英语翻译听说您的妻子来到北京旅游我们非常的高兴,北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:47:10
英语翻译听说您的妻子来到北京旅游我们非常的高兴,北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会
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英语翻译听说您的妻子来到北京旅游我们非常的高兴,北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会
北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会去酒店拜访她.如果在北京有需要帮助的地方,请她随时联络我们!

英语翻译听说您的妻子来到北京旅游我们非常的高兴,北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会
Heard that your wife came to the Beijing Tourism We are very pleased
Beijing weather is good,it is a good tourist season,Thank you very much for your wife brought to us by the gifts,we will call tonight to contact her,if she will be a convenient time to visit her to the hotel.If Beijing is in need of help,please feel free to contact her!

we are very glad that you and your wife have come to beijing
the weather is good here and it is such a good season for travelling. meanwhile thank you very much for asking your wife to bring us the present. tonight, we will contact her if she is convenient. if you meet any inconveniences, do not hesitate to let us know!

We are very pleased when we heard that your wife will come to Beijing for travel.
The weather in Beijing is good now,it is a good season for people to travel.thank you very much that the present y...


We are very pleased when we heard that your wife will come to Beijing for travel.
The weather in Beijing is good now,it is a good season for people to travel.thank you very much that the present your wife sent to us, we will call her this evening,and we will pay a visit when she is free,It there is any help in Beijing ,pelase let me at any time is any needs.


We are very glad to hear that ur wife has come to Beijing for travel. The weather has been very nice recently, which is a really good season for travel. Thanks so much for the pres...


We are very glad to hear that ur wife has come to Beijing for travel. The weather has been very nice recently, which is a really good season for travel. Thanks so much for the presents that you've sent ur wife to give us. We will contact her tonight, and if she is available, we will pay a visit to her hotel. If she has any problems which need us to help, please let her contact as at anytime!


英语翻译听说您的妻子来到北京旅游我们非常的高兴,北京的天气现在很好,正是个旅游的好季节,非常感谢您委托您夫人带给我们的礼物,今晚我们会打电话联络她,如果在她方便的时候 我们会 我们上个月去北京旅游了.(英语翻译) 我们非常感谢您上周给予我们的帮助.英语翻译 英语翻译A:A,你去哪里啊?B:B,我去买飞机票,准备去北京旅游.A:噢,不错呀,我们的首o都.北o京有哪些游览胜地呀?B:听说第一次去北o京,必去的地方有长城,天安门,故宫等.听说这些风景区都挺 英语翻译:北京旅游名胜 “我们非常想念你”的英语翻译 英语翻译:“妻子”的复数形式 英语翻译非常欢迎您来到我们公司,希望我们工作合作愉快.1.我正在合适明天会发给您准确的消息.2.我会从10月份开始 发票/装箱单/提单整理好今天下午一起发给您.如有问题请及时联系我. 英语翻译非常感谢您将款项退给我们,我们的银行信息如下: 英语翻译再加个:欢迎来到我们学校. 李明去北京旅游的作文 关于北京旅游的作文 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这封信,是给外教老师的,翻译成英语,亲爱的老师谢谢你来到中国教我们英语,你对我们非常友好,而且我们都非常喜欢你,我知道星期六是圣诞节,所以提早祝你 英语翻译同上,翻译的可能不准确,听说歌手音色非常不错.. 英语翻译 他非常想念我们 英语翻译非常感谢您的建议,我们会在今后的工作中改进! 英语翻译非常抱歉让您等了这么长时间,我们最终给您的报价是: 如何用英语翻译“当困难真正来到的时候我们也不会紧张”?