
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:13:42
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Please check if there are obvious quality problems before you decide to buy the item.
Keep the clothes according to the wash care information.
If any unobvious quality problems are found within 5 days after purchasing,please go to the dealership with the card and receipt for a replacement.

At pre-purchase inspection to confirm the existence of Purchase Products obvious quality issues.
Washing Products in accordance with the description of product maintenance tips.
If you buy a...


At pre-purchase inspection to confirm the existence of Purchase Products obvious quality issues.
Washing Products in accordance with the description of product maintenance tips.
If you buy at 5 days after the discovery of this product has the quality of non-obvious questions
Please virtue of cards and documents to authorized dealers to replace Office.


In confirmation before purchasing check whether there exist obvious to purchase products quality problem.
Washing Products in accordance with the description of product maintenance tips.


In confirmation before purchasing check whether there exist obvious to purchase products quality problem.
Washing Products in accordance with the description of product maintenance tips.
If you buy at 5 days after the discovery of this product has the quality of non-obvious questions
Please virtue of cards and documents to authorized dealers to replace Office.


In confirmation before purchasing check whether there exist obvious to purchase products quality problem.
According to the product that hints for washing products.
If you buy in five days afte...


In confirmation before purchasing check whether there exist obvious to purchase products quality problem.
According to the product that hints for washing products.
If you buy in five days after the product has the obvious that sexual quality problems
Please submit this card and documents to the franchise dealers in change.


please make a pre-purchase inspection to check whether there is any obvious quality problems.
please follow the washing instructions to do maintenance to this product.
If you find any unobvi...


please make a pre-purchase inspection to check whether there is any obvious quality problems.
please follow the washing instructions to do maintenance to this product.
If you find any unobvious quality problems in five days after your purchase, please go to the authorized dealers to change your product by this card and receipt.


Please check if obvious problems exist on the product before you confirm your purchase.
Carry out product protection accoding to the washing instructions.
If you found non-obvious quality prob...


Please check if obvious problems exist on the product before you confirm your purchase.
Carry out product protection accoding to the washing instructions.
If you found non-obvious quality problem within 5days from your purchase date, please go to the franchise dealers with this card and voucher to exchange for a new one.


check before purchasing if the clothes have obvious quality problems
maintain the colthes according to the wash care information
Change the defective clothes wihin 5 days after purchaing with this card and bills at the dealership

英语翻译在确认购买前检查购买产品是否存在明显的质量问题.按照本产品洗涤说明的提示进行产品维护.如果您在购买后5天内发现此产品有非明显性质量问题请凭此卡和单据到特许经销商处 英语翻译1,您购买这件商品前,已经有几位买家质疑多同样的问题,于是我们剪开一件同样的产品,确认里边确实有水,另外在发货前我们会再次检查,所以我们对于里边有水深信不疑,当然如果您 这是客户发给我们的最后一批订单,请确认目前在库的胶带是否能够对应该订单数量,如果不够需要购买的话,何时购买?购买的数量在对应完剩余订单量后还能生产多少产品? 英语翻译1. 使用说明使用此产品之前,好好的读下此说明书并且保管好2. 使用前的检查1) 使用此产品前先确认下产品的品质,看是否有破损,保障产品的安全使用2) 第一次使用前,须先用洗 关于所得税处理的这句话对吗购买方对于合并前本企业已存在的可抵扣暂时性差异,合并发生后在满足确认条件时,应确认相关的递延所得税资产,但不应调整合并时产生的商誉或营业外收入的 英语翻译是否有ank和dus?如果有的话,我确认size,另外您那里还有什么品牌的鞋子或服装,我可以一起购买. 英语翻译炎炎夏日中你是否一直担心着将被晒伤的肌肤,是否害怕不再是白雪公主?特别的产品,推荐特别的你.我公司为此在这个节日中推出此次优惠活动,购买一份limi防晒系列产品就可以获得 测试甲醛是否超标的试剂在哪里购买呢?装修一年以后是否还存在超标的危险呢? 银行购买信托产品!银行如何购买信托产品? 你在我店里购买了:**产品 翻译成英文! 英语翻译申请购买补给品.我们的实验室需要增加一些补给品如下.请确认. 英语翻译如果我们购买了a,那么是否还需买购买b 英语翻译这次我们通过李先生的介绍到贵司来购买2个设备.这次合作我们是否直接找您购买还是联系你们在中国的代理购买? 英语翻译在企业合并中,合并企业为取得被合并企业的这种超额收益能力,所付出的购买价格会超过被合并企业净资产的公允价值,这一超额部分被确认为商誉入账.同样,在企业合并中还存在另 英语翻译您好!上午我以为您需要重新查询行程,后来和tom电话确认了下,您之前的4月购买的 行程时间为:SQ833 所以您现在无需在购买之前我发给您的往返行程,您现在只需购买一段单程即可 英语翻译请不要机翻,------------------------------此外,文中的英文不需要再翻译.我对该Script非常感兴趣,我寻找了几天,这是我最满意的一个,并已决定购买,在购买前想咨询几个问题;1,是否支持语言 英语翻译---------你好,我想购买你的****,请问是否全新未开封,我希望以后每天买5至10个,请问货源是否充足,能否EMS运到中国,5台的运费是多少,最低的价格是多少,我这次先购买5台,收到后确认没 求一句英语翻译“感谢你购买我们的产品” 这句话怎么说