求初中英语教案一份.是申请教师资格证试讲要的,湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:43:58
求初中英语教案一份.是申请教师资格证试讲要的,湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~
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求初中英语教案一份.是申请教师资格证试讲要的,湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~
湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~

求初中英语教案一份.是申请教师资格证试讲要的,湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~

GO for it! 七年级下
Unit 7 what does he look like?\x09
Period 1(Section A 1a, 1b, 1c)
1, knowledge aims:
(1) Vocabulary
hair, curly,straight, height, tall, medium, thin,he...


GO for it! 七年级下
Unit 7 what does he look like?\x09
Period 1(Section A 1a, 1b, 1c)
1, knowledge aims:
(1) Vocabulary
hair, curly,straight, height, tall, medium, thin,heavy,build ,like
(2) Sentences
What does he /she look like? — He’s/ she’s tall/short…
He / She has straight hair/ is of medium build…
2, ability aims:
Students can catch the main characters to describe appearance, and according to the description guess who is described.
3, emotional aims:
Through describe the appearance of students, teachers or the famous stars to express their own opinions.
Teaching Important points
(1), Master the new words
(2), Train students’ listening and speaking skills
Teaching difficult points
Use the sentence structures freely
Teaching Aids
Multimedia pictures doll tape
Teaching Procedure
Step One free talk ( 2minutes)
T: what day is it today? S: Today is Tuesday.
T: what’s the date today? S: Today is May 17th.
T: How are you? S: I’m fine. And you?
T: Fine.And how is the weather? S: It’s fine (sunny, rainy, windy…)
Step two Lead-in (3minutes)
Teacher can ask students some questions .If the weather is fine, what do you want to do? And if the weather is rainy, what do you do at home? Then let the students answer the questions freely. Then ask the other students do you like …? I like playing basketball, watching TV…Then ask one girl the question; “Do you have a doll at home?” The teacher takes out a doll. Then let the girl answer the question.
Step Three Presentation (18minutes)
(1), Ask one student to come here, in front of blackboard. Then ask one student: What does she look like? Let the student describe her, the teacher helps the student answer: she is tall. She is medium. She has long hair .Her hair is black. Next ask another student come here…do the similar activities. Then learn new words.(8miuntes)
(2), Divide the students into groups, four for a group. Then show pictures of some famous stars. Then ask the students some questions:
----Do you know who is he/she? ----Yes. / No.
---- What does he/she look like?
----She/he is tall and has long hair. (5minutes)
(3), Ask some students describe someone in the class,the others guess who he is describing. (5minutes)
Step four practice( 10minutes)
1.\x09Take out the picture, let students look at the picture and turn to page 41.
2.\x09Play the recording two times. Ask students to listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above on page 41. Finish 1b.Find out: whom is the conversation talking about?
3. Check the answers.
Step five Pair work (8minutes)
Look at the picture and ask the students to describe people in the picture by using the following conversation:
A: Is that your friend? B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
A: What does your friend look like?
B: She is of medium build, and ……/He is ……
A: What is he /she doing? B: He /She is ……
Step Six Summary (2minutes)
In this class we’ve mainly learned some words and use the sentence structures to describe people’s appearance.
Step seven Homework (2minutes)
(1), Read and memorize the words and the target language.
(2), Finish the exercise book.
(3), Collect pictures of persons cut from newspapers or magazines.
Blackboard design
Unit 7 what does he look like?
1. -- What does he/she look like?
Who is the best?
--She/he is tall and has long hair.
--What do you look like?
--I’m thin.
2. hair, curly,straight, height, tall, medium,
thin,heavy,build ,like
The design of this course makes students learn how to talk about appearance, how to identify different physical characteristics. Increase students' language practice; promote their active participation in the whole teaching activities.



求初中英语教案一份.是申请教师资格证试讲要的,湖北的.六月份试讲⊙ o ⊙ 形式不知道是说课还是讲课.我想至少得先准备一份教案吧.如果有面试经历也可以指导一下我⊙ o ⊙ 不甚感激~ 马上教师资格证试讲了,怎么写英语教案啊? 初中教师资格证的试讲难吗?我要试讲的是英语,要怎么准备呀 高中英语教师资格证面试环节 是要说课还是试讲 申请中学教师资格证英语试讲什么内容?高中课本还是初中课本/ 考教师资格证,试讲这块如何能过关,有没有什么技巧?假如说试讲初中数学的话. 我要申请教师资格证, 人教版英语说课稿最好是高中英语第二册的,教师资格证试讲急用! 国考教师资格证(初中语文)面试试讲范围是 我是浙江考区的, 上海教师资格证面试试讲有多少时间?我知道程序是试讲+回答问题.那想知道这个试讲有几分钟啊? 求一篇教师资格证面试初中七年级英语说课稿! 要考教师资格证的试讲了.初中英语的教案怎么写啊?试讲是英文的吗?初中英语,求教案怎么写.初中英语,真是不知道怎么准备.谢谢! 求一份初中数学的试讲材料,帮帮忙,谢谢大家 求初中英语教案 谢谢 小学英语说课要用全英文说吗考教师资格证,申请小学英语教师,说课要用全英文说吗?考教师资格证说课面对的不是学生,是那些专家老师。 江西教师资格证试讲中,英语的初中和高中试讲形式有什么不同(听说高中全英文),而且高中的难度是不是大麻烦最近几年有参加过的童鞋回答下,具体试讲的流程又是什么?要讲的内容是提前 谁知道武威教师资格证教学能力测试高中英语 试讲内容是整个一个单元 还是 reading部分还是什么 初中英语试讲,英文自我介绍!今天考教师资格证,试讲时有个自我介绍,希望大家能提供一个范本,对了是英文的哦.今年