
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:05:21
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How To Regulate Your Emotion
Feeling feelings feels uncomfortable for a lot of people.The truth is that many of us grew up in families that somehow taught us that our feelings and the way we express those feelings are synonymous with each other.As a result we’ve learned to think of anger as explosive,hurt as crying,anxiety as attacks and shortness of breath and depression as staying in bed.However,our feelings and the way those feelings are expressed are not the same.In fact,we can experience anxiety without attacks,emotional pain without crying and anger without punching walls.
Feelings these feelings can be scary for a lot of people for a couple of reasons.First,many of us grew up in homes where we were taught or asked to control our emotions.Some familiar statements might be,“suck it and be a man,” “don’t get too excited,” “stop crying,” and “stop your whining!” And yet,what we discovered along the process of doing life is that shutting off emotional pain and tears is not as simple as making oneself stop.Over time,many of us have learned to mask and hide our truest emotions like disappointment,anger and sadness behind a “poker-face,” workaholism,intellectualization or spiritualization.Unable to control those feelings,many people punish themselves,become guilty or just choose to escape by numbing out.
Second,people who fear feeling feelings often times grow up in homes where feelings were explosive,chaotic and uncontrollable.Therefore,the only genuine frame of reference they have is that anger = yelling,cursing,violence or that depression = drug abuse,prescription medication addiction,emotional detachment or abandonment.
The way emotions were modeled for us as children by our parents has an influential power in dictating how likely we are to manage similar emotions as adults.
If you are willing to develop a greater level of confidence over your ability to regulate and reduce your emotions,then consider the following steps.
1.Honor your feelings.This simply means that you stop fighting your emotions and you simply accept them.
2.Attach meaning to your tears.Feelings are sometimes manifested through tears.When they show up,ask yourself,“what are my tears trying to tell me?”
3.Learn to label your emotions.Don’t settle for non-emotionally descriptive words like “good,” “alright” and “okay.” Instead develop an emotional vocabulary so that you are able to identify a variety of emotional experiences.
4.Learn to identify emotional intensity.When people don’t develop proper emotional awareness,they often find themselves going from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds.Have you ever met people who are content only to turn explosive in a matter of seconds after a simple comment?When you develop an ability to rank your emotional intensity on a scale of 0 to 10 or 0 to 100,you will be able to notice when your emotion is getting to dangerous levels.
5.Learn to self-care.Work with your therapist to develop appropriate grounding skills like setting boundaries,breathing exercises and distracting techniques that will enable you to stay safe and in control of your feelings even when they become too intense and hard to handle.
