找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:07:20
找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves
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找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves
In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves to current production, a measure of the long- term scarcity of oil (Figure 3.4, middle panel). Even so,future capacity will be built at a much higher cost than in the past, because of the sharply rising extraction costs in marginal fields, which have a substantial permanent component(Figure 3.4, bottom panel).Even relatively small downward revisions in the expected path of future supply expansion caused by increased pessimism can imply large increases in expected future prices, given the relatively low price elasticity of oil demand noted above.12 Such expectations of higher prices must be reflected in higher spot prices today. Otherwise, producers would have incentives to leave oil reserves in the ground, and traders would have incentives to accumulate inventories, which could be sold later at higher prices. It is for this reason that some observers have referred to recent oil price increases as an “expected supply shock,” that is, a response to tighter medium-term market conditions (see, for example, Clarida, 2007).

找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves

找翻译英文的高手(200分)在线等!In effect, the time-to-build lags noted above have lengthened, although the scope to eventually achieve such a buildup remains in place—as reflected in the broadly constant ratio of proven oil reserves 翻译英文 !高手进!翻译完的给追500分~!在线等!一篇文章 谢绝在线词典翻译!能帮我翻译的速度百度hi我~在线等~!内容是说鞋 装饰性比较强的女鞋套的 大概是 Referring to the drawings,10 in FIG.1 design 求英文高手帮我翻译下这段英文,电脑翻译的就不用了,我看不懂.在线等,谢谢大家没有分了,以后会补上的The pocket shall be provided for storing the instruction documents. It will be fastened in the control enclosure 找高手帮我翻印2句英文在线等老公你爱我么? 这是一句亲爱的我爱死你了! 就这2句请高手翻印成英文在线等`` 在线等,这张图里面的英文是什么意思啊?求高手!在线等,急~!多谢! 英文翻译问题,会英文的进来.高手帮帮忙翻译几个英文,Sort Ascending Sort Descending Alignment Align Left Align Center Align Rignt 高手帮帮忙,在线等急 谢谢 请高手翻译“荆州市先丰塑料制品有限公司”英文,急,在线等!谢谢! 谁能帮我翻译下面这段英文阿!不清楚找我啊,我在线等啊 烦恼的孩子用英文怎么翻译在线等 ,急 翻译狂奔的蜗牛为英文在线等 请高手帮忙翻译一句英文要翻译的中文为:福田区中康路73号中康创业园 在线等.谢谢 不到长城非好汉是什么意思?在线等!历史的东西也太难了,找个高手帮忙. 英语口语高手进请问你找我什么事用英语怎么说?在线等(急) 求很多版本的再别康桥的英文版(在线等)要求标上翻译作者 家电贸易有限公司英文怎么翻译在线等! in order to make an informed business decision with respect to entering to a business relationship求高手翻译下.要正式点的.谢谢,在线等.急 BY2的英文简介,还要翻译,在线等,追加分,快点啊1l的,第一段的翻译可以给我吗 在线等高手解答“我们的节日”的英文该怎么拼?