A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:10:11
A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次
x)s+./PpQy zy .z@wټiG/o~鄞ZhxfMR>&PXBܧ6 JOoWjdG˹|cՋl}?Pٜ5/v*ѳ/.H̳:q.v_6t]3XG(9iԧ yvӝ

A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次
A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次

A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次
B.stone C.snow D.know
A stop 发短 "嗷"的音,上面三个读字母O的本身音.


B C D里面字母o都发它的本音
A里面字母o 发单元音

A.stop B.stone C.snow D.know画线部分发音不同的一次 有数据库 学生s(sno ,sname ,age ,sex) 成绩 sc(sno ,cno,grade) 课程 c(cno ,cname,teacher)下面说法正确的是( ).A、s中的sno是外码B、当修改s中的sno时,为了防止破坏参照完整性,sc中的sno可以采用置空值的策略 The bus ran into the huge stone ( ) the driver could stop it.A.after B.before C.since D.until 单项选择 My hometown has____bridge.A.a stone old fine B.an old stone fineMy hometown has____bridge.A.a stone old fine B.an old stone fine C.a fine old stone D.an old fine stone Under the big tree ____.A stands a stone table B a stone table standing C does a stone table stands D a stone table stood on the river there is ( )bridge.A:an old stone fine B:a stone old fine C:an old fine stone D:a fine old stone My hometown has _____bridge.A.a stone old fine B.an old stone fine C.a fine old stone D.an old fine stone(请说明理由) There is______bridge near my oid house A,a fine oid stone B,an old stone fine C,a stone old fine There was ______bridge in my hometown.A.an old fine stone B.an old stone fine C.a stone old fine D.a fine old stone形容词的顺序什么呀 要详细一点的 The bus hit the huge stone by the road heavily _____ he could stop itA after B since C before D until There is a beautiful stone bridge ______the river.A.into B.bove C.onD.over At__rough estimate this stone lion is 1.90 meters in__lengthA.a;the B./;the C./;/ D.a;/ There is ____ stone on the floor.A.a B.some C.any A表:sno sname 001 a 002 b 003 c B表; score 90 98 98 请问如何将B表的成绩直接加到A表上面 most of the bridges over the river are made of ___.A.stone B.the stone C.a stone D.the stones我觉得是D.可是答案是A.为什么? The heavy rain made the sports meeting___.A.stop B.to stop C.stopping D.stopped the heavy snowstorm made the moutain climbera______halfway.a stop b to stop c stopping d stopped you must be tired.why not{ }a rest?A.to stop to have B.to stop having C.stop to haveD.stop having