
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 11:44:50
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校园文化建设是学校管理的灵魂,它是一所学校兴衰成败的重要因素,是维系学校可持续发展的精神支柱.学校注重校园文化,把它作为是加强思德建设、对学生进行思想品德教育的重要途径.六十多年来,学校一直把 “木棉精神”作为校园核心的文化.木棉树高大挺拔,每年春寒料峭之时,木棉绽放,宛如红霞一片,那么明艳,那么执着,令人振兴,催人向上.学校一直以木棉那种不屈不挠、蓬勃向上、积极进取的精神作为全校师生的精神追求.
Build campus culture , improve school taste. Campus culture builds the soul being school administration , it is one school vicissitude success or failure key factor , is to hold together school sustainable development moral pillars. School attaches importance to campus culture , looks on it as the important approach being the character education reinforcing Side construction , carrying out thought on the student. Sixty, for many years, school always looks on "silk cotton spirit " as campus core culture. The silk cotton tree is lofty tall and straight, silk cotton splits when every year the spring chill is chilly, to readjust oneself to a certain extent , is in favor for rosy clouds slice just like , so clearly gorgeous , so tenacious , make people develop vigorously, press person to make progress. That has faced unyielding , flourishing , the positive aggressive spirit runs after as spirit of teacher and student of entire school school always with silk cotton.