新目标八年级英语上册 英语作文u1~u6 u6~u12

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新目标八年级英语上册 英语作文u1~u6 u6~u12
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新目标八年级英语上册 英语作文u1~u6 u6~u12
新目标八年级英语上册 英语作文u1~u6

新目标八年级英语上册 英语作文u1~u6 u6~u12
Unit 1
请根据下列所给的信息提示,以 “ How to keep healthy” 为题写一篇70个词左右的短文.
提示:1.No sports,no life.生命在于运动.
2.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我
3.famous proverb 名言
How to keep healthy?
No sports,no life.Do you hear of that?That is to say,we should take more exercise every day.We can walk,run,swim,skate,or play ball games.
An apple a day keeps doctors away.It’s also a famous proverb.That means we should have good eating habits.Try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables,eat less meat or junk food.Have enough sleep every night.If you do these,I think you can keep healthy.
Unit 2
a.toothache b.stressed out c.have a cold
d.tired e.have a sore throat
Lily is my friend.She never exercises.She is always stressed out.She should exercise every day.She should sleep eight hours every night.She shouldn’t just stay at home or school.She should go out with her friends.She should eat some healthy food.She shouldn’t eat too much junk food.I think it’s important to stay healthy.
Unit 3
go bike riding
go fishing
go to movies
all the day
go sightseeing
I am going to have fun this weekends.On Saturday morning I’m going bike riding with my best friend.In the afternoon I’m going fishing with my father.I like fishing very much.And in the evening,I’m going to the movies with my family.We’re going to watch a comedy.I think it’s very interesting.Then on Sunday ,I am going sightseeing in our city all the day.Maybe it can help me know much about our city.And on Sunday evening I’m going to have a rest,
根据提示写一封60-80字的信.Tom 邀请Li Ping 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾.再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会.Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢.
Dear Tom,
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go but I can't.
My parents…
Dear Tom,
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go,but I can't.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming English exam.I'm very sorry but I can't go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time.
From Li Ping
请以“My best friend”为题写一篇介绍你的朋友的短文.短文要运用课文所学的有关句式,把你的朋友和你的长相(包括身高、头发、眼睛等)、体格(包括强壮强度等)、性格(开朗、文静等)、学习情况等方面进行比较.词数70左右.
My best friend
My best friend is Li Ming.We are in the same class..He is as old as me,but he is taller and stronger than me.Both of us have black eyes and black hair,but his hair is shorter than mine.Li Ming likes sports.He often exercises after school.He is more outgoing and more athletic than me.But I think I’m smarter than him.Most of my subjects are better than his.

哪一页?let me help you!

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