
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:05:30
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Do you have any pets in your home
What animal and what did you name it..any special reason for its name?any unforgetable experience with your pet..i have a few pairs of love birds and a fish aquarium..i didnt name them because it is difficult to remeber their names as i have morethan 20 of them..i have one unforgetable experience with my bird..i wanted my birds to be more friendly..so i tried to teach one bird..so i took one out of the cage..i dont know what it thoght..it bit m finger..out of pain i left my hold on it..yet its beak was locked with my finger..i cant forget the pain..then i just threw my hand across it left me and flew away..after that i opened the cage only for filling their food and cleaning.

What animal and what did you name it..any special reason for its name? any unforgetable experience with your pet..i have a few pairs of love birds and a fish aquarium..i didnt name them because it is ...


What animal and what did you name it..any special reason for its name? any unforgetable experience with your pet..i have a few pairs of love birds and a fish aquarium..i didnt name them because it is difficult to remeber their names as i have morethan 20 of them..i have one unforgetable experience with my bird..i wanted my birds to be more friendly..so i tried to teach one bird..so i took one out of the cage..i dont know what it thoght..it bit m finger..out of pain i left my hold on it..yet its beak was locked with my finger..i cant forget the pain..then i just threw my hand across it left me and flew away..after that i opened the cage only for filling their food and cleaning.


1.我的宠物是一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物!!
My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dia...


1.我的宠物是一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物!!
My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. 'dian dian ' likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".There are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!!
I have got two baby cats. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.
Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.


你家有宠物吗?写一篇50词的英语短文 你家有宠物吗?写一篇50词的英语短文 英语翻译能帮我写一篇短文吗?内容如下:写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的宠物小狗,根据表格内容,完成短文,要有60词 英语作文不会写 你喜欢你所居住的地方吗?请写一篇英语短文描述一下你家周边的环境50词左右 用英语写你家周围人均绿地有多少你家的周围人均绿地有多少?数目分布如何?写一篇100词左右的英文短文 快 ,很急的 .谢谢了 根据本话题所学知识,假设你家有两只宠物,一只狗和一只猫,写一篇40词左右的小短文.要求:要描述宠物长相 要用上very much ,a lot ,a lit-tle ,not at ...all等词语 【sos紧急求救啊】 用英语啊 写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的宠物小狗,根据表格内容,完成短文,要有60词 用英语写一篇短文,你家附近有一个美丽的公园,用一段话描述它 写一篇英语短文,描述你家过去和现在分别是什么样子?各有什么家具 写一篇关于宠物的英语小短文例:小狗.小猫之类的 写一篇有关养宠物的利与弊的英语作文随着人们生活水平的提高,有些人养成拉养宠物的习惯.而有些人反对养宠物作为动物,认为对动物对人对环境都有不利因素,请你写一篇120-150词的短文,并 写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的宠物小狗,根据表格内容,完成短文,要有60词表格如下 以我最喜欢的宠物为题写一篇英语短文 学校有校规,家里有家规.你家有何家规?你觉得它们合理吗?请写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的看法.内容要点:1.学习方面、作息方面、交友方面、体育锻炼方面.2.谈一谈你对你家家规的看法.写作要 英语短文(宠物)写宠物的,越多越好要稍微短一点,找找啊 请根据下列信息,写一篇不少于50词的英语短文 假设你是SUSAN,想邀请Mary参加你的生日聚会.可是Mary不知道怎么去你家.请你发一封电子邮件告诉她去你家的路.告诉她沿着New Street一直向前走.然 描写宠物的英语短文 要短啊 20个词左右 用英语写一篇不少于五个句子描写从学校到你家的路线的小短文.我家离学校不远的.