
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:58:59
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1.\x05I must prepare for my examination this weekend.
2.\x05Despite the lack of fund,he still carries on his experiment.
3.\x05Jack finds it hard to finish this project.
4.\x05You need to read through this article once.
5.\x05During his college years,he tried to look for information in the library from time to time.
6.\x05He has never complained about working overtime.
7.\x05We were supposed to complete our homework before Friday.
8.\x05This medicine is good for treating colds.
9.\x05I think we’d better send for the police.
10.\x05My younger sister has taken my recorder apart,but she does not know how to
reassemble it.
11.\x05We need to adjust our marketing strategy according to the market competitions.
12.\x05Up to twenty people were killed in the air crash incident.
13.\x05I have told you all that I know about Mary,as for her husband,I know nothing at all.
14.\x05The whole world had immediately responded to the Asian financial crisis.
15.\x05This store expects to make some profits this year.
16.\x05This train is most likely to be late.
17.\x05So far,all the bills have yet to be paid (或settled).
18.\x05Once you have started a project,you should go through with it.
19.\x05John had a go at driving test for three times but without success.
20.\x05Shaw advises John against having something to do with her.
(Shaw suggests to John that he should have nothing to do with her).
21.\x05John decides to look for a job to support the family because both his parents are out of
22.\x05You will find that sometimes it is hard for you to be in control of your emotions (或 mood).
23.\x05We cannot rely entirely on this machine,it will go wrong sometimes.
24.\x05Their trade deficit in May stands at 30 million US Dollars.
25.\x05Entertainment does not cost much,but it is expensive in terms of the time wasted.
26.\x05This speech is quite similar to the one given by the US President earlier this year.
27.\x05Mary has to cope with working full time,as well as taking care of her child.
28.\x05Initially,the government had difficulty in persuading the people to leave this region.
29.\x05This new policy may lead to higher fuel prices.
30.\x05John looked at his son and smiled with relief.
31.\x05Zhangjian made history by being the first Chinese to swim from Britain to France.
32.\x05To the teacher’s disappointment,she had failed her examination.
33.\x05They simply exchanged a few words on the way to school.
34.\x05We are all looking forward to the coming winter holidays.
35.\x05Firstly,insert the key into the key hole and then turn clockwise.
36.\x05Many newspapers look to their subscribers as the main source of revenue.
37.\x05It’s really amazing to complete this project in such a short time.
38.\x05The United States plans to set up a space station along with fifteen other countries.
39.\x05Whenever he encounters a difficult problem,he always deals with it very well.
40.\x05Overproduction often leads to economic crisis.
41.\x05The taste of imported mutton is much inferior to local mutton.
42.\x05Security guards should protect the properties of the factory from damages.
43.\x05This weekend,skiing is out of the question for you.
44.\x05We will definitely come across many problems during the course of implementing the
plan,but we are determined to overcome them.
45.\x05The pickpocket was handed over to the police.
46.\x05In one way or another,they managed to reach the destination.

请高手帮忙翻译一些句子成英文 再线等~谢谢 小弟水平有限 请各位帮帮忙!!Please have a look at my application form(, although some information

1i should prepare for my exam this weekend .
2in spite of lacking money ,he cayied on his experiment.
3Jack found it hard to complete this project.

11 we need to adjust our marketing strategy according to market competition.

麻烦帮忙翻译下了啊!谢谢! 1.I must prepare for my examination. 请高手帮忙翻译一些句子成英文 再线等~谢谢 小弟水平有限 请各位帮帮忙!!

21、John decided to find a job to make a living,because his parents were out of work.
22\ You will find sometimes it's difficult to be in control of your emotion.
23\We cannot depend on this ma...


21、John decided to find a job to make a living,because his parents were out of work.
22\ You will find sometimes it's difficult to be in control of your emotion.
23\We cannot depend on this machine completely,because it will go wrong sometimes.
24\ The trade deficit of them in May had stood at 30,000,000 dollars.
25 Entertainment is low, but it is extremely expensive for wasting of time.
26 This speech is similar to the earlier one that the president of the United States made.
27 Marry had to raise a child coped with doing a full-time job.
28 At the beginning,the government had difficulty in persuding these people going away.
29 The new policy may lead to oil prices rise further.
30 George looked at his son, smiling with relief.


1.I must prepare for my examination.
2.He was carry on his experiment,although he was lacking of fund。
3.Jack found it hard to finish the project.
4.You need to read through the article.


1.I must prepare for my examination.
2.He was carry on his experiment,although he was lacking of fund。
3.Jack found it hard to finish the project.
4.You need to read through the article.
5.He found reference from time to time during his college.
6.He never complain about work overtime.
7We are supposed to finish our homework before friday.
8.the medicine is good for cold.
9.I think we be better send for the policeman.
10.My sister had been took her tape recorder apart,but she didn't how to put them back.


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