______the band goes,they are recognized and followed by their crazy fans.A.No matter where B.No matter how C.Whatever D.However答案选什么,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:17:08
______the band goes,they are recognized and followed by their crazy fans.A.No matter where     B.No matter how     C.Whatever     D.However答案选什么,为什么?
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______the band goes,they are recognized and followed by their crazy fans.A.No matter where B.No matter how C.Whatever D.However答案选什么,为什么?
______the band goes,they are recognized and followed by their crazy fans.
A.No matter where B.No matter how C.Whatever D.However

______the band goes,they are recognized and followed by their crazy fans.A.No matter where B.No matter how C.Whatever D.However答案选什么,为什么?
此题选A 这个题很显然考的是让步状语从句 no matter +疑问词 或者是疑问词+ever 不过疑问词+ever可以引导两种从句 一种是让步状语从句一种是名词性从句 no matter +疑问词只能引导让步状语从句 在这个句子中显然是让步状语从句 那么就看疑问词选什么的问题了 我们都有这样的经验 就是说看到go 了 是不是应该加一个地点?只有go后面+去哪里 所以疑问词选where 综上 选A 无论乐队去哪里,他们都能被他们疯狂的粉丝认出


A.No matter where

应该选A.No matter where 代入法翻译无论乐队去哪,他们都能被疯狂的歌迷认出追随。B无论怎样,不可以 C,无论什么D.然而都不合适