is the highest, the latest had kept their typical volcanic cone and the shape of the crater, and with ma3 wen west (at 5354 meters (17564 feet)) at an altitude of about 4600 meters (15000 feet) in a long 11 km (7 miles) of the saddle ridge is linked together, ma is a former west peak of older core. Sheila ridge (at 3778 meters (12395 feet)) is just one of the earlier remnants of the crater. Saddle ridge, JiLi horse below, the main body of Mozart with typical Saul volcanic curve to the plain below tilt, the height of the plain about an altitude of 900 meters (3000 feet). Gib although it seems like a covered with snow, but the south side of the ovoid has a 2 km in diameter (1, 2 miles), deep about 300 meters (980 feet) of the crater. The crater in residual volcanic activity that the volcanic cone within. And gib feng of regular tapered very different, ma is after strong erosion of xifeng, rugged and steep hill, and be east-west split competition. Gib along the edge of the ice caps ice caps, surviving form the dispersed of ice. In the southwest of the slopes, bo glacier from the end of the 4270 meters (14000 feet), and in its place are down to the north of the summit the following very short. Ma3 wen on the west does not exist permanent ice, and almost no snow. Kilimanjaro, has several vegetation succession order with whose composition (from the top of the mountain foothills to) around half of the plateau for ︰ dry brush, south slope of plenty of water supply farmland, thick yunlin, open the moor, mountain desert, moss and lichens symbiotic belt. The mountain in a variety of sizes animals live. Kilimanjaro, on the slopes of the annual precipitation an average of 1780 mm (70 inches). Southern slope and summarizing the flow of water supply in California on pan (Pangani) river, was walter (Tsavo) river and JiPei (Jipe) lake, and the flow of water in the north slope is supply Amboseli (Amboseli) lake and WoHe attention. Palmer ray (Pare) mountains JiLi horse LuoFeng Zagreb from southeast extension. Kilimanjaro area is the weak coffee, Tanzania, wheat and barley of one of the main production of sucrose; Other crops have Joan hemp, corn (maize), all kinds of beans, banana, cinnamomum bark, cotton, pyrethrum and potatoes. The residents of the area with a check (Chaga or Chagga), palmer shocking, karkh (Kahe) and Tim cloth the ancients (Mbugu). When German missionaries LeiBuMan (Johannes Rebmann) and carat PuFu (Ludwig Krapf) in 1848 to JiLi horse Zagreb when he, where the strata for European people to know, but in very close to the equator (in this 3 °) is the summit of a mountain snow news, it was a long time before a believe. Gib summit is German geologist mayer (Hans Meyer) and the Austrian mountaineer pools of wood (Ludwig Purtscheller) in 1889 for the first time climb up. Ma3 wen is 1912 by Germany xifeng geologist g lute (Fritz Klute) for the summit first. Located in the south of the JiLi horse shows the ROM heavily (Moshi), is the main trade center and mountaineering base. There are two main Kilimanjaro, a call WuHu lu, the other one is called MaWenJi, between two peaks have a more than 10 kilometers long saddle ridge is linked together, the long distance, Kilimanjaro is a lonely tall mountains, in the vast Africa's savannah floors, the glass-walled, of great momentum. When you overlook the magnificent at deep big snow mountain, often can feel it has a great strength of inner, a burning, agitated the original vitality. Kilimanjaro, WuHu lu the equator have a summit 2400 metres wide and 200 metres deep crater, the mouth is glittering and translucent walls in the great ice, bottom immaculate stood huge icicles, snow covered, like huge jade basin. In swahili, Kilimanjaro, meaning "shining mountain". It is striking: the outline of the outline of the slope rises slowly to a long, flat top of the mountain, it is really a giant crater-a basin of volcanic summit. The heat of the day, from a distance, the blue mountain and pleasing to the eye, and snow peak seems to be circled around in the air. Often stretched to the mysterious mist, below the snowline increased the illusion. Sometimes as high as the temperature of foothills 59 ℃, and the temperature of the summit and often in 34 ℃ below zero, so have the "equator snowy peaks," said. Over the centuries, Kilimanjaro, has been a mysterious and attractive mountain-no one really believe that in the near the equator incredibly have so a covered with snow mountain. Kilimanjaro in their heart in Tanzania very sacred, and many of the tribe per year are held at the foot of the traditional ritual activities, the god worship, seek peace.
