这是2011考研英语的第四篇阅读,帮我看看到底正确答案是哪个36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We lear

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:46:41
这是2011考研英语的第四篇阅读,帮我看看到底正确答案是哪个36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We lear
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这是2011考研英语的第四篇阅读,帮我看看到底正确答案是哪个36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We lear
36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring
[A]temporary delight
[B]enjoyment in progress
[C]happiness in retrospect
[D]lasting reward
37.We learn from Paragraph 2 that
[A]celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.
[B]single mothers with babies deserve greater attention.
[C]news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.
[D]having children is highly valued by the public.
38.It is suggested in Paragraph 3 that childless folks
[A]are constantly exposed to criticism.
[B]are largely ignored by the media.
[C]fail to fulfill their social responsibilities.
[D]are less likely to be satisfied with their life.
39.According to Paragraph 4,the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is
40.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?
[A]Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.
[B]Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.
[C]Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.
[D]We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing.
我选的是36.B 37.C 38.D 39.D 40.D.到底对几个啊

这是2011考研英语的第四篇阅读,帮我看看到底正确答案是哪个36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We lear

这是2011考研英语的第四篇阅读,帮我看看到底正确答案是哪个36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We lear 考研英语阅读看谁的人大张锦芯200篇石春帧220篇胡敏200篇我都有, 寻英语达人~帮看一下我写的考研作文> 2013考研英语花卷是怎么安排的?有可能两套卷子的阅读前三篇选项顺序一样,只有第四篇选项顺序不一样吗 我明年考研,这学期想看些英语杂志打基础,是多阅读外国的杂志还是中国的杂志好 我做英语考研阅读 单词大部分都是认识的 但是就是翻译不出来 这是为什么啊急! 我英语基础不错,六级500+,我使用什么英语阅读书好呢?听说石的《阅读220篇》有些难,不知道是不适合我.《考研阅读手记》怎么样呢?我现在看新概念4,不这道这样合不合理.有没有上届刚考过研 中口笔试的阅读部分能用考研英语阅读来练习吗?备考2011秋季中口,看了《中级阅读教程》这本书,感觉除了最后的模拟练习题外,整本书更适合当杂志看而非阅读练习,不知道能否用考研英语阅 考研英语一是花卷吗?我看了斜对面同学的答案,是不是会全错? 2011考研英语目前出来的答案可靠么?我阅读对了个位数.哭死. 考研英语阅读理解考研英语阅读理解说是先看题目再看文章,请问看题时是连题目的四个选项ABCD一起看,然后再看文章吗? 为什么我考研英语阅读选项总是理解错误,这是我失分的主要原因,我是不是应该多花时间把每个选项都读懂? 英语已经过六级,而且考研英语的阅读也熟读过近百篇吧.请问现在背哪些文章可以帮我更好的突破?现在看economist,new york times有的文章看得懂,有得却只能看懂一半,voa或bbc的听力也一样..我似乎 急:英语考研阅读理解,先看问题时是A,B,C,D都要先读一遍吗?如题:我习惯只读题目哦!嘻嘻! 冠词a的问题,americans today don't place a very high value on intellect.这是考研04年阅读第四篇的话,为啥主语是复数,后面还用a value?这样会不会不一致,为什么? 雅思和考研英语区别?题型有什么区别?我看作文 好像类型都不一样.那个阅读题 似乎都不是级别的... 2011年考研英语国家线大概会是多少之间,有经验的朋友估计一下吧,会不会超过50?我今年是考的英语一,看网上专家评论都说简单了,其实我觉得阅读并没有多简单啊,不过作文确实是好写了一些. 2011考研英语几个阅读几个C,大家今天的英语阅读选的C多吗?