狼的介绍 [英文的]包括狼的习性、生活在哪,等等.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:37:57
狼的介绍 [英文的]包括狼的习性、生活在哪,等等.
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狼的介绍 [英文的]包括狼的习性、生活在哪,等等.
狼的介绍 [英文的]

狼的介绍 [英文的]包括狼的习性、生活在哪,等等.
Introduction and General Description:
The gray wolf,Canus lupus,also know as the timber wolf or tundra wolf,is the largest wild canid in North America and has a ten to eighteen year life span.The coloration of the gray wolf is variable,ranging from black to white.Gray wolf coloration depends upon age and often mimics the color of the wolf’s surroundings.
Habitat and Range:
The primary habitats of the gray wolf include the open tundra and forests.Before European settlement wolves were common throughout Minnesota and most of North America.Due to a government mandated eradication of the gray wolf during the twentieth century,most wolves are found in Alaska,Canada,and Minnesota.Hunting,loss of wilderness,and settlement are causes for the decline in wolf population.Today,the total North American population is around 60,000 individuals.A 1994 estimate says Minnesota supports approximately 2,000 individuals.Wolves are continually expanding their range to the southwest.Despite this trend,Minnesota wolves have threatened species status.The gray wolf is a territorial animal.The home range is defended by all members of the pack and usually does not overlap with the ranges of neighboring packs,unless there is a food shortage.Territory size can range anywhere from eight square miles for a pack with abundant prey to five thousand square miles for a pack with little prey available.
Social Structure:
Gray wolves function in packs of two to twelve individuals; however the size of the pack oscillates with the number of prey available.Many of the pack members are related.An alpha male and female wolf govern the pack.The male and females are organized in a hierarchy of dominance based upon their power and aggression and the subordination by other pack members.Dominance behaviors include open mouth and bared teeth,ears erect and pointed forward,and hair raised along the back.There are other social ranks as well.An omega wolf is seen as the lowest wolf,and is often tormented by other pack members.Alpha wolves are the only wolves in the pack to breed and they mate for life.An average of seven pups are born in each litter.Other pack members often care for the pups while the alpha females hunts.Pups eat meat regurgitated by other pack members,including the alpha female,until they are old enough to hunt their own meat.
Hunting and Food:
Wolves hunt together in packs and their strategy is simply to outrun their prey and take it down as a group.Prey is located by following a fresh scent trail on the ground or in the air,or simply by a chance encounter.Wolves usually hunt prey larger than itself,such as,deer,elk,moose,caribou,bison and mountain sheep.But,they will also catch smaller prey including rabbits,beavers,fish,and smaller rodents.Although wolves can run approximately 30 miles per hour,biologists estimate that less than ten percent of wolf attacks on large animals are successful.Ideally,the wolf needs nearly two pounds of food per day to survive,however,during times of food scarcity,wolves have been found to go for more than two weeks without food.Minnesota's wolf population is highly dependent upon deer.It takes about twenty deer per year to keep an individual wolf healthy.
The gray wolf has a variety of methods to communicate their thoughts and emotions with members of their pack.Wolves use yelps,whines,growls,snarls and howling to communicate.It is a common misconception that wolves howl at the moon.Howling is an effective method for locating pack members and displaying excitement.However,wolves also extensively use facial expressions,body language,and tail position to communicate.Howling serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt,or it may be part of waking up in the morning.Scent markings are olfactory messages that demark a packs territory as well as breeding condition.
Gray wolves mate between January (low altitudes) and April (high altitudes) and following a gestation period of approximately 62 days,a litter of 2-11 pups are born.The pups are born in an underground den or a small cave and are completely dependent upon their mother for the first two months of life.Within six to eight weeks the pups are weaned from their mother.Young gray wolves reach sexual maturity by age one and often leave the pack by age two.They may live alone until they pair up and establish their own territory.The life expectancy of an average gray wolf is six to eight years,although some have been documented as living up to thirteen years in the wild and sixteen years in captivity.

There were once at least thirty different subspecies of wolf. Most have become extinct. About five subspecies survive today. In England, the last wolves were wiped out by about 1500, a few still live ...


There were once at least thirty different subspecies of wolf. Most have become extinct. About five subspecies survive today. In England, the last wolves were wiped out by about 1500, a few still live in eastern Europe, India, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Middle East. No one knows how many survive in Russia and China. Most wolves in North America are found in Alaska and Canada and hunters, from whom most of our knowledge of this shy creature comes from, say they are now almost impossible to find...


Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.