用英语怎么说:棒极了和令人失望的事儿 to rock & letdown (97)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 20:38:58
用英语怎么说:棒极了和令人失望的事儿 to rock & letdown (97)
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用英语怎么说:棒极了和令人失望的事儿 to rock & letdown (97)
用英语怎么说:棒极了和令人失望的事儿 to rock & letdown (97)

用英语怎么说:棒极了和令人失望的事儿 to rock & letdown (97)
Li Hua会学到两个常用语:to rock和letdown.
LL:You are sick and dizzy?What are you talking about?That rollercoaster rocks!I’m going to ride it again!
LL:No,no,I didn’t say that it rocked back and forth.To rock means to be great.If something or some experience is really fun or exciting,we say It rocks!
LL:That’s right,Li Hua.I’m sure you’ve heard this expression before.
LH:还真是,上星期我和同学到学校附近那家湖南餐馆吃饭.吃完饭,我同学说,That meal rocked!.我当时没听懂,所以没敢答腔,现在我可明白了,她呀是在夸那顿饭好吃呢!
LL:Yeah,she must have liked it.Everyone likes Hunan Garden.That restaurant rocks.
LL:Sure if someone tells you some good news,you might say,That rocks!
LL:Whoa,really?That’s great news.That rocks,Li Hua.You haven’t even graduated yet,and this private school already offered you a great job!******LH:哇,总算可以回家了,我真担心你会不会坐过山车坐上了瘾呢!
LL:Well,I liked the two rollercoaster rides,but the park itself was kind of a letdown.
LL:I said that the park is a letdown.A letdown is something that disappoints you.The park really wasn’t especially bad,but I was expecting it to be better.It was a real letdown.
LL:Well,It was too crowded.The lines in front of the rides were too long.
LL:Well,my History Professor is a real letdown.He’s a well-known expert in his area,but he’s not very good at giving lectures.
LL:I’m glad you remember that.My first trip to the Great Wall WAS truly a letdown.It was so crowded with tourists and souvenir peddlers.
今天李华从Larry那儿学到两个常用语.一个是rock,说something rocks,就相当于中文里的棒极了.李华学到的另一个常用语是letdown,意思是让人失望的事.