问路 英文作文中学水平 60个单词就够啊!一定是问路的阿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:12:26
问路 英文作文中学水平 60个单词就够啊!一定是问路的阿
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问路 英文作文中学水平 60个单词就够啊!一定是问路的阿
问路 英文作文
中学水平 60个单词就够啊!

问路 英文作文中学水平 60个单词就够啊!一定是问路的阿
MARTIN:Excuse me.Where is the museum?
FEMALE 1:The Art Museum?Go straight ahead.Then turn right at the Post
MARTIN:The Post Office?
FEMALE 1:Yes.That big white building straight ahead.
MARTIN:I see.Thank you.
MARTIN:Excuse me,please.Where is the Art Museum?
MALE 1:The Art Museum?Sorry.I don't know.
MARTIN:Excuse me.Where is the Art Museum?
FEMALE 2:Hmmm.It's on the river.
MARTIN:Where is the river?
FEMALE 2:Over there.The museum is on Adams Street.No no.Maybe,it's
on Jefferson Street.I'm Sorry.I don't know the street.Ask in that
MARTIN:Thank you.
MARTIN:Good morning.
MALE 2:Good morning.
MARTIN:Where is the Art Museum?
MALE 2:It's on the river.
MARTIN:I know it's on the river.
MALE 2:Barbara,where is the Art Museum?
FEMALE 3:It's on Jefferson Street.
MARTIN:And where is Jefferson Street?
MALE 2:You really are lost!Come,I'll show you.
MARTIN:Thanks.I'm Martin Learner.I'm a reporter.I want to write about your
MALE 2:Oh,I see.Welcome.
MALE 2:OK.Go straight ahead.Go...one...two...three.Go three blocks.Then turn left.That's Jefferson Street.Then go to the river.
MARTIN:Thank you very much.
MALE 2:No problem.
MARTIN:Excuse me.Where is Jefferson Street?
FEMALE 2:This is Jefferson Street.
MARTIN:Wonderful!Where is the river?
FEMALE 2:Turn right.Then go straight ahead.You can't miss it.
MARTIN:Hello.I'm Martin Learner.
DIRECTOR:Good morning.
MARTIN:I'm a reporter for the Voice of America.
DIRECTOR:I'm Elizabeth Gonzalez.
MARTIN:I'm writing a story about museums in the United States.
DIRECTOR:How may I help you?
MARTIN:First,I want to see the museum.Then I want to ask some questions.What do you do?
DIRECTOR:I'm the director of the museum.
DIRECTOR:I direct all of the work in the museum.What do you want to see
MARTIN:I like to write about people.
DIRECTOR:Then you must see the American rooms.Come.I'll show you the
MARTIN:Thank you.Where are the American rooms?
DIRECTOR:First,go upstairs.Go straight ahead.Turn left in the second room.
MARTIN:Upstairs,straight ahead,turn left.
DIRECTOR:Yes.The American rooms are upstairs.
MARTIN:Excuse me.Are these the American rooms?
MALE 1:No.They are on the left.Look there.Do you see that door?
MALE 1:Go there.Turn left.Then go straight ahead.
FEMALE 1:Excuse me,please.Where are the Native American rooms?
MARTIN:I'm sorry.I don't know.Ask that man over there.
MALE 2:Hello.Where is the office?
MARTIN:Go downstairs.Then turn right.
MALE 2:Thanks.
Practice 3:我们常用“go”这个词来为别人指路,例如:
 go upstairs 去楼上
go downstairs 去楼下
MARTIN:Where are the American rooms?
DIRECTOR:Go upstairs.Then turn left.
MALE 2:Where is the office?
MARTIN:Go downstairs.Then turn right.

会话B 在艺术博物馆
马 丁:对不起,杰斐逊街在哪儿?
女 二:这就是杰斐街.
马 丁:太好了,河在哪儿?
女 二:向右拐.然后一直向前走,你一定能找到.
马 丁:
马 丁:我叫马丁·勒纳.
馆 长:早上好!
马 丁:我是“美国之音”的记者.
馆 长:我叫伊丽莎白·冈萨雷斯.
马 丁:我在写一篇有关美国的报道.
馆 长:我能帮什么忙吗?
马 丁:首先,我想看看博物馆.然后我想提些问题.你做什么工作?
馆 长:我是博物馆的馆长.
马 丁:很好.
馆 长:我主管博物馆的各项工作.你想先看什么?
马 丁:我想写人.
馆 长:那你必须去看看美国人展室.来,我给你指路.
马 丁:美国人展室在哪儿?
馆 长:首先上楼,向前走到第二个房间向左转.
马 丁:上楼,向前,向左拐.
馆 长:是的,美国人展室在楼上.
马 丁:对不起,这些是美国人展室吗?
男 一:不,在左边.看那儿,看见那个门了吗?
马 丁:是的.
男 一:往那边走,向左转,然后向前走.
女 一:对不起,请问美国土著人展室在哪?
马 丁:对不起,我不知道.问问那边那个男人.
男 二:办公室在哪儿?
马 丁:到楼下,然后向右拐.
男 二:
