
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 10:08:46
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We 41 a survey about different 42 transportation last week.We asked students 43 their favorite kinds of transportation.44 are some of the results.Most students come to school 45 bike and they like 46 bikes.Of course,bikes are 47 than cars and buses.Some students like cars 48 they are safer than bikes.Cars are also faster than bikes and buses.Among some students,buses are not popular,because they often have 49 passengers(旅客).Buses are also dirtier and more crowded(拥挤).However(然而),not many people 50 afford(买得起) a car.
41.A.did B.make C.have
42.A.kind of B.kinds of C.a kind of
43.A.from B.with C.about
44.A.Here B.There C.They
45.A.on B.by C.ride
46.A.by B.on C.riding
47.A.cheaper B.more expensive C.cheap
48.A.though B.because C.but
49.A.too much B.a lot C.too many
50.A.can B.could C.may
Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary.We should rest from work for one or two weeks every year,if it is possible,they say,we should leave our homes and go to another part of the country.We should go away for a holiday.Then,after the holiday,we return home and we’ll be fresh(有精神的) and ready(准备) for another year of work.
This seems to be true(真的) for most adults(成年人) and young children but not for the old.Some people do not like leaving their homes to stay in strange places and they do not like a sudden(突然) change in their lives.They like their homes best of all.
51.Doctors say that we should have a good rest when we are tired.
52.We must leave our homes for vacation.
53.Only adults can rest a lot from hard work.
54.All the old people don’t like to stay in strange places for holidays.
55.“return” means get back or come back.
Channel 1(中央1台)
Channel 2(中央2台)
18:00 Around China
18:30 Children's program
19:00 News
19:30 Weather report
19:40 Around the world
20:10 TV play:Sisters
21:00 English Today
21:15 Popular music
21:55 Talk show
17:45 Computers today
18:10 Foreign arts
18:30 English classroom
19:00 Animal world
19:25 China' 99
20:20 Sports
21:00 TV play:Guo Lanying
21:45 English News
22:05 On TV next week
56.If you want to watch a football game,the best program for you would be ________.
A.TV play B.Sports C.Around the world D.Talk show
57.The program of ______ will let you know much about western countries.
A.Sisters B.Around China C.Around the world D.On TV next week
58.If you want to know something about tigers,elephants and monkeys,the best program is ___.
A.Around China B.Animal World C.TV play D.Foreign arts
59.English classroom is a program that ______.
A.lets you know something about classroom B.tells you something about students
C.lets you know something about school life D.teaches you English
60.The program at the end of Channel 2 means _______ on TV next week.
A.news B.programs C.people D.places
61.Do you have to help Toy clean the house?A.I’m going to the zoo.
62.How long does it take you to get to school?B.We are both the same.
63.What are you doing next Saturday?C.Yes,I do.
64.Can you come to my birthday party?D.I have a stomachache.
65.Are you shorter than your cousin?E.I’m staying for three weeks.
66.When are you going to Hong Kong?F.It takes half an hour.
67.What do you usually do in the evenings?G.I usually do my homework.
68.Are you going to the pop concert on Sunday?H.I’m going there next Tuesday.
69.How long are you staying in Austr***a?I.No,I’m not.
70.What’s the matter?J.Sorry I can’t.I’ve to visit my grandmother

找12篇完形填空,要求每篇15个题目,根据八年级上册英语书中的1-3单元的主题寻找相应的完形填空,大概是每要12篇,每篇规定15个题目,而且要是根据八年级上册英语书中的1-3单元的主题寻找 求12篇完形填空,每篇15个题目,根据八年级上英语书(新目标)中每个单元的主题寻找 急求--------- 求八年级英语完形填空.每篇需要15个题目.人教版GO for it!八上关于每单元主题相应的完形填每个单元1篇共12篇. 自拟一个主题,找相关文献10篇以上,按参考文献格式写,要求每篇写出与主题相关的的内容概要,每篇概要不少于50个字. 朝花夕拾选三篇写读后感(除从百草园到三味书屋、阿长与山海经和藤野先生),每篇字数不限,但要符合要求要求:主要内容、人物形象、评价感悟、疑难问题、相关练习(填空5个和简答3个 写一个成语,题目是“×走×蛇”填空.要求在×上填 个合适的字. 跪求《欧也妮葛朗台》,《骆驼祥子》,《野性的呼唤》每篇各找10个哲理句 帮我出一套高一上英语练习15道单选 一篇完型填空20个空 四篇阅读每篇五道题 另副所有答案 《红楼梦》阅读感想,一共120回,分成10篇,每篇12回,要求每篇不仅有12回的大概简介,还要有阅读感想,每篇100字左右 要求是初二水平的,要四篇,不要复制过来哦!(每篇50个字左右)! 求两篇英语阅读短文,关于时事新闻的,最好每篇有5个题目 求推荐高中英语阅读理解与完形填空练习书!最好每篇都带翻译以及题目解析 找个英语老师帮我解答题目 经典哲理小故事5个要求:1、有代表性、针对性2、每篇50字以上3、每篇的分析不少于50字 还有5天开学 帮小妹我完成下作业吧..有没有答案都行 但是一定要有点难度的拜托别随便找个地方复制下就完了 至少看看题目符不符合我的要求啊我要24道选择题 18道填空题 6道应用题PS:解 求初一水平60~80词的英语作文谁能帮我找一些英语作文.作文要求是每篇60~80词.以下是这次的作文题目:1.summer holidays2.how to study English well3.my plan about my new team三篇全要写,最好是带翻译的.呜呜 急求鲁宾逊漂流记摘抄!急求鲁宾逊漂流记摘!要求:1.每篇6个以上好词 2.每篇5个以上好句 3.每篇2个以上好段 4.每篇100字左右读书体会 5.10篇以上 6.请按以上要求回答,不要网址! 谁能帮我拟两份初一上册数学试卷?要求在题目补充除了数学书里的第六章,各章15分.选择题10个每个3分,填空10个每个两分,简答题1个,计算他2个,化简求值1个,解方程2个,应用题1个,几何1个,统计