
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 19:50:23
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my experience..
Before I attend to the class of online media management, I do not have too much knowledge on it, I just know it should be related with the internet, that is all.
After I attent to this class, I start to know what is online media management, I start to touch blogger, start to learn it, start to know it. I found that it is very easy to create a homepage if you knew how to use blogger, you do not need to have any knowledge about html, if you know how to send a mail, I think you will be know how to use blogger. You just have to post a passage, after your passage is on ur blog, any people that visit to your blog can give you the comment about that passage.
After I know how to use blogger, I feel it is not enough, I hope to know some new things, I hope that my blog will be difference that others, so I go to search for some html code and put it inside my blog, my blog will play the music if you visited to my blog; the title of my blog can be move from right to left(marquee).
Day after day, I more like blog. I always post the passage into my blog. Sometimes, I will write my feeling story into my blog. I will also post some photos that I took with my best friends into blog.
Sometimes, after I argue with a best friend or lose in love, I will write a story or my feeling, this is my only way to show my feeling. After this semester, I think I will still keep to update my blog. After I graduated, I will post any passage to let my friends know what I am doing and how is me during that time.
My experience of learning English
From my middle school, I began to learn English . I like it, but at the same time, I afraid of it to. For the reason that it was a new thing to me, all along, I learn English hard, but I think at that time , I learn English only for the entrance of the examination.
Unto recently, I recognized that I learning English not only for the exam, but for improving my English level, such as the spoken English and the writing and the listening. So during my English leaning recently, I trained my writing and listening consciously and I also selected some English course. I did this only for the intent of increasing my English level.
All along, I always remember the English words, not only the GET-4 but also the GET-6, as well as the graduate entrance examination. But now I find that I can’t use English perfect. I think the primary reason is that I haven’t combine the English to the practice, so the most important thing I think is to use English more regular. Only do this that can help me improve my English effectively.

谁能帮忙找一篇《我的经历》英文演讲稿,时间在2分30秒左右 谁能帮帮我找一篇关于爱国主义的演讲稿!帮我找一篇关于爱国主义的演讲稿,最好字数在500以下, 帮忙找一篇雷锋精神的演讲稿,400字以上! 谁能告诉我一篇关于“和谐社会”的英文演讲稿? 找演讲稿我上初一了,想竞选班长,帮忙写一篇演讲稿提示:我站上这个舞台,我是靠胆量我要的是自己写的,能真正表达我的勇气和能力 谁能帮忙找一下力克(Nick Vujicic)之我和世界不一样的演讲稿?谢谢了 帮我找一篇英文短文(适合初中水平的)带翻译这篇短文是演讲用的 请帮忙找一下 帮忙找一篇关于低碳生活的演讲稿很快轮到我上台演讲了,我想演讲低碳生活,近300字为宜 帮忙找一篇英文演讲稿,题材不限,大约1分钟左右.(初二水平),好的话追分.兄弟们速度点啊,我后天就要了,好的追分,越短越好,演讲用,不用太长,好的追分啊 我在找一篇 演讲稿 祖国 我的母亲 大家帮忙找一篇关于母亲节的演讲稿,有精彩的我要多加分的 帮我找一下有关于人生的挫折、经历的演讲稿我们就要演讲人生的挫折经历、希望大家帮我找一下, 帮我找一篇关于初一英语自我介绍的演讲稿 找一篇祖国在我心中的演讲稿. 找一篇关于“安全在我心中”的演讲稿 谁能帮我找一篇以”勤俭节约”为题的演讲稿? 谁能帮忙贴下乔丹名人堂演讲的英文原稿 以《我的理想》写一篇演讲稿我的理想是当一个明星,谁能帮忙以这个写一篇《我的理想》的演讲稿,对不起,忘说明了,是要像成龙一样的电影明星~..