请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.4We went to wash

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:50:31
请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.4We went to wash
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请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.4We went to wash
请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊
1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.
2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.
3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.
4We went to wash our hands.
5I begged her not to tell anyone else.

请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.4We went to wash
第一句:形式主语是it,然后you can buy a person's friendship是真正的主语,是句子做主语,相当于it.谓语是is,宾语是having.然后这个句子简单说就是a person's friendship you can buy (主语)is not(谓语)worth having.
第二句 True friends是主语 have是谓语 hearts是宾语.beat as one是修饰宾语的,算是宾语的补足语,不能说是宾语的同位语.这句话就是:True friends(主语)have(谓语)【beat as one】hearts(宾语).
第三句 i是主语 feel 是谓语 betraed是宾语.my friend Jack是修饰宾语的,跟第二句相似.I (主语)feel(谓语) betrayed(宾语).
第四句 we是主语 went to是谓语,这个句子比较特殊,有两个宾语,wash是直接宾语,our hands是间接宾语.
第五句 与第四句相似 i是主语 beg是谓语 然后双宾语.分别是her与anyone else.

1.逗号前是一个常见的if引导的条件状语从句,假如你能买到一个人的友谊,当然主谓宾就是什么人做什么事---you----can buy---a person's friendship,can是情态动词跟动词原形一起作谓语;后一个分句it's not worth having,那这份友谊也不值得拥有,明显it就是代词指a person's friendship,整个分句是一个系表结构,sth be。...


1.逗号前是一个常见的if引导的条件状语从句,假如你能买到一个人的友谊,当然主谓宾就是什么人做什么事---you----can buy---a person's friendship,can是情态动词跟动词原形一起作谓语;后一个分句it's not worth having,那这份友谊也不值得拥有,明显it就是代词指a person's friendship,整个分句是一个系表结构,sth be。。。就是主语+系动词+修饰语,worth doing是一个常见的固定搭配值得做什么。
2.主谓宾True friends---have---hearts (that beat as one定语从句,修饰hearts,真正的朋友都有心,什么样的心,就像拥有同一颗心,同甘苦共命运啥的)真正的朋友是分甘同味的
3.系表结构主语i---系动词feel这也是个感官动词“感觉”修饰语 betrayed by my friend Jack被朋友jack背叛了。
4.主谓宾we---动词词组做谓语went to---wash our hands我们去洗手。
5..主谓宾i---动词beg请求乞求做谓语---直接宾语her---间接not to tell anyone else我请求她干什么,求她不要告诉他人。


第一句 it作为形式主语 is是谓语 表语是worth~~
第二句 True friends是主语 have是谓语 heart是宾语 that后是同位语
第三局 i是主语 feel betraed是谓语
第四局 we是主语 went to是谓语 hands是宾语
第五局 i是主语 beg是谓语 her是宾语



第一句 it作为形式主语 is是谓语 表语是worth~~
第二句 True friends是主语 have是谓语 heart是宾语 that后是同位语
第三局 i是主语 feel betraed是谓语
第四局 we是主语 went to是谓语 hands是宾语
第五局 i是主语 beg是谓语 her是宾语



请帮我划分句子结构,指出下列句子中那些是主语、谓语、宾语等 要准啊1If you can buy a person's friendship,it's not worth having.2 True friends have hearts that beat as one.3I feel betrayed by my friend Jack.4We went to wash 请指出下列句子中是主谓结构还是主谓宾结构The sun is rising. 请帮我造个结构为定主状谓定宾补的句子学习需要顺便划分一下结构 The bus comes here.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,划分句子成分. 给下列句子划分节奏帮帮帮我 请帮我检查下列句子中有没有错误, 请帮我划分一下这个句子的结构成分!he discriable it( as a agreeable situation).()部分是做什么成份? 请帮我划分一下这个句子的结构,I seem to hear someone knocking at the door. 如何划分句子结构 英语句子结构划分 请帮划分一下这个句子的句子结构,He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time.是英语书上的一句话,我有点不理解,请帮划分一下句 英语翻译请帮我翻译出句子含义,以及这个句子的句子结构. 指出下列句子中,省略号的作用 指出下列句子中不定式的句子成分 请帮我用句子成分层次划分的办法划分下面句子,他没有想到人们会记得今天是他的生日 You are simply being polite.句子结构是怎么样的?请帮我分析一下! 英语怎样划分句子结构? 句子结构一般怎么划分