
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 06:18:42
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1. 分词作状语实际把状语从句简化.简化的条件:其逻辑主语一定要与主句的主语保持一致.
While he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time.
----Reading the book, he nodded from time to time.
Because he was shy, he didn’t come to the party.
----Being shy, he didn’t come to the party.
As the book is written in simple English, the book is easy to read.
----Written in simple English, the book is easy to read.
2. 分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:
* doing : 用来表示主动,且前后动作同时进行.
Returning home later, my friend learned that the police had been to the flat.
* having done: 用来表示主动,且动作发生在主句之前.
Having seen the film before, I decided not to see it again.
* being done: 用来表示被动,且前后动作同时进行.
Being questioned by the police, he felt frightened.
* done: 用来表示被动且完成
Destroyed in the storm, the house will be rebuilt.
* having been done: 用来表示被动,而且强调动作持续 一段时间或次数.
Having been defeated three times, he had to give up.
* 否定形式: not/ never + 分词结构
Not studying hard, he didn’t pass the test.
Never having taken a plane before, he was nervous.
3. 分词作状语如果前后主语一致可简化时间、条件、原因、结果和伴随等状语从句.
If you work harder, you will do better in the exam next time.
---- Working hard, you will do better in the exam next time.
After I did my homework, I went back home.
----Having done my homework, I went back home.
He hurried to the station and hoped to catch the last train.
---- He hurried to the station, hoping to catch the last train..
Because my friend was frightened of losing his job, he said nothing to the police.
----Frightened of losing his job, my friend said nothing to the police.
His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic and left him an orphan.
---- His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic, leaving him an orphan.
注意: 分词不做目的状语,只有动词不定式可以.
To get high marks in the mid-exam, he cheated.
To be listed on the top of 500 largest enterprises in the world, a company should meet the following requirements.
Not to forget the key points, he wrote them down.
1. The plane crashed and killed 120 lives.
--The plane crashed, killing120 lives.
2. I suffered a headache yesterday, so I wasn’t in a good mood.
--Suffering from a headache yesterday, I wasn’t in a good mood.
3. When I saw them, I went down to meet them.
--Seeing them, I went down to meet them.
4. Because he has lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well.
--Having lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well.
5. Because it is recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind.
n Recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind.
6. As I was troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor.
-- Troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor.
7. When you are being spoken to, you should look at the other.
--Being spoken to, you should look at the other.
8. After Miss Zhong explained the text, it became clearer to us.
--Explained by Miss Zhong , the text became clearer to us.

4. 注意过去分词作状语的用法: 一般认为, 无论在从句中的动词是被动语态还是过去分词作形容词, 都直接用过去分词.
As he is tired, he wants to sit down and relax.
--Tired, he wants to sit down and relax.
As he is born and brought up in a big city, he knows nothing about farming.
--Born and brought up in a big city, he knows nothing about farming.
He came in to the room and he was very excited.
--He came in, excited.
As he was filled with confidence, he left a good impression on the interviewers.
--Filled with confidence, he left a good impression on …
He is walking along the street and a sorry-looking dog is following him.
---He is walking along the street, followed by a sorry-looking dog.
If we see the earth from the moon, it looks like a water ball.
----Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a water ball.
5.当状语从句中的动作发生的时间早于主句的动作, 分词短语可用having+ 过去分词完成形式,(一般用于时间和原因), 但注意下例动词可不用以上结构. (know, hear, see, arrive, learn等)
Not knowing where he was, I had to go alone.
Learning that he won’t come, I don’t what to do.
Hearing the sad news, I felt disappointed.
Arriving at the station, I found the last train gone.
6. 为了便于理解, 有些连词可仍然放在分词短语的前面.
1. While going to school, I met my former classmate.
2. Once seen, it won’t be forgotten.
3. Though tired, he is still in high spirits.
4. If heated, the metal expands.
6. If playing all day, you will waste your valuable time.
7. He stood there as if remembering something.
8. I won’t go there unless invited.
9. I won’t speak to Miss Zhong until spoken to first.
10. When asked if I had knocked the pot to the ground, I denied.
注意: 有些连词不能保留,只能用介词.
As soon as I discovered the error, I went back to tell her about it.
On discovering the error, I went back to tell her about it.
Before he was interviewed, he had got well prepared.
Before being interviewed, he had got well prepared.
After the girl was operated on, she came to.
After being operated on, she came to.
7. 分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语保持 一致.
When hearing the news, tears came down.
Right: When I heard the news, tears came down.
While learning English, a good dictionary is necessary.
Right: While we are learning English, a good dictionary is necessary.
Since moving to Bejing, we haven’t heard from him.
Right: Since he moved to Beijing, we haven’t heard from him.
注意: 但一些分词短语无需考虑前后主语一致,永远保持固定结构. 如: generally speaking ; strictly speaking speaking of ; judging from ;provided that…. ;talking of…
considering…; given….; supposing that…
1. General speaking, the weather in Shanghai is mild.
2. Considering her age, she looks old.
3. Judging from his abilities, he can do the job.
4. Speaking of Britain, it is separated from Europe by the English Channel.
5. Provided that he fails to come, what shall we do?
1).Trying again, and you will have a fresh idea.
错误. 分词作状语是非谓语,而非句子,因此与主句之间不再添加连词.
Trying again, you will have a fresh idea.
Try again, and you will have a fresh idea.
If you try again, you will have a fresh idea.
2.) He got off the bus, bought some fruit and went home.
正确. 当几个动作连续发生时,时态保持一致,最后两个动作之间用and 连接.
3. ) He fell off the bicycle, hurt his leg.
错误. 在这儿hurt his leg 时结果状语,而且动作是主动的.
He fell off the bicycle, hurting his leg.
8. 独立主格结构:有时状语从句与主句之间的主语不一致,而且也
无法调整,那么除了用状语从句之外,也可用独 立主格结构,即保
After the job was done, they went back home.
--The job done, they went back home.
As there was nothing to do, we sat there talking.
--There being nothing to do, we sat there talking.
If time permits, we will visit another place.
--Time permitting, we will visit another place.
As the problem was settled, the meeting was over.
--The problem settled, the meeting was over.

分词做状语的句子举例(英语)由于考研语法比较薄弱,翻译成为一大难题,一直对分词做状语的翻译棘手,请教您给几个好的分词做状语的句子并带上翻译谢谢您教啊! 句子怎么改写成分词短语做状语(英语) 麻烦举例副词修饰形容词做状语的英语句子 英语现在分词做状语现在分词做状语修饰整个句子?现在分词引导的句子在句首时一般做状语?Looking forward to your answer! 现在分词做状语with做独立主格的句子 请问英语过去分词做状语,定语,表语的句子有哪些呢?每个成分一个事例,是句子的. 现在分词完成时的主动语态做状语与被动语态做状语的句子 现在分词和过去分词做主语 宾语、状语 定语 表语、请举例、、、复制的莫来、 英语不定式不定式做比较状语的用法.举例. 我做了许多英语的语法填空,发现凡是做伴随状语的,都用动词的ing形式,为什么呀,不能用过去分词莫 英语名词做状语.求举例 请举例(每种一个典型句子,带汉语翻译的)说明英语的常见语法. 求一个absorb分词作状语的句子 最好是英语句子加翻译 英语 现在分词的语法 请问什么是英语高级语法?所谓的英语高级语法都是研究什么的,包含什么方面呢?独立主格,分词作状语等等算不算高级语法啊?我感觉上面的独立主格,分词作状语很难的! 如何判断英语句子中某现在分词是结果状语还是伴随状语?如题.感觉分不清楚结果状语与伴随状语的区别. 请举例古文里动词做状语的句子如题 , 什么是英语的状语,宾语,表语.举例!