2012年小学期末答案 英语的急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有

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2012年小学期末答案 英语的急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有
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2012年小学期末答案 英语的急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有
2012年小学期末答案 英语的
急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有

2012年小学期末答案 英语的急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有
为你卷子含答案 希望你考出好成绩噢
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题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ XIII 总分得分 听力部分(40分) Ⅰ、听音排序,将单词的序号写在横线上.(10分)A. wear B. wore C. wash D. went E. win1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________A. food B. finish C. finger D. fever E. feet1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________Ⅱ、 听音编号,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序.(10分)
Ⅲ、 听音辨图,在正确的图片下打“√”.(10分)
1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3.(  ) (  )   4.(  )  (  )     5.(  ) (  )Ⅳ、 听音选出你听到的句子,将其序号填在括号里.(6分)( )1. A. I cleaned my room. B. I finished my homework.( )2. A. Lingling didn’t get up at half past six. B. Lingling gets up at half past six. ( )3. A. Did you hurt your knee? B. Did you see a scary thing?( )4. A. There was a big monster. B. There were three monsters.( )5. A. When did they come? B. What did she play?( )6. A. Sam fell off his bike. B. Sam fell on the watermelon.Ⅴ、 听音用数字(1,2,3,4) 给下列句子重新排序.(4分) ( ) But she didn’t learn these things yesterday. Yesterday was National Day!( ) She usually walks to school.( ) She usually learns English and Maths.( ) But she didn’t walk to school yesterday.笔试部分(60分)Ⅵ、 根据语境用“——”画出句中正确的单词.(5分)1、Daming(has / have)got a pet dog.2、Where( do / does)your mother work?3、Lingling will be ten(on / in)April.4、Amy ( learns / learnt)English and Maths yesterday.5、She didn’t (walk / walked) to school yesterday. Ⅶ、 根据语境补全句子中的单词.(10分)1、I like _______________( 中国的) dancing.2、He_________________ (发明) this bicycle in 1839.3、He __________ (步行) to school yesterday.4、We ______________(吃)a watermelon yesterday. 5、But he didn’t _____________(来)back.6、Lingling went to a shop and____________(买)a present.7、I ________(帮助)my mum yesterday.8、This girl won a gold ____________ (奖杯).9、Did you ______________(骑)your bike? 10、What’s the __________________(麻烦事) ?Ⅷ、选择填空,将序号填在括号里.(10分)( ) 1. ----- Where does she live? -----She _____ in London. A. lives B. live C. lived ( ) 2. I am reading a letter. It’s_______ my friend, Lucy. A. from B. on C. of( ) 3. We went to _______. A. the great wall B. the Great Wall C. Great Wall ( ) 4. Daming ___________ Grandma last Sunday. A. phoned B. phone C. phoneed ( ) 5. I ______ a new friend. A. has got B. got C. have got ( ) 6. Wang Fei ________ got a stomach ache. A. has B. have C. is ( ) 7. How many ______ did you eat? A. biscuit B. biscuits C. a biscuit ( ) 8. I went to Beijing ________ 2008. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 9. We bought ________ a present. A. your B. yours C. you ( ) 10. My trousers ________ very dirty. I washed them. A. were B. is C. wasⅨ、 根据问句选答句,将序号写在前面的括号里.(5分) ( ) 1. Where did you go? A. I saw lions and tigers.( ) 2. What happened to you ? B. No, I didn’t.( ) 3. What did you see? C. I went to the zoo. ( ) 4. What did she play? D. She played the flute.( ) 5. Did you fall? E. I ran for the bus.Then I fell over.
Ⅹ、 根据语境选词填空, 将序号填在前面的括号里.(5分)A. last B. practise C. ice-skating D. only E. angry ( ) 1. The bad man was _______. ( ) 2. Yesterday, we went _______. ( ) 3. The magic paintbrush _______helped Ma Liang. ( ) 4. They came _______Wednesday. ( ) 5. So ______a lot. Then you will win a competition too.Ⅺ、 连词成句.(10分)1.watched / Sam / TV (.) _____________________________________2. you/ toy / did/ break/ your ( ?) ________________________________3. did / I / football / not / play (.)____________________________________4. got/ I / cold / have/ a ( .) ______________________________________5. invented /people /Chinese /printing (.) ____________________________Ⅻ、 请用括号内单词的正确形式填空.(5分)Yesterday, Lucy______(go) on a school trip. They went ice-skating. She________(wear) warm clothes. The ice______(is) very cold. First, Lucy_____ ______(fall over). At last, she _______(learn)to skate. It was easy. It was really fun.XIII、 阅读理解,判断正(√)误(×).(10分)Yesterday was Sunday. Mr Smith took his two children to the park by car. Amy is his daughter and Jim is his son. They saw many people in the park. Some old people did taijiquan. Some young people rowed boats on the lake and some children ran fast . It was very funny. Jim said,“I like playing in the park.”( ) 1. Mr Smith took his two children to the park by bike.( ) 2. Mr Smith is Amy and Jim’s father.( ) 3. Some old people rowed boats on the lake.( ) 4. Some children painted pictures.( ) 5. Jim had a good time in the park.四年级英语听力题签:※注意:每道听力试题读二遍.时间控制在20分钟以内.
Ⅰ.听音排序,将单词的序号写在横线上.1. wash 2. wear 3. win 4. went 5. wore 1. finish 2. fever 3. food 4. feet 5. finger Ⅱ. 听音编号,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序.1. I washed my trousers.2. I helped my mum.3. I finished my homework.4. I rode my bike.5. I played football.Ⅲ. 听音辨图,在正确的图片下打“√”. 1. I learnt to skate.2. I bumped my head.3. I’ve got a toothache.4. This old woman didn’t have food.5. Chinese people invented paper.Ⅳ.听音选出你听到的句子,将其序号填在括号里. 1. I cleaned my room. 2. Lingling gets up at half past six. 3. Did you see a scary thing?4. There was a big monster. 5. When did they come? 6. Sam fell on the watermelon.Ⅴ.听音用数字(1,2,3,4) 给下列句子重新排序.She usually walks to school. But she didn’t walk to school yesterday. She usually learns English and Maths. But she didn’t learn these things yesterday. Yesterday was National Day! 听力部分到此结束!四年级英语答案及评分标准: 听力部分Ⅰ、(1×10=10分)1 .C 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. B1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5.CⅡ、(2×5=10分) 4 ---- 5 ----- 3 ----- 1 ----- 2 Ⅲ、(2×5=10分) 第一幅图,第二幅图,第二幅图,第一幅图,第一幅图Ⅳ、(1×6=6分) A B B A A BⅤ、(1×4=4分) 4 ---- 1 ----- 3 ----- 2
笔试部分Ⅰ、(1×5=5分) 1. has 2. does 3. in 4. learnt 5. walkⅡ、(1×10=10分) 1、Chinese 2、invented 3、walked 4、ate 5、come 6、bought 7、helped 8、cup 9、ride 10、matter(备注:如画有“—”的部分无相应的词形变化扣0.5分,其余单词必须完全准确方可得1分.)Ⅲ、(1×10=10分) A A B A C A B B C AⅣ、(1×5=5分) C E A D BⅤ、(1×5=5分) E C D A BⅥ、(2×5=10分)1.Sam watched TV. 2. Did you break your toy ? 3. I didn’t play football. 4. I have got a cold. 5. Chinese people invented printing.Ⅶ、(1×5=5分) 1. went 2. wore 3.was 4. fell over 5. learnt( 备注:每空单词必须完全准确方可得1分.)Ⅷ、(2×5=10分) × √ × × √备注:卷面满分为100分.(听力40分,笔试60分.) 优秀:90---100 良好:80---89 及格:60---79 不及格:0---59 2012年1月1日

小学三年级 英语 完成时间:60分钟
题号 听 力 部 分 笔 试 部 分 总分
得分 听力部分 (35分)
Ⅰ. 听音选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1. A. idea B. in...


小学三年级 英语 完成时间:60分钟
题号 听 力 部 分 笔 试 部 分 总分
得分 听力部分 (35分)
Ⅰ. 听音选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1. A. idea B. instead ( )6. A. naughty B. clever( )2. A .easy B. sea ( )7. A. shorts B. horse( )3. A. man B. woman ( )8. A. winner B. worry( )4. A. Saturday B. Friday ( )9. A. fix B. feed( )5. A. cough B. careful ( )10. A. airport B. animal
Ⅱ. 听音用数字(1,2,3,4,5)给下列图片重新排序。(5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Ⅲ. 听音判断图片是否正确,正确打“√ ”,错误画“×”。(4分)1. 2. 3. 4.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Ⅳ. 把你所听到的单词,正确书写在横线上。(5分) 1. There are stone ______________here.2. I’m going to be a bus __________________.3. Can I have a _______________, please?4. This is Sam’s _________________.5. I’m ________________. Please be quiet!
Ⅴ. 选出你所听到的句子,并把序号写在题前的括号内。(6分)( )1. A. She’s got a pet cat. B. He’s got a yellow pen.( )2. A. What is this? B. What are these?( )3. A. There are stone lions. B. There is a stone lion.( )4. A. I’m going to be a driver. B. He’s going to be a doctor.( )5. A. Do you use chopsticks in China? B. We use chopsticks in China.( )6. A. How many books are there in your bag? B. How many stone animals are there?
VI.听音,用数字(1,2,3,4,5)给句子重新排序。(5分)( ) Sam can jump far. He’s going to do long jump.( ) No, she isn’t. She’s going to do high jump on Sports Day.( ) It’s going to be Sports Day on Friday.( ) Daming is going to run a race. He can run fast.( ) Is Amy going to do long jump,too?
笔试部分 (65分)
I. 请按顺序正确规范默写26个英文字母的大小写。(13分)
Ⅱ. 请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。(10分)1. I ________ (能)swim in this puddle!2. We use a ____________ (刀)and __________(叉).3. People row on this ____________(湖).4. There are two __________(女人) in my family.5. She’s got a _____________(感冒).6. He’s making a _____________(蛋糕).7. I can go to the _____________(商店) for some sweets.8. Lucy is __________(生病的). She’s got a __________( 咳嗽 ).
Ⅲ. 选择,将正确的答案写在题前的括号内。(8分)( )1. There _____ two dragon boats over there. A. am B. is C. are( )2. I _____ got a new book. A. is B. has C. have( )3. Look ________those ducks over there. A. for B. at C. with( )4. Can I play _____ your kite? A. with B. in C. of( )5. Do you use chopsticks _____ England? A. on B. in C. at ( )6. Maomao is going to _____ to Hong Kong. A. goes B. going C. go ( )7. I am eating noodles. It's ________ fast food. A.Chinese B.English C.China( )8. Can I have ________ice cream, please? A.an B.a C. ×
Ⅳ. 情景反应, 把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。(12分)
( )1. What are you eating?( )2. What are you going to do?( )3. Can I have a drink, please?( )4. Have you got a headache?( )5. What are these?( )6. Here you are!V. 根据所给语境, 选填单词并补全下列句子。(6分)
1、A: What are ____________? B: They’re ducks.2、There is an _____________. And there is a camel.3、My father is a tall ___________.4、Don’t ______________. Let’s fix the kite! 5、How many _______________ are there in your family?6、I’m hungry. Can I have these______________, please? Ⅵ. 把句子连到相应的图片上。(8分)
Ⅶ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( √ )误( × )。(8分)I am Amy. Today I am going to Xinghai Park with Sam and Daming. In the park, Sam is going to swim in the sea. Daming is going to ride his bike. And I am going to listen to music. And we can eat some hamburgers and chips ,too.
( ) 1. In the park , Amy is going to read books.( ) 2. Sam is going to swim in the puddle.( ) 3. Daming is going to ride his bike.( ) 4. They can eat some hamburgers and sweets.


2012年小学期末答案 英语的急,有前辈指点下 我们英语要考 人教的 要有 跪求 广东梅州2012年小学六年级期末升考语文 数学 英语 带答案啊 !急!对的 在加分啊啊 快 急 跪求 安安 !~~~~~ 急..小学5年集期末英语总复习的重点,100哦 谁有PEP六年级英语期末测试(急!)山东省临沂市沂水县实验小学的!六年级上册期末测试英语考卷!(PEP)急用! 请问谁有 2011到2012学年度八年级期末测试卷 英语 这几张试卷及答案.急 急 急人教版的喔 急广东的 谁有09年宣武区初三期末英语答案09年宣武区初三期末英语的答案中考网没有 哪里有小学六年级上册(2007~2008年)期末语文,英语测试卷?(人教版的)急!是广西南宁的.越多越好 抚顺市2011-2012学年度第一学期期末小学教学质量检测六年级英语试卷我要笔试的答案.有知道的请回答. (冀教版)2012—2013年度小学五年级第二学期英语期末质量检测卷的答案七月一日回答之前有赏 小学六年英语题目有那些?还要有答案的,急! 谁知道2010年小学六年级的期末试题及答案! 急,谁有小学五年级上册期末冲刺一百分第五单元答案 嘉兴市小学数学六年级下册期末检测卷2009.6 试卷及答案快点的 很急! 孟建平语文小学六下嘉兴期末统考卷父亲的期望阅读答案急 急,急,扬州小学五年级下册语文数学英语期末试卷试题!有答案的 小学趣味数学题 急.有答案的 求苏教版小学六年级期末复习古诗积累运用题答案,急 其中第一题是:“ ”是啊 燕子去了 有再来的时候; 柳树枯了``````的 谁有 小学六年级语文补充习题苏教版24课和期末测试的所有答案啊?、急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急!越快越好0 0小学 6年级 语文 补充习题 江苏教育出版社 24课大自然的文字和期