酒店领位英语如题 我想知道酒店做领位需要知道的一些英语.最好详细一点.顺便告诉我一些服务员所会的英语.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 09:02:24
酒店领位英语如题 我想知道酒店做领位需要知道的一些英语.最好详细一点.顺便告诉我一些服务员所会的英语.
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酒店领位英语如题 我想知道酒店做领位需要知道的一些英语.最好详细一点.顺便告诉我一些服务员所会的英语.

酒店领位英语如题 我想知道酒店做领位需要知道的一些英语.最好详细一点.顺便告诉我一些服务员所会的英语.
Daily Service 日常服务 -(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门.) -May I come in?-我可以进来吗?-Come in,please.-请进.-Please don't come in.-请不要进来.-Just a moment(a minute),please.-请稍等一下.-I'm sorry to disturb you.May I clean the room,sir?-对不起打扰你了,我来打扫一下房间好吗?-All right.Come in,please.-好的,请进来.-Please clean it when I am out.-我马上要出去,请等一会儿打扫.-May I change the water of the thermos now?-我现在可以换水吗?-Yes,please.-请换吧.-Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon.Will you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups?-下午我有几位朋友来访,请给加些热水瓶和茶杯.-Well,we'll send tea into the room when the visitors come.-好,客人来访我们会端茶进来的.-By the way,is there any mail for me?-顺便一下,有我的邮件吗?-No.If there is,I'll give it to you in time.-没有.如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的.-Why did you come in without my permission?-你为什么没经我允许就进来了?-It's my negligence.I beg your pardon.-我疏忽了,请你原谅.-I come and make the bed.Shall I do it now or later?-我来做夜床,你看是现在做还是等会儿做?-Since you have come,you may do it now?-既然来了,现在就做吧.-Here's your clean laundry.you'd better check it.-衣服洗好了,请您过目.-I am collecting the fee of the long distance call.-我来收长途电话费.-This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.-这是补半天房金的帐单.-Here is a telegram for you.-这儿有一封你的电报.-Why is it unsealed?-它怎么被拆开了?-Because there is no name of the receiver on the envelope,therefore the clerk unsealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver.-因为电报封面没有收报人姓名,服务台为了查对姓名而拆开的.-Have you lost anything today,sir?-先生,你今天丢过什么东西吗?-Yes,a wallet.I'm looking for it now.-丢了一只皮夹子,我正在找呢.-What is there in the wallet?-皮夹子里有些什么?-My daughter's photo and some money.-有一张我女儿的照片,还有一些钱.-Look,is this wallet yours?-看,这只皮夹子是不是你的?-Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.-是我的,太感谢你了.-I want to borrow China Daily of these days.-我要看这几天的《中国日报》.-Please get some copise of China Pictorial for me.-请拿几份《中国日报》给我.-Please bring some chairs for me.-请拿几把椅子来.-Please get me some soap.-卫生间的肥皂要添了.-The slippers are wornout.Change them for me,please.-拖鞋坏了,请给换一双.-Get a hot-water bottle,please.-请拿一只热水瓶给我.-I feel a bit cold when I sleep.Please get me a blanket.-我睡得有点冷,请给我加一条毯子.-I need another pillow.-我需要加一只枕头.-All right,I'll get it for you right away.-好的,我就去拿.-Just a moment,I'll do it right now.-请稍等一下,我马上给你办好.-Excuse me.-对不起.-I am sorry.-很抱歉.-I beg your pardon.-请你原谅.-Pardon me for interrupting.-对不起打扰你们了.-Please excuse me for coming so late.-请原谅我来迟了.-I'm sorry I was so careless.-很抱歉我太粗心了 另外这个你也要知道 标准双人间(ST) 标准单人间(SK) 豪华双人间(DT) 豪华单人间(DK) 商务套房(JS)