求1篇英语新闻如题 结尾要有自己感想的(英文).

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 14:03:09
求1篇英语新闻如题 结尾要有自己感想的(英文).
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求1篇英语新闻如题 结尾要有自己感想的(英文).

求1篇英语新闻如题 结尾要有自己感想的(英文).
奥巴马在首次访华之行中就以一个简单的动作赢得了人心──他自撑雨伞.On his first visit to China,Barack Obama has won hearts and minds with a simple gesture--by carrying his own umbrella.He had it clasped firmly in his left hand,a large black umbrella protecting him from a downpour as he stepped off Air Force One on arrival in Shanghai on Sunday evening.In a country where officials often have flunkeys to hold their umbrellas,the image of a U.S.president keeping his own head dry was poignant.Xinhua and other prominent Chinese media all captured the moment.'I felt unaccustomed to this--Obama holding the umbrella on his own,' said a commentator in the Wuhan-based Changjiang Daily.'There was nobody crowding round.The Chinese public puts up with a culture in which government officials have their umbrellas held for them.Officials enjoying themselves under an umbrella don't even think they are doing anything wrong.' 'Why don't we learn from the spirit of umbrella-holding by Obama?' asked a blogger called Nanshan Fangma.'The United States is not a heaven,nor is it a hell.At least there are some examples we can learn from at this stage.' The 'umbrella performance' of Chinese officials has long attracted criticism from the Chinese public,and invited unfavorable comparisons with official custom in the West.In one set of photos widely circulated on the Internet,a Chinese girl student is shown holding an umbrella for an official as he delivers a speech on Children's Day.Others show the U.K.Queen holding an umbrella aloft; former U.S.President George W.Bush and former Russia President Putin shielding their First Ladies; and Bush struggling with his umbrella on a windy day.'Being a government official in our country is truly awesome and glorious,' says an online commenter.To his credit,Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao bucks the umbrella trend in China.Wen,who cultivates a man-of-the-people image,often carries his own umbrella when he shows up to comfort victims of natural disasters.网易上的女性栏目宣布,雨伞问题已经成为评判一个男人品质的重要标准.该网站正在宣传一个专题,寻找“奥巴马式的真男人”.文章说,“奥巴马有责任心,他位高权重却不滥用权力,那一抹撑伞的风度令人倾倒.” The women's section of popular Web site netease.com has declared that the umbrella issue has become a vital standard in judging the character of a man.The site is promoting a feature that seeks 'A True Man of Obama Style.' It said,'Obama is a responsible person.He is in a high position but he doesn't abuse power.That little gesture of holding umbrella is very charming,' it said

求1篇英语新闻如题 结尾要有自己感想的(英文). 求东方时空观后感,3篇,字数不限,一定要有自己的感想,要写1.16日到现在的新闻中的 英语新闻作文200字,要有感想.最好是近期的新闻. 求最近发生的新闻评述500字要2010年的!500字左右!写的不要太烂!不要 全 抄报纸的!要有自己的感想! 时政新闻与感想我们的社会作业.600字左右的.要最近的时政新闻,还要有自己感想的.急. 四川感人事迹的作文快!要有开头 结尾,中间还要有点自己的评论或感想! 求一富含篇哲理的文章要有自己的感想 求篇时政演讲稿 5分钟左右的 要有自己的感想 跪求20篇新闻加感想,每篇200字20篇新闻,每篇都要有感想或者评论,加Q:604185149 名言警句 励志,要有自己的感想! 求今天的新闻播报一则,最好是江苏的,要有感想~明天上课用,越快越好~急 求一篇英语新闻摘要,要有原新闻出处. 求一篇高中作文,要学出自身感想有关刘备的简介事迹和自己的感想800字左右,要有事例和自己的感想 关于新闻的作文怎么写500字,要新闻内容和自己的感想 急求10条英语新闻!急求10条英语新闻啊!要有语文的翻译! 新闻概括,感想老师让我们自己根据新闻进行演讲,然后改过,在写感想.我选的新闻是“8:12 中俄海上联合军演‘起锚’”求高手帮我选一段(在2分钟内读完,不能少于1分钟),帮忙概括一下( 求4篇读书笔记不是读后感.要有好词好句感想的. 求一则最近发生的小新闻 要短 要有意义.且附带感想 政治课前老师教要说什么新闻播报.今晚回答 记住要短.附带感想啊~...不要想一楼这样的 ...膜拜...