英语半命题作文:假日旅游宣传册中的一页1.An adjective followed by a place name.2.A discription that sounds inviting.3.Facilities you can find there,4.reasons why they are enjoyable for tourists.5,What is important not to miss.正文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:38:05
英语半命题作文:假日旅游宣传册中的一页1.An adjective followed by a place name.2.A discription that sounds inviting.3.Facilities you can find there,4.reasons why they are enjoyable for tourists.5,What is important not to miss.正文
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英语半命题作文:假日旅游宣传册中的一页1.An adjective followed by a place name.2.A discription that sounds inviting.3.Facilities you can find there,4.reasons why they are enjoyable for tourists.5,What is important not to miss.正文
1.An adjective followed by a place name.2.A discription that sounds inviting.
3.Facilities you can find there,4.reasons why they are enjoyable for tourists.
5,What is important not to miss.
正文:COME TO (1)_________
It's a very special place!
It's a place that(2)___________
In _________(place name),there are(3)____________that(4)___________
Don't miss the chance to(5)______________

英语半命题作文:假日旅游宣传册中的一页1.An adjective followed by a place name.2.A discription that sounds inviting.3.Facilities you can find there,4.reasons why they are enjoyable for tourists.5,What is important not to miss.正文
2) Many celebrities have repeatedly visited and called a "heaven on earth"!
3) endless stretches of secluded beaches of pearly white sands
4) give absolute privacy to you and your loved one
5) live like Adam and Eve, but with six-star luxuries!