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斯内普坚守的爱情是我没有想到的 所以爱情真的很神奇让人变得那么的坚定 义无反顾的爱着
  哈利 问妈妈爸爸 why r u here 妈妈说 never left 家人就是这样 从没停止过对你的爱 关心 即使你以为已经失去了他们

After thousands of pages of Harry Potter series, I have many feelings. It seems that I experienced Harry’s growth together with his friends.
But when I began to review these seven books, I find it difficult to describe my thoughts, and
there are only two words in my head: Love and Friendship.
First of all, the love from family plays an important role in the book. James and Lily’s love protected Harry when he was a baby, and saved him many times on his way to become a real wizard. When he asks them ‘Why you are here?”, they smile to him ”we ‘re never left”.
The love from Ron’s family offers a warm shelter for little Harry who has a poor childhood. Not only for Harry, the parents of Ron show love and affection, working hard to make sure that everyone in their family of eight is cared for emotionally. The best proof is Fred and George, Ron’s twins brothers who bring a lot of happiness to the dark world threatened by the Dark Lord.
What’s more, the Parents of Hermione, who are not magical either, support their daughter in her efforts. And when the time comes, out of her great love for them and desires to keep them safe, Hermione wipes their memories of her in order to protect them from evil.
We shouldn’t neglect the romantic love, either. Snape‘s love for Lily is the turning point of the whole story, it supports Snape to insist on acting as a spy in front of Lord Voldemort, to keep regardless of others’ misunderstand and doubts. Ron and Hermonie’s love leads them to forming a strong support for Harry in the last battle. Bill and Fleur’s story shows the true love can break all the boundaries, no matter how different are the appearance, the health, and the wealth.
When it comes to the second word, friendship, the first coming into my head is Harry, Ron and Hermonie’s friendship. They depend on each other, they help each other, they believe in each other, despite of some conflicts even ruptures, the three good friends never leave each other. If their friendship is in the light, the fidelity between James Potter, Lupin and Sirius is a hidden one. But we can notice its trace in many details from the third book until the end: It is Lupin who teaches Harry, son of his best friend, to appeal his Patronus. It is Sirius, who can survive many years in the chamber of Azkaban, that sacrifices himself for the simple idea to ensure Harry’s safety.
I also want to mention the death of Dobby, the house-elf with the big eyes like bulbs and big ears. Just for Harry’s normal attitude, treating him as same as others, Dobby takes Harry as his most important friend. Every time he got hurt, which must have relationship with Harry, but he never regrets or complains. On the contrary, he feels happy and proud when he can do Harry a favor, even at the last minute of his life.
There are still many things I want to show you about love and friendship in these books, but time limits. And I think the best way to feel this is to read it yourself. I believe that everyone having read it will learn a lot about the real love and friendship.

In the fourth, harry goblet of the first event is to and evil dragon break, moody's professor (counterfeit) give him two recommendations: the first: use their very good at that. Harry hear the proposa...


In the fourth, harry goblet of the first event is to and evil dragon break, moody's professor (counterfeit) give him two recommendations: the first: use their very good at that. Harry hear the proposal after blurt out: I have no good at!!!!! Later he think carefully, and still has a bit of embarrassment, that is their play quidditch, fly is good. The story the church we have to learn how to find their own advantages
Snape stick to love I did not think of so love really amazing people to be so firmly back in love with
Harry asked mom and dad why r u here said mother never left his family is so never stop love for you care about even if you think have lost them


英语翻译在第四本火焰杯里,哈利的第一个比赛项目是要与凶恶的火龙周旋,穆迪教授(冒牌的)给了他两条建议:第一条:利用自己的长项。哈利听到这个建议之后脱口而出:我没有长项 关于哈利波特与火焰杯书中的一个问题《哈利波特与火焰杯》中,第36章分道扬镳的最后几行中,原文如下:突然,传来一阵砰砰的敲打声,韦斯莱夫人和哈利赶忙分开了.赫敏站在窗户边,手里紧 哈利波特与火焰杯中...哈利波特与火焰杯中,为什么邓布利多得知伏地魔用了哈利的血后,眼睛里会闪出一丝欣喜的光?(《哈利波特与火焰杯》410页) 哈利波特与火焰杯 的英语 求哈利波特与火焰杯的读后感受 求哈利波特与火焰杯 英文版的. 杭州哪里有卖哈利波特与火焰杯的英文版的书或是在哪个网站订 《哈利波特与火焰杯》介绍 哈利波特与火焰杯书 哈利波特与火焰杯里那个芙蓉的英文名字怎么写?赫敏是Hermione哈里是Harry秋是Cho那芙蓉的名字咋写? 哈利波特与火焰杯的英文梗概100个单词左右,最好是英文原版的封面 急需《哈利波特与火焰杯》的读后感,大约200字到300字,不能超过350字! 哈利波特与火焰杯剧情介绍? 哈利波特与火焰杯英文影评 哈利波特与火焰杯详细介绍 哈利波特与火焰杯 英文台词 哈利波特与火焰杯里,那个在魁地奇世界杯赛上放出黑魔王标记的巴提的儿子不是被关进了阿兹卡班吗?那他是怎么出来的?越狱?他越狱这么大的事情怎么没在先知日报里报道?而且他老爸巴提-- 《小妇人人》《老人与海》《宽容》英文原著有多难?《小妇人》《老人与海》《宽容》(房龙)我正在看我的第一本英语原著《哈利波特与火焰杯》(原版790多页)感觉不难,除了前面部分