
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:12:16
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My friend is going back home for the spring festival in days,in case that I lose touch with him,so I asked him to pay the money for me today,Please check it out that if you recive the money,total XXX US dollars,paying account OOO.
You don't have to pack the goods right away,just take your time.
And thanks very much,hope we can have smooth deal.

My friend is going hometown for spring festival no sooner, I am afraid that I will lose the contact with him. So I ask him to pay for me today. Would you please have a check whether you have ...


My friend is going hometown for spring festival no sooner, I am afraid that I will lose the contact with him. So I ask him to pay for me today. Would you please have a check whether you have received the fund, the total is xxxx US Dollars, the payment account number is OOOO.
It's no necessary to package in hurry, you can do it slowly.
Thanks very much, and hope a successful trade this time.


One of my friend is coming back hometown for The spring festival, I asked him to pay for that because I am afraid I will not be able to be contact with him. Please check if you have alre...


One of my friend is coming back hometown for The spring festival, I asked him to pay for that because I am afraid I will not be able to be contact with him. Please check if you have already received the payments, $**** in total. the Paypal Account is 000000.
Please take all the time you need to pack him.
Thank you, hopefully, this is going to be a sucessful transaction.


My friend will be back home for Spring Festival soon and I'm afaid I can not contact him that time,so I requested him to help my payment today.Please check if you have recived.a sum of $xxx,and the account is ooo.
Don't be anxious to pack,take it easy.
Thank you very much,hope we have had a favoring deal!

Dear Sir/Madam,
My friend will soon be leaving for his hometown to celebrate the Sprig Festival. I'm afraid that I will not be able to reach him in a few days so I asked him to pay the payment fo...


Dear Sir/Madam,
My friend will soon be leaving for his hometown to celebrate the Sprig Festival. I'm afraid that I will not be able to reach him in a few days so I asked him to pay the payment for me today. Please check if you have received the payment, totally XXX USD, the account isOOO. Please take your time! No hurry wraping. Thank you very much! I wish this is a successful business!


Dear Sir/Madam,
My friend is going to leave her...


Dear Sir/Madam,
My friend is going to leave here to gome back his/her homeland to celebrate the Chinese New Year. I am afraid that I can't contect him for a few day, so I asked him to the payment for me today.Please check if you have recevied to payment, total is $XXX, the payment account is OOO.
You may not hurry in wraping, just take your time. Thank you very much and wish this business wil be sucessful!


Dear XXX
Hello,sorry to disturb you.My friend is about to go home for new year.I am afarid that i counld't reach him for couple of days so I let him pay the money today.
please check if you ...


Dear XXX
Hello,sorry to disturb you.My friend is about to go home for new year.I am afarid that i counld't reach him for couple of days so I let him pay the money today.
please check if you have receive the money ,it will be XXX dollar in all
and the payment account is OOO.
There is no need to be rush,you can take your time to wrap the package.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.Hope this bussiness can go well!

不想说其他的,一楼回答的,没有ask him to the payment for me 的说法


Hello, my friend will be back home have the Spring Festival, I am afraid that a few days can not contact him so please help me pay him today. Trouble check have a look have not received the money, a t...


Hello, my friend will be back home have the Spring Festival, I am afraid that a few days can not contact him so please help me pay him today. Trouble check have a look have not received the money, a total of $XXX, payment account number is OOO.
You don't have to hurry to packing, please take it easy. Thank you very much, hope that this transaction!


英语翻译您好,我的朋友马上就要回老家过年了,我怕过几天联系不上他所以拜托他今天帮我付款了.麻烦检查下看看有没有收到款项,一共是XXX美金,付款账号是OOO.您不用急着包装,请慢慢来.希 小狗交配完后多久会有宝宝?我家宝贝是11月18号和公狗交配的,现在肚子好大了,也不知道有了宝宝多久了.马上就要回老家过年了,担心它会在我回家过年的这段时间生.狗狗生小宝宝没有人在身 把下面这封信中格式错误的地方指出来.亲爱的外婆:您好!再过几天就要放暑假了,我很想念您,准备和爸爸、妈妈一起回老家去探望您.想着马上就能见到您和外公了,心里别提有多高兴了!到时 回老家过年作文280字!现在就要!三篇! 过年的味道 要自己写的 马上就要 过年说什么祝福语?马上就要过春节了,我想给我的一个朋友送去一些问候.想请教一些与众不同的祝福语.我该怎么说呢?他是一个男生) 八年级下册英语(鲁教版)单词 UNIT 4我们的假期作业写八年级下册的单词 可是我借不到书 因为都回老家过年了 眼看就要开学了 英语翻译真对不起,因为我的父母因为工作在身,所以俄们来晚了,对不起.我的朋友马上就要去外州了可是她也马上就要去外州了 英语翻译我最好的朋友车祸去世了,公司马上就要安排我到新加坡出差,不能参加丧礼了,在这祝你一路走好! 英语翻译1.马上就要过春节了2.我很期待春节和春节晚会3.相信春节晚会会十分精彩的4.我和爸爸买了很多礼花,我们准备过年的时候放还有一些很简单的英语日记,关于过年的,有没有寒假的日 2011年新车上牌程序,我的新车马上就要提来了,麻烦朋友告诉我 要过年了,想起老家的爷爷奶奶,我想劝爸妈回老家过年看爷爷奶奶,怎么说服他们 回老家过年400字作文! 描写过年欢乐气氛热闹景象的段落最好是原创的,今天就要,马上, 世界上两大火山,地震带分布在___带和___带?马上就要过年了帮我的人一定会得到最真挚的祝福! 英语翻译马上就要! 英语翻译马上就要用! 英语翻译马上就要!