请解释下这句话的意思,分析下语法,You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 04:08:28
请解释下这句话的意思,分析下语法,You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors.
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请解释下这句话的意思,分析下语法,You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors.
You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors.

请解释下这句话的意思,分析下语法,You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors.
在和邻居说话前犹豫太久 你就陷入麻烦了 想了很久 有点意译
when you wait too long是一个时间状语从句,before talking to your neighbors也是时状,you get in trouble是主句,除了状语以外完整的句子.



请解释下这句话的意思,分析下语法,You get in trouble when you wait too long before talking to your neighbors. Nothing is necessary but you 这句话有语病吗有的话请说明下原因再改个差不多意思的句子,没有的话也请分析一下语法, The one who offered you a job in Shanghai请帮我分析下这句话的语法, 请大家帮忙解释下这句话的意思是什么 I think the best chance for us to be great here taday is to have you paly.请帮忙分析下这句话的语法 解释下下面这句话的意思, 请解释下这句话的意思.还有它的语法知识.He also noticed that some houses had had no deaths. 帮我分析下这句话的语法成份,Thank you for giving us so much help.是主系表结构吗? this here is all there is.请朋友帮我分析下这句话的语法或者句法 I lived in it请帮我翻一下,再帮我分析下这句话的语法 精艺求精,滴水不漏的意思?请大家帮我全面的解释下这句话的意思, 请分析解释下“舟归平海”的含义? 请分析解释下“舟归平海”的含义? 时间的落基山脉,直布罗陀可能会下跌.请解释下这句话的意思. 英语翻译请专家解释下这句话的中文意思谢谢啦、、、 but we could go swimming请解释下COULD的意思和用法 还有是什么语法 谁能给解释下人无远虑必有近忧这句话.搞不懂这句话的意思,词语的解释我觉得不太细,想请知道的人告诉下. you will after all leave me away这句话有语法错么若有、请帮忙改下