
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:57:35
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店员 :Good morning,sir.How can I help you ( 早安,先生...我可以为您效劳吗?)
顾客 :No,thanks.I am just browsing around.( 不用,我只是到处看看...)
顾客 :When do you have a big sale ( 你们什麼时候有大拍卖?)
店员 :Our store usually has a big sale in July and January.All the prices can go to 70% off.
( 我们店通常在七月和一月的时候有大拍卖,所有的商品都打三折.)
顾客 :What things are on special sale ( 哪些东西正在特价 )
店员 :Well,all jeans are buy one get the second 20% off.( 所有的牛仔裤都是第二件八折.)
顾客 :How much does the bag cost after the discount ( 这个袋子打折之后是多少钱?)
店员 :It's around 200 dollars.( 大约两百块.)
顾客 :It's too expensive.( 它太贵了.)
店员 :I think it fit you perfectly,you can take it.( 我认为它非常适合你,你可以买它.)
顾客 :Can you give me a special price ( 你可以给我一个特别的价钱吗 )
店员 :But,everything is really on special sale.( 但是,每样东西真的都有特别的折扣了.)
顾客 :Please.( 拜托.)
店员 :Ok.buy two get one free.( 好吧,那买二送一.)
顾客 :Oh...you are really a nice guy !I'll take it.( 喔!你真是个好人!我决定买了.)
店员 :Ah,that is music to my ears.( 哈,这真是令人悦耳的话.)
顾客 :Is the tax included ( 有含税吗 )
店员 :Yes,the tax is automatically added to the check.( 是的,所有的税都自动加算到帐单中了.)
顾客 :Do you accept credit cards ( 你们接受信用卡吗 )
店员 :Yes,we accept Visa,JBC and Master Cards.( 是的,我们接受Visa,JBC 和 Master Cards.)

A: Where are you going, Lily?
B: Dad, I’ve already told Mom. I’m going out tonight.
A: Whom with? You mean you’re going on a date?
C: Lily is eighteen years old. She’s not a baby. She...


A: Where are you going, Lily?
B: Dad, I’ve already told Mom. I’m going out tonight.
A: Whom with? You mean you’re going on a date?
C: Lily is eighteen years old. She’s not a baby. She always comes home early.
A: Oh, all right! But you mustn’t come home after ten.
B: Yes, Dad. Thank you, Mom.
C: That’s all right, dear. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!
